What are good names for podcast?
What are good names for podcast
Ideas for podcast titles
Starting a podcast involves numerous steps, from choosing a topic to actually recording your first episode. However, take your time picking a name for your podcast because it determines the tone of the program.
Check out some of our favorite real-world podcast titles for inspiration. They represent a range of markets, subgenres, and audience sizes. No matter if they are a word play, a pun, or a typo, these names have a meaning.
fun podcast titles
This collection of podcast names comes with a unique twist because some of the words that make up some of them don't typically go together. What are good names for podcast
witty podcast titles
According to a study, people recall humorous commercials 17% better than those that aren't. Even if your podcast isn't a commercial, having a catchy name might still help people remember you.

What are good names for podcast
Inventive podcast names
Whether they were hilarious or unexpected, these podcast titles that were innovative got our attention.
Inventive podcast titles
Puns and other wordplay are used in these podcast titles to make them humorous.
podcasts with intriguing titles
If a podcast's name is simple to recall, we consider it to be "catchy."
different podcast titles
Can a podcast name these days be original? Perhaps, like these peculiar things:
What are good names for podcast
witty podcast titles
Why not let your podcast's name convey that it should be enjoyable to listen to?
top podcasting titles
These podcasts' titles, in our opinion, were a fantastic mashup of several naming components.
You received names for podcasts.
You're looking for names that you can claim. We put in the effort and came up with fresh titles for the most well-liked podcast subgenres.
What are good names for podcast
Step-by-step names of sports podcasts
Do you maintain a points log?
Wins are wins, regardless of the circumstances.
Take each day as it comes (Boxing Podcast)
Who Dropped the Ball?
Names of true crime podcasts
What a wonderful show!
A strange, ominous podcast
Podcast Spooky-Doo
For the night, you'll require a light (True Crime Podcast)
frightening and intriguing
What are good names for podcast
Names of news and political podcasts
How is life treating you lately?
Let's Engage in Politics
Recent News by [name]
News Stories Alone
What is a podcast known as?
Utilize these suggestions to cut down your options and select a name for your podcast.
Keep it short and sweet; your name should be simple to pronounce, spell, and remember. Many fantastic podcast titles are composed of two to four simple, short words.
What are good names for podcast
Use a name generator to come up with a moniker for your podcast. Name generators are free, quick, and simple to use. The AI-powered tool will provide you with a lengthy list of names to get you started after you enter a few keywords associated with your podcast theme.
What is a podcast known as? An illustration of a podcast name generator
3. Keep your audience in mind. Consider your audience's speech patterns and possible podcast monikers. What are they trying to find out? These podcasts aim to uplift their listeners through motivation.
4. Provide some context: Your podcast's name should indicate the subject matter. Consider the program How I Built It. This demonstrates how several businesses were founded by their founders.

Be yourself and let them know it: Don't be hesitant to incorporate some of yourself into your podcast name; it should be distinctive to you. Your name should reflect how eccentric or feisty you are.
Optimize for search: People frequently find podcasts by looking up relevant keywords. In order to increase the likelihood that these searches will return results for you, add some targeted keywords to your name. To determine the most popular keywords in your niche, utilize Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs.
Utilize your network to gather opinions. Find out which of your potential podcast names your friends, family, and colleagues like the most. You can find out if the podcast's title intrigues those who are unfamiliar with your subject. Utilize polls on LinkedIn or Instagram to allow users to vote on the best name.
Picture of a LinkedIn poll used to choose the best podcast titles
8. Make emotional appeals to people. Create a name for your podcast that evokes a specific emotion in listeners. Will your true crime tales frighten folks or will they make them laugh till they pass out? Give folks a preview of the future.
What are good names for podcast
9. Avoid boxing yourself in: Make sure the name of your podcast leaves room for expansion. For instance, the name of a business podcast, "Stock Market Genius," suggests that it primarily discusses the stock market. Select a more general term if one day you want to talk about business advice.
10. Make puns and play on words. The best podcast titles are entertaining or humorous. Make a name that is humorous and simple to remember by using puns, well-known sayings, or wordplay.
11. Examine the opposition. Examine the current state of podcasting to weed out duplications from your list of potential names and generate more suggestions. Use a certain naming style or procedure if you prefer it.

12. List every name you can think of for your podcast. When you're brainstorming, make a note of the names you like. The list will be useful when conducting polls or determining whether a name has already been taken.
13. Clearly state the name of your podcast. Too frequently, a statement sounds strange when spoken aloud despite seeming fantastic on paper. Check to check if it sounds good by saying the name of your podcast aloud. Since you'll be using it frequently in statements like "Hello, I'm [name] and I'm the host of [podcast name]," it's important to get it right.
14. Make it grammar and spelling friendly by avoiding often misspelled words. They may prevent your program from appearing in podcast directories or search results. Some individuals are unable to distinguish between "your" and "you're" as well as "their" and "they're." Additionally, avoid using special characters because they need more time to enter.
What are good names for podcast
15. Verify that it is accessible. To make sure the name isn't being used for a podcast already, check social media, podcast directories, and search engines. It would be unfortunate if you couldn't advertise your episodes on Facebook or Twitter using the same podcast name.
16. Verify that you enjoy it. It should make you want to shout it from the roofs with joy. Take your time picking a name since podcasting requires commitment and passion. What are good names for podcast