All right. If you are looking to create a food product or open a food business, I'm going to give you eight services that you can actually freelance out and have someone do it for you and help you get your food product on the market shelves faster and with less stress. And I'm going to go over those eight services right now.
Need to incorporate your Food Business?
We bring you tips, information and everything. You need to get your food business up and running. If you're going to start a food truck, we've got videos on that. If you want to get a product into retail store shelves, we will show you what you need to have on your packaging and give you tips and tricks to get you up and running. As soon as possible. I am a food entrepreneur for now for over a dozen years, 12 years, we've actually been online. We've been selling our food products. We have six stores on e-commerce. We are a hundred percent online and we are ready to get going. Let's get into these eight different services.
Want to learn more about these services
Click on the logo to see what Fiverr can do for your Food Business!
So what does that mean, Damien? What did the eight services? If you have an idea for a food product, you're going to need to have packaging, obviously, right? You're gonna need to have a logo. If you're gonna start a business, a food business, you need to have a business plan. Okay. And if you're not familiar with branding and what that means and how that can really benefit your PR your product, we can also dive into that as well. I'm gonna explain a little bit about these eight services and they're actually on fiber Now I personally can tell you from my own experience, I've used Fiverr for a little bit over a dozen times. I think about 13 times now we've used them mainly from logo design and a few other marketing purposes. Um, and I've had a great experience on them. There are some people who have mixed reviews, um, all of the experiences that I've had within the past 12 or so times have been fantastic.
Here are the services to help find them faster !
1.) Logo design :
2.) Package Design :
3.) Ecommerce Help:
4.) food business plan :
5.) Food Branding :
6.) food website name:
7.) Food Product Research:
8.) Food Website Builder:
9.) Incorporate your Business:
10.) Food Logo:
11.) Ink for food labels :

I don't have any complaints about them. So I was sitting down thinking to myself, I had a handful of questions about, uh, logo design, and even package design the product designed for your food products. So I realized that fiber has a lot of talented freelancers who can help you along the way, help you get to a finalized product or get your food business up and running. Um, so I'm going to go through the list and down below, if you check below the video in the description section, I'll have your link specifically to each of these services. Okay? So that way you can click on it. If you're looking for a logo, you click on the logo link, that'll take you to some designers. You can take a look around and I even going to give you a price point, a variable price point, um, to let you know exactly right off the top, how much each of these services can run.
Now, some of them can be more expensive if you want it to go that direction, I'm going to give you the price ranges for people who are on a budget. If you're just starting. As I always recommend to my consulting clients, when I do consultations my one hour consultations, which by the way we have available, um, I always tell them, just be careful. Don't invest a lot up front , do it little by little and incrementally. Okay.
Through my own experience, I know that dumping a lot of money into a food idea or a food business right off the bat is not exactly what I would recommend. Okay. So number one, logo design, you can go to Fiverr and actually get a logo, which is kind of the stepping the beginning, stepping points for your overall package. You want to get a logo design, and if you're not creative, obviously you, you may be great in the kitchen.
You have a great recipe, a great product idea, but of course we're all not graphic designers. And I understand that, um, I personally again have used them for logo design for numerous times and had a great time with that. The logo designs can be between 30 to a hundred dollars. You can get a good one for that range. Can you spend more money? Yes. Do you need to know? Okay. Logo designed to get you off of running. You work with the designer, you give them some ideas of what you want the logo to be. What is your food product? Is it a spice? Is it a seasoned nuts? Is it granola? Whatever it may be. And they're going to create a great logo for you next up package design, by the way, that has nothing to do with a logo design, but the package design will incorporate a logo.

Now, if you're looking to create a really unique package and you want your product to stand out on the retail shelves, you're going to need to have a package designer, do it for you. This is about a 50 to $200 price range. You can get a decent package design done for that price range. Now keep in mind one thing, when you start your food business and all of these logos packaged designs, everything that you start with, you can always evolve. You can always change it down the road. So don't feel as if that first design that whatever it may be is something you got to stick with forever. You don't. Okay. Number three. E-commerce. Now, if you need help understanding e-commerce or if you have a website and you're trying to get that out there and get it marketed and understand more about the dynamics of e-commerce itself.

