The Small Business Bible: Everything You Need to Know to Succeed in Your Small Business
An updated third edition of the most comprehensive guide tosmall business success
Whether you're a novice entrepreneur or a seasoned pro, TheSmall Business Bible offers you everything you need to know tobuild and grow your dream business. It shows you what really works(and what doesn't!) and includes scores of tips, insiderinformation, stories, and proven secrets of success. Even if you'verun your own business for years, this handy guide keeps you up todate on the latest business and tech trends. This ThirdEdition includes entirely new chapters devoted to social media,mobility and apps, and new trends in online discounting and groupbuying that are vital to small business owners everywhere.
New chapters include:
- How to use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media tools toengage customers and potential stakeholders
- How to generate leads and win strategic partnerships withLinkedIn
- How to employ videos and YouTube to further your brand
- What you need to know about Groupon and group discountbuying
- What mobile marketing can do for your business
Give your small business its best shot by understanding the bestand latest small business strategies, especially in the transformative and volatile period. The Small Business Bibleoffers every bit of information you'll need to know to succeed.