Marketing Food Online Youtube Channel For Food Businesses — Do you need a license to sell food in Delaware

Do you need a license to sell food in Delaware

Posted by Damian Roberti on

Do you need a license to sell food in Delaware

Over the course of more than a decade, the Delaware cottage food law was unavailable to anybody but farmers. The maximum amount that can be sold is $25,000, and only direct (person-to-person) transactions are permitted. There have been significant expansions made to the cottage food regulation in recent years, but it is still regulated in many different ways. Some kinds of food that would need to be checked in a laboratory may not be allowed to be sold on the market. Foods That Cannot Be Consumed Some categories of food items are required to pass inspection in a laboratory before being given the go-ahead to be sold.

The vast majority of foods that do not require refrigeration are not thought to pose a significant health risk. There are other restrictions, but only those listed above have been verified. To start a food business from your home kitchen, you will need to register and fill out an application. Education Regarding Food Safety If you have a private water supply, you are responsible for having it tested to ensure that it is safe to drink. You are required to keep records for manufacturing as well as sales, and you have at least three years to keep these documents. If food was prepared in a home kitchen, it was NOT submitted to routine food safety inspections.

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