How do you make a good food truck menu

Posted by Damian Roberti on

How do you make a good food truck menu

How do you make a good food truck menu?

And how do I begin a food business?

a menu?

As a result, in this video and food truck

Freaks, we're going to go over a variation of a handful of menu items.

for your food truck to create a successful food truck brand. And we're going to get to that right now. All right. So if you're looking to create a food truck, you know, one of the biggest hurdles is trying to create a menu for your food truck, but not only that, it's how many items should you have on your menu. Back in the introduction, I'm going to go over a few tips and pointers to help you figure out how many items really go on a food truck menu. Now there's not an exacting methodology behind doing this, but some of these tips back here may help you understand why you should have a minimal amount and what you should actually have, and take into consideration the actual use of a food truck when you're preparing food for your events. So let's take a look at the board and figure out what we've got going on.

So if you're looking to create your own food truck menu, the first thing to consider is your space now as a brick and mortar business owner. When I had my brick and mortar bakery, of course, we had a lot more space obviously than a food truck, but the drawback was that I kind of dove into a very big menu of select items like panini sandwiches. We had cookies and pastries, gelato, ice cream, fresh breads, and catered events. And it was kind of just a whole mishmash of a bunch of stuff. If I were to redo that today, knowing what I know, I would definitely dwindle down the menu quite a bit and focus on the things that are easy to make quickly and easily. It doesn't take a lot of ingredients, and you could turn it over very quickly. So when you're in a food truck, it's much different, especially if you've got one, two, or even three people on top of yourself. That's four people inside of a food truck trying to create food.


How do you make a good food truck menu


That's going to be a big problem because of the amount of space that you have available. So take that into consideration. Number one, before you get into the menu, dive into how much actual space you've got available to prepare, prep, and serve food from your food truck, because it's ultra important because you have a very small amount of space. Number two, how long does it take to make your product? There were a handful of items that we had on our menu. To be honest with you, it took minutes and minutes and minutes to make quite a few minutes. You don't have that option. When you're doing a food truck event, you've got people lined up. They're going to want to wait only a couple of minutes, get their food in their hand, and be on their way. So you definitely want to definitely take that into consideration as far as the timeframe. How long does it truly take to actually make the product that you're looking to sell?

The faster it is to produce a product? Obviously, it's going to be a lot of factors. good factors. You're going to give that to your customer quickly. You're going to move on to the next one. You're going to turn over more product. You're going to make more money. So you definitely want to take that into consideration. How long does it actually take to make the product next to the margin the most profitable? So let's say you sit down and you come up with 20 different food items under the type of niche. The type of food that you're creating sounds great because you're like, "Wow, I can give my customers a huge variety." Half of those items are very expensive to make. And the margins on those other half of the items? Half of the list is going to not make as much money as the other half. So, if your margin and profitability are much higher on, say, five to seven items, I would stick to those five to seven items, roll them out, and see how the crowds and customers react.


How do you make a good food truck menu


Because if you can make more money with just a few items, as opposed to smaller margins with a huge list of things, that doesn't make sense, and it's not very profitable. So you definitely want to be aware of the margin and the most profitable product that you actually have. Okay, The next one up is sticking with one niche. Now there are a lot of food trucks. I've been to food truck events and I've seen menus that just go on for days. They have everything from Chinese cuisine to even slices of pizza, hot dogs, and hamburgers, which makes absolutely no sense at all. So if you're looking to create and make a freshly made product, make sure you stick with one niche. Don't create products that obviously do not coincide with each other, or you have to have a multitude of ingredients to produce just a few different items that don't make any sense.

So if you're going to do pizza, for instance, make four or five different pizzas with four or five specific toppings and call it a day. You don't want to throw in there, chow main and low main, and start opening up. What you might think is Panda Express with a pizza hut on your truck. And you're not going to be profitable, even though the idea sounds good that you might attract a lot of different people. Stick to one type of food product and do it well. Okay, The next one is, how versatile are your ingredients now? Here's what: here's kind of an interesting thing. If you have, let's say, 10 ingredients, you can create 14 different items, but all of those ingredients go into some different type of mixture or some different type of way to create a line of products. And you can do that often.


