All right, guys. So in this video, I'm actually going to give you eight tips on figuring out what the best food to sell from home. So if you're looking to create a home-based food business, these eight tips will give you a good idea of what you should sell, not exactly what you may want to sell. And if you're really good at baking, really good at making snacks, really good at making certain types of foods that are allowed under cottage food, These eight tips will assist you in creating a more profitable product that is easier to make, faster to make, and sells in a way that encourages people to return.Follow me all the way through this direct and entire video, up to the eight tips. We're going to dive into that right now. All right, guys. So welcome back. Again, as I mentioned back in the introduction, we are going to give you the eight tips to create a product, which would be, what is the best food to sell from home? That is a question that we get quite often. And a lot of people are looking to create home-based food businesses because they're either out of work, or they need an additional income stream, or they just want to create their own home-based food business and they have left their job in order to do that. So these are tips that I have kind of understood and experienced over the past 12 years in regards to building my own e-commerce food business. So I'm going to bring these eight tips to you. Of course, not every state will allow you to make fried chicken, fast food, or hamburgers, or other potentially hazardous foods because they are time- or temperature-sensitive.So here are eight tips for making products that aren't time- or temperature-sensitive.So, number one, the recipe is easy to scale. Finding a product, a particular food item that is scalable You need to be aware of this, and if you're not familiar with the concept of scaling, if you've got a recipe for one batch of, let's say, cookies, well, you need to make sure that you have a recipe that allows you to create 10, 12, 14, or 16 batches at a time, because you need to have enough product to take to a local market, local fair, the farmers' market, or in some states, sell it to retail stores and even into restaurants, cafes, or coffee shops. Now, the scalability of your recipe will dictate the true success you're going to have from a home-based food business. Because a lot of recipes are a real challenge to create in just one batch, having the ability to create multitudes of batches at once on a larger scale is also going to consolidate the amount of time it takes for you to actually make the product in bulk, which is really important, especially if you're going to a farmers market and you want to produce a thousand batches of an item. You want to make sure that you can scale it. So keep that in mind. Number one is that the recipe can be scaled. Number two, the fewer the ingredients, the better. This is for a couple of reasons. Number one, production. When you're creating a particular product and you have a multitude of ingredients, 10, 12, even 15 ingredients that have to be measured out, or weighed, or whatever it may be, that is something that's going to cost more money to make. And it's going to take more time for you to actually produce a finalized product. So the fewer the ingredients, the better, and I'll give you a basic example. Some people enjoy making trail mixes or granola mixes, as they may be called. There are some trail mixes that have three or even four simple ingredients. They put it together. They may coat it with honey, may coat it with a flavoring, bake it in the oven, and then you're done. And obviously, you can create that on a really big scale. And obviously, it's scalable as well, as we mentioned back in number one. But number two is that the fewer the ingredients, the better. That's going to be a really good key ingredient in creating a single product that is simple to make and very profitable. Number three, a small amount of production time. This is something that a lot of people don't keep in mind at all because they enjoy cake cooking, or they enjoy baking, or they enjoy making this particular item. Or they've got a recipe that may take two or three hours. Try to find a product that cuts down on production time, because you are minimizing the amount of time you have actually invested in making the product. So if you can scale a recipe and create a bunch of it in a minimal amount of time, that's going to be better for you because you're not going to have to be in the kitchen all the time producing a product. So you can take tons of bags of it or a lot of packages of the product to a farmers' market or a local event without having to invest an entire day or so in just producing that batch. So keep your time in mind as well. Now, number four, it can be hand held. Now you're probably thinking, what does that mean, handheld? There's a little trick. There's a little secret, if you will, about farmers' markets. Making them really profitable is creating a product that can be handheld. You want an item that's not cumbersome, that doesn't come on a plate, that doesn't come in a to-go container with a lid and all that, but something that's handheld, because most people who actually buy food items that are handheld while they're at an event walking around will consume and eat them while they're there. And if they do, there's a good likelihood that if they're still hungry, they may even come back to your booth twice. So make a product that's easy to hold and that's in a nice, simple package. It doesn't involve a lot of other things, or other items, or packaging to go along with it. Handheld items, people have a tendency to eat, and then they're done, okay? Number five is easy to duplicate. Well, what does that mean, Damian? Well, let's say that you have