Marketing Food Online Youtube Channel For Food Businesses — Do I need a license to sell food from my home in Michigan
Do I need a license to sell food from my home in Michigan,
Posted by Damian Roberti on
Do you need a license or permit to sell food from home in Michigan
You absolutely do not. Get yourself a business license, even though it's not needed, and get an LLC, creating a limited liability company. You can get a food business insurance policy for your home-based food business. So let me go through a list, and then, by the way, I'll have a link to the Michigan State website to even give you more resources.
You can do those, dry soup mixes, dehydrated vegetables and fruits, cotton candies, popcorn, coated and uncoated nuts. And I'll of course I'll have the list down below to show you more information about where you can go to the Michigan State website. Caramel apples, hummus, garlic and oil, ice products, confections that contain alcohol of any kind, or truffles. If you're a cottage food operator, you have to deliver it directly to the person buying it and transacting it, okay? You can't ship it over state lines, or restaurants and retail stores and wholesale.
The sales limit is $25,000 a year in Michigan, but they are looking again, this year, part of the bill is gonna raise it to over $100,000. When you start a cottage food law in Michigan, you cannot use like a PO Box, or your neighbor's house. You can't rent out a commercial kitchen and say you made it at home. If you're on a private well of some kind, you will have to have that well tested before they even allow you to do this. They also require a statement that the product was made in a commercial kitchen that does not get inspected by the state. Michigan's updated laws for 2022 include increasing the sales amount to over $100,000, and expanding online sales and shipping.