Want to reach nearly 30,000 kids with your toy?
How about partnering with D and M toy club. We are a Youtube channel for families creating original, fun, and educational videos for children! We are Mom, Dad, and son.
We love construction, building, numbers, letters, and much more. We have nearly 30,000 subscribers and growing. We also have over 11 MILLION VIEWS.
Your video also gets sent to all our social media platforms. This includes Pinterest where your video will have a direct link to YOUR site. We average 50-100,000 monthly viewers!
So you not only getting Youtube but also getting social media, and lastly, your video is up permanently! So all new subscribers and viewers will constantly see your toy product.
Once you place your order your video will be made and uploaded within 5-7 business days, and will have a DIRECT LINK in the description to your product!
If you have more than one toy no problem we charge $285.00 per toy and include all the above features!
We can't guarantee sales of your product but we will make videos that will show off your toys and get you clicks!