How do you make a good food truck menu


That's fantastic. Give me an example, Damien. What does that mean? For instance, tacos are super simple to make. You can have a variety of toppings, but based upon what the customer's going to want and request on the tacos, you can appeal to a wide variety of people and you can make an enormous number of tacos, soft tacos, burritos, whatever it may be, but in line with that type of niche product, because you have a variety of ingredients, which you don't have to have 50 or 60 different ingredients, you can do it with 10 or 12 different ingredients. And that is fantastic because you'll be able to push through ingredients at every single event that you go to and it will be consistent. Having the ability to produce a product or a range of products with minimal ingredients is a fantastic idea.

Next, push and promote your best sellers. So, okay, so you've come up with a menu. You've got, let's say, 10 items. Five of them sell really, really well. Five of them have just sold. Well, whenever someone comes up, you've got a customer who comes up to your window and they want to place an order, and they ask you, "Hey, what is your best seller?" What's one of your best selling items? Always push them. Hopefully, those are going to be items that are number one and very profitable. Number two. Again, they can be made very, very quickly and fast, but the reason why you want to do that is if you can push through as much of your ingredients and satisfy as many customers as you can, and those are your best items, then you can narrow down in the future your menu. So if you've got 10 items and you see that five to six, or even seven, of them sell, well, then you can get rid of the three or four other ones that really don't.

 How do you make a good food truck menu


So you're kind of experimenting with and figuring out what your best sellers are. And that is a great way to push more products, turn over more, and make more profit. When you go to an event next up, how fast you can keep them in and out is the key to the profitability. Understand that the quicker and faster you can produce these products, the better off you are obviously going to be financially. You're going to make more money, which is the key to any food truck event or any mobile event for that matter. If you have a mobile food trailer or even a cart and sell hot dogs, obviously the faster you can satisfy as many customers as possible, the better off you will be.So keep an idea in mind that all of these are great tips, but one of the most important and most powerful ones is this.

You'll be rocking and rolling if you can produce it quickly, make it quickly, and satisfy a customer within a couple minutes at most.When you go to an event, if a product takes much longer time to make, even if it's fantastic, it could be the best sushi on the planet, but if you're taking 10 to 15 minutes to make it, you're not going to have a lot of people standing in line. So you want to make sure that you can turn over the product fast and quickly. So, if you're wondering how many items should be on your food truck menu,The average food truck menu consists of between five and 10 items. If you want to know an actual number in a numerical amount, stick between five and 10, you can go. Obviously, once you get to 10, if you can go to seven, maybe three or four, you are not doing well.

You can always come back down. But if you go to an event and you have a menu board sitting out front and you've got 50 items, you're going to drive yourself crazy and you're not going to satisfy everybody. And you're going to have a ton of ingredients, and you're going to have their food truck jam packed, and you're going to have not enough space for enough employees and so on. And so on, stick to about five to 10. Do some experimental runs, go to an event, have five to 10. If you see that you've got five that do great, get rid of the other five and move on to your next event. Have just five at your event. So that's one of the really cool things about having a food truck is the ability to actually customize and create a better menu for your next event.


How do you make a good food truck menu


Or as you move on to a new event, you can evolve and change and hear what your customers are saying and see how fast it takes to obviously make the product last tip, smaller staff, smaller space. Keep in mind that if you can operate your, your food truck on a minimal skeleton crew, but you do not sacrifice obviously customer service or the quality of the product, you are gonna make some serious money. The more people you have, the more payroll you have, the less space you're gonna have for ingredients. So if you can do it with one to two of you, fantastic, if it takes four to five of you, it's not gonna be very profitable. Keep that in mind, smaller staff, bigger profits, obviously lower payroll, more space for ingredients, turning over more products, satisfying more customers. So these are my tips to help you understand how many items should you have on your food truck menu. And if you've got questions about this, please do let me know or comment down below.


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How do you make a good food truck menu