They have people who can actually do it, who have experienced doing that. Okay. That service is about 50 to $150. You can get a decent service for e-commerce with the help with that. Okay. Number four, food business plan. So a business plan is huge. Not only if you're trying to go to a bank or go to somebody, an investor to try to invest in your business, and you gotta have a business plan. It's important for you as an entrepreneur to have a laid out plan. So you understand where your going it's. It is great. Yes. It's very important for investors and banks. Don't get me wrong, but business plans are great for you because it gives you an idea on paper where you want to take it. Now, if you're not familiar with how to write one, they have people who can help you lay out.

One in a food business plan is definitely something you can get. Now, this is about 75 to $225. You can get a decent business plan set up for your food business. So next up food branding. So if you don't understand the concept of branding and how important that is to developing your food business and food products, food branding is something that you can have done for you or work with somebody on Fiverr. This is about a 50 to $300 product, a service, and that is something that you can get done for you for that price range. Yes. Again, can you spend more money? You could, but you don't really need to, okay. Number six, food website name. Now it's very challenging. Sometimes I've had some of my clients who have looked into a website names and it can be very challenging because you don't want to make it too long.
And it's really difficult to get really short ones. So if you want somebody to kind of help you longer brainstorm with you and come up with some creative names, you can work with somebody actually literally would come up with a website name and on Fiverr, they have those available, and that's about a hundred to $400 service. You can definitely get one for about a hundred to 200, 400. It's a little bit on the high side, but again, if you have the budget, go for it. Number seven food product research. So if you're wondering if your food product will really have a chance in the marketplace, there are actually people who can research the product itself and get back to you. And they'll let you know how that product would pan out based upon eCommerce sales that are already out there. Okay. So food product research, you can get done between 25 to $100.
And that is definitely a service I would recommend if you're not sure about your product, if you don't know for certain, it's going to sell whatever that product is, you can get a product research done for you on Fiverr. Now, next up Fiverr also has, this is the last number eight website builders. They actually have people who can make your websites for you at a very reasonable price. Okay. Um, depends upon how intricate and how involved the website is. A lot of them will give you a basic setup and then you can build on that. Okay. But if you're not familiar with how to build a website, but yourself, and did you want to have your food product online outside of having it on eBay or Amazon or Etsy, then you can get your own website built for you. Okay. That's going to be to get a good one.
That's about a hundred to $300 investment. Okay? So those are eight services on Fiverr that you can have freelanced for you, and they can do the work to kind of help you along to get you up and running faster. So you're not stuck in a rut trying to come up with all of this yourself. It's definitely not something I've done over the years. I've had a lot of help. I've had ideas come from freelancers. I've also asked a lot of questions. I've spoken with friends. This is not something that we all have developed ourselves. There's a lot of people who have part of it. So don't take all this on your own shoulders, definitely freelance, as much as this as you can and get yourself onto Now, remember down in the description, I'll leave again. Just to recap, I'll have each one of these laid out for you just to make it simple and very fast for you.
You can click on those links, go to Fiverr, to start asking some questions. I would recommend that you ask maybe three to five different freelancers. If you're looking for a logo design, for instance, contact about three to five of them, don't just do one or two and then, you know, cross your fingers. And hopefully someone gets back to you. Get some ideas, ask some questions, um, especially with the package design, the branding, the website, everything it's just services that you're looking for. You want to go for about like three to four, maybe three to five different people, okay. And check with them and see what they can do for you. And then from there, you'll be much more informed to make a better decision. So I hope this helps you guys out a lot. This was a video I've been wanting to put together because I've had a lot of questions about these different services.
I thought, well, this would be a great, uh, platform that you can touch base with. And you could go on to Fiverr and find out and see what they can do for you. Okay. So if you liked the video, please do give me a big thumbs up. I appreciate the support. If you have questions is always asked me, I will get to them as soon as I possibly can. And I'll see you guys on our next video. Thanks for watching marketing food online. And if you are looking to create your own food truck started home-based food business. Under the cottage food law franchise, a food operation start a packaged food business, private label, your own food product, sell on Amazon. Get your own online store or sell food online. Remember to subscribe and check out these videos for more resources, take care.
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