Want to be a part of our Business Directory? Listed on our website and promoted through ALL our Youtube videos. We have partnered with companies that can benefit our Youtube Subscribers and social media followers. Our Subscribers are new to the world of food business, and food product development so we created a list of businesses related to their needs ( your future customer). What kind of food businesses NEED to be listed?
If you are a Food Packaging company, Logo designers, Food brokers, Food distributor, Commercial kitchen, Food Ingredients, Nutritional Analysis companies, Food Truck Equipment, Food truck Builders, and Any Business Related to building a food business, or product from the ground up!
Once you have joined our list each youtube video starting Feb 2020 and on will have a direct link to this listing and mentioned in each video. Below each video, there is a link in the description directly to this list. So every viewer and a new subscriber will have access directly to this directory. Also, All our social media is posted with this link to this page! Our average monthly viewership, and followers is 120,000 to 200,000.
You can get 3 types of listings: Here is how it works.
Basic Listing yearly. $199.99
Gets a basic listing on the page including website name, phone, name of the business, and email.
Advanced listing yearly. $225.99
Gets all the above and "external link" of the website. This gives the customer the ability to "click" on your site from this page and go to your site.
Premium Listing yearly. $349.99
Website Design Services : https://bit.ly/35XnxK4
Food Business Books: https://bit.ly/3kP5oV3
Commercial Food Products: https://bit.ly/325gNsg
Nutritional Labels: https://bit.ly/343tTaZ
Social Media Help https://bit.ly/3k3aRqX
Mobile Food Business: https://bit.ly/2TMo4J6
FREE VIDEOS: https://bit.ly/2HMSx7z
Catering Business: https://bit.ly/35VBGY7
Food Truck Business: https://bit.ly/3kPGYuD
Spice Business: https://bit.ly/34TBR7b
Co Packers: https://bit.ly/381TjIv
Food Business Consulting: https://bit.ly/3kQOZzn