The Gold Standard: Giving Your Customers What They Didn't Know They Wanted
This crucial guide was written by Colin Cowie, a renowned provider of amazing "wow" events for some of the most demanding customers in the globe. In it, you will learn how to nurture some of the most incredible customer experiences on the face of the planet.
You've come to the right place if you've been looking for strategies to ensure that when consumers leave your establishment, they do so with a happy expression on their faces and the intention of coming back. The strategies and tools presented in this book are easily adaptable to any type of commercial enterprise.
Colin Cowie, one of the most sought-after event planners in the world, delivers the hard-won and no-nonsense wisdom he has learnt over the course of his career through the use of funny and engaging anecdotes and examples. He provides the readers with the incontestable blueprint for developing a culture of providing excellent customer service, which anyone can adapt to meet their specific requirements, regardless of whether you run a store, are in charge of marketing for a corporation, or are just starting out as an event planner.
The Gold Standard: Giving Your Customers What They Didn't Know They Wanted
Colin built his highly successful catering and event-planning business from the ground up after moving to the United States from South Africa with only 0 in his pocket. He is now the event planner for some of the most well-known and well-respected personalities and tastemakers in the world, such as Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Lopez, Ryan Seacrest, and Kim Kardashian, to name a few.
In this book, you will learn how to:
Acquire the skills necessary to create your own vision and mission statements, as well as your own guiding principles, and discover how to effectively convey these to your team.
Learn how to bring your mission statement and vision statement into alignment.
Find out the fundamental principles that guide Colin's approach to providing excellent customer service, such as service and accountability, and find out how you can use those principles in your own company.
The Gold Standard: Giving Your Customers What They Didn't Know They Wanted
You now have a deeper comprehension of how critical it is to take excellent care of the individuals who work for you so that they, in turn, can take care of your clients or customers.
Get yourself empowered so you can inspire and motivate the people on your team.
You will be guided through the process of creating your own "bible" of scripts, rules, and procedures that will streamline customer-service situations while making every customer feel as though their specific wishes are being taken care of.
Find out how to turn each and every complaint into an opportunity, as well as the reasons why you should be more concerned about a customer who does not complain when anything goes wrong as opposed to one who does complain.
More Food truck Resources:
Incorporate Your Food Truck online in 10 Minutes: https://bit.ly/2Ku30Go
JUST RELEASED THE ULTIMATE FOOD TRUCK GUIDE OVER 20 PAGES OF RESOURCES TO SPEED UP YOUR FOOD TRUCK PROCESS! https://marketingfoodonline.com/products/ultimate-food-truck-starter-guide-2022
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FOOD TRUCK BUSINES PLAN: https://bit.ly/3hU9Rps
Best Food Truck Books: https://amzn.to/3HbW7kw
Food Truck Wrap design: https://bit.ly/3Hg35oF
Food truck logo: https://bit.ly/341WnEw
Food Truck menu Design: https://bit.ly/3JnAIXC
Food Truck Books For Start UPS!!: https://amzn.to/3pvYo4c
Food Truck Equipment: https://amzn.to/3esMgdQ
Food Truck Marketing: https://bit.ly/3yZOZou
Food Truck Business Plan: https://bit.ly/3JnFPa4
Incorporate your Food Truck Business: https://bit.ly/3hAsnUw
FREE Incorporate Food Truck PLUS state FEES!!: https://bit.ly/2Ku30Go
FOOD TRUCK RESOUCRES: https://marketingfoodonline.com/collections/food-truck-business-resources
FOOD TRUCK PODCAST LISTEN ON THE GO: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/47006021
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