Marketing Food Online Youtube Channel For Food Businesses — Can I sell food out of my house Montana

Can I sell food out of my house Montana?

Posted by Damian Roberti on

Can I sell food out of my house Montana?


Montana passed its first cottage food law in 2015. The Montana Local Food Choice Act was signed into law in 2021. This "food freedom" rule prohibits government entities from regulating a producer. There is no cap on the amount of food that can be sold. There are four primary requirements that must be met to sell food goods that have been homemade.

It is the seller's responsibility to make sure the customer is aware that the product was created and is not regulated. Food goods can only be consumed in the home or at a "typical community social occasion," such as a wedding, burial, church gathering, school function or potluck. You might be permitted to sell your items under Montana's cottage food law if they would be consumed somewhere other than those venues or in a food service establishment. You are allowed to sell any kind of food, even perishable food, with the following exceptions:. Fruit that has been coated with chocolate confections enrobed in chocolate.

The snack foods. crackers and pretzels. Fruit tanned in leather. Kettle vered fruit. Choc Kernels and nut foods.

Popcorn Chips made from vegetables. You cannot sell products that have not been licensed, permitted, certified, packaged, or labeled in accordance with any government standards. How should items involving cottage food be labelled?

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