one type of roasted seasoned nut blend. Let's say you have a mixed nut and you roast it a certain way and you've got a certain flavor. Well, there must be a very simple and easy way for you to duplicate it in a multitude of flavors. So once you have a great recipe for an item, it's easy to duplicate. You want to create a variety of flavors, or flavor profiles, as they're known in the food industry. You want to have a multitude of flavor profiles, but it needs to be easy to duplicate. So number five is to make sure that the recipe is easy to duplicate in a multitude of different flavors, okay? Number six, and this kind of ties in a little bit with the one we said earlier, but number six is the minimal packaging design. Creating a food product that has minimal packaging that doesn't require spoons, forks, straws, containers, to-go plates. All of that extra stuff, guess what? It may sound like a good idea, but it's going to cost you more money because you're paying for packaging and your customer may not be able to hold out a plate or have a big thing that has a spoon and scoop out from a bowl or a plate while they're walking around an event. Nobody wants to deal with that. So minimize your packaging. When you're developing your food products and you want to figure out what the best food that you can actually sell from home, you also want to keep in mind the packaging. The least amount of packaging, the better off it is for you, because you're also going to make a lot more money. You're not having to pay for additional packaging just to serve your product. And that's also going to be convenient for your customer, because you've got to think about them. If they're walking around, they have a couple of kids, they've got some bags of items, they're not going to want to hold a plate and try to balance all that. It becomes annoying. So minimize your packaging. Number seven: This may not be something you have ever thought of, but make your portions smaller. There's a psychology behind this. Okay, the smaller the portion size is, the more people love it. It's easy to make, and it's a smaller portion size that they eat very quickly, and it may be something that could be handheld, so they're gon na come back, okay? I've seen this before in farmers' markets all the time, where the size of the portion will give them something to kind of snack on. But if they're really hungry, they're going to come back and say, "Can I get a couple more of those?" So make your portion size a little bit smaller than you normally would, okay? Because that's going to entice your customer to literally come back a second, third, or maybe even a fourth time while they're at an event. So the smaller the portion size, the better. It's a little trick, by the way. To let you know, the potato chip industry does this. And they've been doing this for decades. If you go to a local sandwich shop, you've noticed lately that those little bags, like Lay's chips bags and other bags like Doritos, have been getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Now, they're doing that to cut back on the cost of production. But guess what? When I go to a sandwich shop and I end up getting a sandwich for my son or my wife, I end up buying two or three of these bags because they're so small, it's not enough to even eat. Trust me, smaller portions will lead to much more sales. Try it out and see what I'm saying. Number eight, you need a product that you can make that will appeal to both parents and kids. This is something that a lot of people make when they go to a farmers' market. They have a great idea for one single product, but that product is something that kids love but parents are not really big on. Try to think outside the box. If you have a way to make a variety of products, maybe three or four different items, make something that appeals to both kids and parents. Why do I want to do that, Damian? Because I've seen this happen before, When I go to an event or a farmers' market, the parent goes to the table. I've actually done this myself for my son. There's an item there that my son loves and I'm not remotely interested in at all. I'll buy something there, then I'll go over to the booth over next to them and buy something for me or my wife. If you can capture the sale for both the parents and the child, you're making more money. It's just a common sense thing. But it's also something a lot of people don't think about. So make something that appeals to both parents and kids. And that way, you can entice everybody to just stay at your table and make more money. So these are eight quick tips to answer the question about what the best food to sell from home is. If you are looking to create a home-based food business, implement these eight tips and see how well they will perform for you at a farmer's market or even a local event or whatever it may be that you're selling. But they are, some of them psychological, and they're going to get your customers to come back to your table again. Try to capture the sale for yourself. Don't have them go down two or three tables and spend more money on someone else. Try all eight of these tips out, and trust me, you will see a huge difference in the type of sales that you have. So if you have any questions about what is the best food to sell from home or if you're creating a home-based food business, let us know in the comments and we'll get to your questions as soon as possible. I've got somebody coming into my office here. So what we're going to also do is have a brand new podcast uploaded later today as well. Make sure you stay tuned to come back for that podcast. And then down below, there's more additional resources in the description below this actual video to help you guys out with your food business. So, I'll see you guys in our next video.