How long should it take to create a business plan?

Posted by Damian Roberti on

How long should it take to create a business plan?



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How long should it take to create a business plan

The planning was well worth it. According to the findings of our study, which we discussed in an earlier article that we penned for the Harvard Business Review, business owners that draft out formal business plans have a greater chance of achieving financial success.





How long should it take to create a business plan

However, despite the fact that this may inspire some would-be business owners to make writing a business plan their first order of business, the results of our subsequent study indicate that this is not a good idea. It is in your best interest to hold off, not spend an excessive amount of time creating the plan, and, most importantly, ensure that the strategy is compatible with various other essential activities for starting a business.

Because it provides responses to fundamental concerns such as "Where are we now?", "Where do we want to go?", and "How are we going to get there?", developing a business plan for a startup first appears to be a good idea. Writing a plan appears to initially schedule actions and enhance the link between actions and performance for the new company.



How long should it take to create a business plan

This is accomplished by detailing how to coordinate complex interdependencies such as customers, competitors, operations, logistics, marketing, and sales. In addition, we have discussed how important it is to plan ahead. In our earlier study, we looked at over a thousand new enterprises and divided them into two categories: those that planned and those that didn't plan. We made the discovery that business owners who plan ahead have a greater chance of launching a company that will be profitable.



However, the actual secret to being successful in business is to maintain a flexible mindset and seize chances whenever they present themselves. When it becomes apparent that the company's original consumer is not the ideal customer or when it turns out that the company's product or service fits better in a different market, business owners frequently find themselves in the position of having to shift the focus of their company.



How long should it take to create a business plan

How long should it take to create a business plan

Due to the aforementioned reasons, business plans that are drafted at the beginning of the process wind up being nothing more than a story. In addition, developing a strategy requires time, which is time that could have been spent investigating potential opportunities. Another threat lurks. An entrepreneur may develop a false sense of security from having a strategy, which prevents them from perceiving the genuine opportunity rather than the opportunity they believe to be present.



Then, making use of this representative statistics, we constructed a timeline depicting the attempts made by the business owners over the course of six years to launch a company that would be profitable (2005-2011). As we followed these entrepreneurs over time, we were very careful in our analysis to take into account the entrepreneur's background and startup conditions like a founder's education and previous experience. This was because we knew from our previous research that these factors affect the chances of success.




How long should it take to create a business plan

We utilized a well-known statistical approach to categorize the prospective business owners into two distinct groups: those who planned their venture and those who did not plan their venture. Because of this, we were able to create "statistical twins," which are pairs of firms that are comparable to one another in a variety of ways, with the exception that one of the startups has a planner while the other does not. Therefore, we were successful in determining how the time of the creation of a business plan influences the viability of a company. How long should it take to create a business plan

We found that the most successful business owners waited anywhere from six to twelve months before writing their business plans, on average. This was after they made the decision to start a firm.


How long should it take to create a business plan

Putting together a business strategy within this window of opportunity increased the likelihood of the company's success by 8%. It turns out, however, that it did not make a difference for your future success whether you wrote one early on or later on.


Following that, we discussed how long it should take founders to develop a business strategy. We concluded that the most effective length of time to spend working on the plan was three months. Because of this, the likelihood that the company would be successful increased by 12%. It would have been a waste of money to spend much more, mostly due to the fact that the information that was utilized to formulate the strategy would have gone out of date.



How long should it take to create a business plan

Even if you just utilized the plan for a couple of months, it was still a poor choice on your part. The entrepreneur would have been better off not creating a strategy at all if they had been forced to pick between writing a plan soon or not writing a plan at all.

Our investigation revealed that the manner in which the plan is formulated actually does make a difference. There was no significant improvement in the likelihood of beginning a firm that would go on to be successful as a result of taking early measures such writing up a plan, determining the market, and collecting information about rivals. It was also unnecessary for the entrepreneur to write a plan if they had already hired personnel or acquired money from outside sources before writing the plan.



How long should it take to create a business plan

In point of fact, entrepreneurs who try to make their firm successful while simultaneously writing a strategy have a lower likelihood of success than they would have had they not written a plan at all.



How long should it take to create a business plan

When an entrepreneur is talking to clients, getting their product ready for the market, and thinking about how they will promote and advertise their firm, we discovered that this was the optimum time for them to draft a plan for their business. The likelihood of a new business being successful increases by 27% when these measures are taken in addition to having a written plan.



Nevertheless, this shouldn't detract from how essential it is to put in the effort to craft a solid strategy ahead of time. In order for a business plan to be effective, it must describe the opportunity that will be exploited, the clients that will be served, the reasons why existing competitors should be concerned, as well as how the company will operate and generate revenue.



How long should it take to create a business plan
In contrast, the novel aspect of our research is that it demonstrates the significance of timing. When advising business owners, we always stress the need of not starting the planning process too early, not devoting an excessive amount of time to it, and performing other activities that contribute to the growth of the company at the same time.


How long should it take to create a business plan

This is sound advice not only for those starting their own businesses, but also for managers working in larger organizations that are expanding and need to plan in circumstances where there is either a paucity of information or where the surrounding environment is fraught with a great deal of unpredictability.