Food Business Magazines, Publications and Resources
Dairy Foods
Dairy Foods, as its name suggests, keeps abreast of all dairy news. This magazine deals with fun topics such as ice cream and health-focused topics such as organic yogurt and sustainable farming practices. There are web exclusives in the digital edition and a print offer packed full of insight. Columnists, industry reports, and supplier and processor news cover the full gamut of industry topics.
Food & Beverage Magazine
Food & Beverage Magazine operates from Las Vegas, but its reach is much broader. Paying attention to both drinks and eats — a wonderful combination — this publication talks desserts and starters as much as spirits and wine. It addresses the major trends in the F&B sector as well as stretching its reporting to include the hotel and restaurant industries, relevant books and the all-important awards section.
Food and Drink Technology
Food and Drink Technology is an editorially led magazine covering technical and business news, analysis, comment, interviews and product developments across Europe. It is published 10 times a year and enjoyed by more than 28,000 readers. Membership to the website is free and includes a weekly newsletter, but you need to pay if you want the full contents of the magazine.

Food Business News
The digital offering from Food Business News keeps readers sated with regular news and trending topics. For a more relaxed read, the print magazine offers insightful articles and in-depth features. A calendar of purchasing events and key industry dates will ensure you’re at the right event to take your business further. White papers, weekly newsletters and ample resources makes this publication a must for the industry.

Food Dive
With a section of the magazine dedicated to protein alone, Food Dive is a serious publication. It deals with hot topics and rigorous debate, such as the place of animal protein in a growing culture of plant-based diets. This is also the magazine to check out for industry news, jobs, and developments with brands and supermarkets.
Food Engineering Magazine
Maximizing your kitchen’s output, optimizing the supply chain and capitalizing on the Internet of Things are the types of key topics under discussion in Food Engineering Magazine. The print edition comes out once a month, and the digital version is equipped with multimedia packages to supplement it. Find out all the news of regulatory changes and packaging breakthroughs to stay up to date with industry news.

The Food Institute
The Food Institute’s goal is simple: Provide the most relevant news about the food industry from farm to fork. This publication provides multimedia packages to keep industry professionals up to date with important trends and news, including a weekly report. Membership is required.
Food Newsfeed
Spending even a little time on the Food Newsfeed is going to make you hungry. The beautiful, mouthwatering photography is the culprit here, but if you can tie a knot in your cravings, there is plenty of information to glean.
Besides tackling news and trends across the food and beverage markets, this is the blog to give industry professionals tips on operational procedures for the front of house, kitchen and the admin channels in between. There’s a great blog, too, with bite-sized chunks to sink your teeth into.
Food Quality & Safety
Food Quality & Safety has a farm-to-fork focus. The magazine has close to 25 years of editorial experience and has committed its pages and bandwidth to safety, hygiene, and quality. It covers laboratory breakthroughs as well as pest control, distribution issues, and important testing of products and ingredients.
This is vital reading for decision-makers in food manufacturing, service and retail, and regulatory and research institutions. It provides them with a keen insight into the evolution of technology and philosophies in this important industry.
Food Safety Magazine
Illnesses tearing through livestock or crops and contamination in the supply chain don’t make for light-hearted reading. The Food Safety Magazine, however, provides vital information and discussions about these pressing topics. It publishes comprehensive studies about the health consequences of particular ingredients and food types, as well as addressing important issues concerning sanitation and regulation. With six editions in the year, this publication is packed with information.
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