So if you want to start a food business from here is the best course you can take to ensure you succeed!
Remember one of the MOST important things to do is incorporate before anything even if your state does require this. Due to the potential liability factor, you should at least form a LLC. Inc File is one of the fastest and easiest ways to do this.
I'm really excited about bringing you our seminar. I finally completed the seminar. I got together a bunch, a ton of information and I put together a seminar explaining to you online, directly online or how to get your home-based food business up and running and literally a step-by-step showing you everything that you would need to get it from start to moving forward. So, the one thing I wanted to talk to you about that, um, I've got on here is to begin with, uh, for starting from the beginning, you can actually find out exactly the information for your States. Now, the reason why I put this together really quickly, let me recap, recap, and go back to the whole reason why I put this together.

Most of my subscribers have contacted me and asked me a lot of questions about home-based food business because it's so confusing and it's a bit frustrating and try to figure out what you can make, what you can't. Um, am I allowed to sell from my house? Can I sell online? And there's just a lot of confusion. Um, but to be honest with you, um, it is once you know where to look online with the certain resources that you need to get up and running, um, it makes the process much easier.
Do you have to have this license? Do you have to have that license? Um, can I sell locally? Can I sell through the internet? Can I sell to restaurants? So a lot of it can be confusing and when it becomes confusing, it's frustrating. And then you give up really quickly and I understand where you're coming from because I too experienced some of that when I first started. So I put together this seminar and what I did is I actually walked you through from the beginning parts where you find out your state-specific information all the way through to the types of insurance you need and where to get it. Finding ingredients and packaging. Um, if you need a logo, if you're not very creative in that, that's fine.I myself, I had someone actually make our logo, where could you get an inexpensive logo to get you up and running, right? So what I brought together here is a step by step, step by step tutorial. Um, that is going to show you how to find your state-specific guidelines.
There's a certain set of keywords that you can type in directly into Google based on your state and putting that information in. We'll pull up that state-specific website with the pages that you can look at specifically and then find out what you can and cannot make and basically everything else that you would need as far as, do you have to take a certain food safety class?
How do you incorporate and, what kind of incorporations should you do, what kind of a way, what kind of entities should you incorporate as and so on and so on. It's just everything that you would need to get up and running. Um, and I'm just super, super excited about it. It's taken quite a few months to put this together, uh, bringing together this information. Um, and of course here if you go to, I'll have this link. This is the link directly to our page and the course itself, the seminar is $99 99.
It's going to save you a ridiculous amount of stress, uh, headaches and time trying to figure out where to look for this and where to look for that. This is going to give you a great foundation to get your home base food business up and running and moving forward. Um, all of the information that I show you in the seminar is actually either from my experience or they're companies that I actually have worked with to help me get to my commercial facility.
Does your food product need a logo?
But when we were at home and we used to sell from home and did local stuff, um, it was a huge benefit and it helped us out tremendously. So, um, it's about, I try to condense it, as you see in my YouTube videos, I get to the point with the information. I don't like to Blab and waste time. I don't want to waste your time. I don't want to waste my time and I get right to the point on everything. Step by step is what you need. Um, and how to get it. So the seminar, I'll put a link for this specific page. This is on our website marketing so down below you'll have a direct link to this and you can check this out. And I'm actually going to add in the description. I don't think I put that in just yet. Let me know.
I'm going to add three additional months, three months of email consulting with me as part of this package because the whole purpose of even offering this is to simply get as many people up and running with their business and me helping you guys out from day one and walking you through it. So any additional questions that you have that will come up while you're watching this seminar, watching this video, as I walk you through the steps, you're going to have questions. So definitely have a pen and pad with you. Um, take a ticket, a notepad, write down the question that you have and I'm going to open myself up for three months for the email consulting absolutely free as part of this whole package to help as many people get themselves up and running as possible. So I'm sorry if I'm yelling or screaming into the microphone.
I'm just super excited about this. I've put quite a bit of time and effort into figuring out what is going to be the real, real specific information that you truly need and getting all the other nonsense and the information that you don't need out of the way so you can get up and running as quickly as possible. So if you're interested in the seminar and it's a, it's downloadable, it downloads automatically, it's a digital file. So once you purchase it, you'll have direct access to the seminar and you'll be up and running. And again you can, you'll have me for three months directly working with me through our email consulting. So once you purchase this, I actually on my end, I see we here at a marketing photo line, we see your email address and then we will get that. Uh, what we'll start with is I will send you out a questionnaire to kind of get a feel for where you are in your process and then from there we'll move forward and you begin to send me emails, ask me the questions, ask me anything that you need to know about and then I get right back to you within 48 hours.
Normally the return time is actually 24 hours depending on how many clients I have that specific week. But within 48 hours I get right back to, and it's actually me, I don't have a staff of people who answer my questions when it comes to the consulting part, the consulting aspect, I deal directly with you. So would that be, I said I wanted to keep this short and sweet. I want it to just push this out there and let you guys know that I have it available and super excited and I hope this can help out as many people as possible. Um, and if I get a chance to work with you, I look forward to working with you. Take care. Thank you guys.
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