Can you sell food on TikTok

Posted by Damian Roberti on

Can you sell food on TikTok



The Value that Restaurants Can Derive from Utilizing TikTok as a Marketing Tool

TikTok has reached a level of popularity that is considered mainstream among internet users. So, let's go over a few of the benefits of leveraging this social media platform to assist you get an edge over the other restaurants in your area that are competing with you.

1. It assists in the acquisition of new clients.

The days are long gone when restaurant owners had little choice but to rely on pricey newspaper and radio advertisements to bring in new customers. A video that is only 15 seconds long and was created on your smartphone has the ability to reach thousands of potential clients online today. According to the findings of the studies that we went over, it has been demonstrated that TikTok can assist restaurants in attracting new customers.

When it comes to producing video content for TikTok, there are, of course, a few pointers you should keep in mind that will help you present the most favorable image possible to prospective clients. In the following part of this article, we are going to delve more into those TikTok ideas for eateries.



Can you sell food on TikTok

2. Offers local exposure

Customers are showing a greater desire than ever to support local establishments. In addition, as the number of people who travel increases, tourists have a growing need to have genuine experiences once they reach at their destination, such as eating the cuisine of the area. You can make the most of these trends with the assistance of TikTok.

You will have an easier time showing up in searches for restaurants if you are located in the United States and the social media platform just launched a function that allows users to designate their location. When you upload a video to TikTok, all you have to do to increase the likelihood that others in the surrounding region will see it is tag the location of your business with the hashtag #location.



Can you sell food on TikTok

3. Encourages Participation

Figuring out what to publish on social media, creating the content to post on social media, and sharing the content with the followers of your business all take time. Because of this, it can be rather disheartening if no one interacts with your postings; in fact, it may even cause you to reevaluate your approach to marketing.

Because of this, it is essential to concentrate your efforts on platforms such as TikTok, which do not require users to "pay to play" — that is, platforms on which users are more likely to engage with your content without having to spend anything. TikTok's users are highly engaged with the content shared on the platform, allowing you to reach them without spending a dime. This is in contrast to Facebook, where you typically need to put advertising dollars behind your posts to generate engagement. TikTok's users are highly engaged with the content shared on the platform.




Can you sell food on TikTok

4. It makes it possible to connect with other micro-influencers in your industry

When trying to broaden your reach online, marketers will frequently recommend that you "steal the audiences of other people." When it comes to TikTok, this may be accomplished with relative ease by establishing connections with micro-influencers.

Exactly what does it mean to be a micro-influencer? Someone who has a small but highly engaged following; someone whose recommendations, particularly restaurant recommendations, carry a lot of weight with their followers. This type of person is known as a micro-influencer. The fact that a micro-influencer enjoyed their most recent meal at your establishment and gave it their stamp of approval may result in some of that person's audience becoming clients at your establishment as well.

There are 8 different ways that you can promote your restaurant on TikTok.

You are now aware of what TikTok is and are familiar with some of the primary advantages that restaurants can gain from using TikTok for marketing purposes. Now that we've got that out of the way, let's talk about some of the latest trends on TikTok for restaurants so that you can get some ideas for your very first TikTok video.

Before we get started, let us make one thing perfectly clear: in order to generate content for TikTok, you do not require any videography equipment or a screenplay. Your smartphone and a spirit of adventure are the only things you'll need to get started. However, if the atmosphere of your restaurant calls for a more elegant approach, feel free to go all out.



Can you sell food on TikTok

1. The introduction of new menu items or specials ought to be documented on TikTok.

Promoting your business on TikTok by uploading videos of your most recent culinary masterpieces is a smart move that can pay off in the long run. Showing your consumers how appetizing the food appears is the best method to get them enthusiastic about the new items on your menu or the daily specials you are offering. There is no other approach.

This trend is being capitalized on by a restaurant in Canada called The Breakfast Pig, which has posted a video of its new waffle breakfast poutine. Delicious home cooking!

Can you sell food on TikTok

2. Give your audience a recipe or a technique that you've found successful.

When you share videos on TikTok as part of your content marketing strategy, one of the primary goals should be to teach your audience something new. In this way, they will come to view you as a reliable source of information. This maintains your brand at the forefront of your followers' minds on social media and has the potential to convert them into paying consumers.

Teaching your audience a straightforward method, such as the salad business Sweetgreen does in this TikTok video about preparing asparagus, is an excellent approach to cultivate a relationship with your followers while simultaneously advertising the goods on your menu. Have you noticed that Sweetgreen talks about their chimichurri bowls in the description of the video?

Exhibit the Comprehensive Dining Experience

Because TikTok is a visual platform, it provides you with a wonderful opportunity to give your audience a sneak peek at anything from your food to your dining area. This can help viewers get a better sense of the atmosphere at your restaurant in a way that is impossible to accomplish with just a photograph.

In this TikTok video, the Asian-themed restaurant chain P. F. Chang's does exactly that. The film starts in the restaurant's doorway and concludes on the patio, displaying the restaurant's food, bar, and decor in between.

Can you sell food on TikTok

4. Form Partnerships with Notable Individuals to Help Promote Your Restaurant

A number of the advantages of using influencers in marketing have already been covered. It might be of particular assistance to your restaurant if it is new to TikTok and is still expanding its audience; however, eateries with follower counts in the six figures are also utilizing this feature.

Whataburger, a fast food restaurant chain based in Texas, teamed up with Austin food blogger @rachellately to create a fun video for the TikTok platform. In the clip, @rachellately discusses how getting her Whataburger fix upon returning to the state of Texas after being away made her "feel like herself again."

5. Host a contest to win a meal at TikTok Restaurant

Your restaurant may significantly boost its online visibility and the amount of interaction it generates on social media by holding a contest.

During a recent promotion that took place on TikTok, Shake Shack got creative with the giveaway by posting a video of an empty food plate and tossing a $100 gift card onto the dish. Then, they requested that viewers follow the eatery on TikTok and leave a comment on the video with their food selections in order to be entered into a drawing for the gift card.

6. Make People Aware of a New Initiative or Program You Are Offering

have you just lately introduced a brand new customer loyalty program or app? Make sure people know about it by spreading the word on TikTok!

This strategy was utilized by Outback Steakhouse in 2021, when the restaurant first introduced its mobile app. This movie uploaded to TikTok demonstrates the restaurant's intuitive mobile app as well as the restaurant's ubiquitous Bloomin' Onion dish.

Can you sell food on TikTok

7. Add fun additional effects to your TikTok videos to make them more interesting.

""Stopping the scroll" and getting your content recognized in the midst of a sea of competition from other artists can be accomplished by including spectacular effects and music in the TikTok videos that your restaurant creates.

Even well-known, well-established brands are getting in on the action. Pizza Hut reveals its lighthearted side in a video promoting Valentine's Day by putting eyes and a mouth on a heart-shaped pizza and referring to it as "the hottest thing in the room.""

Can you sell food on TikTok

8. Share with Us Your Opinions Regarding Current TikTok Trends

TikTok is just another example of how quickly new phenomena can spread throughout social media platforms. For example, does anyone remember the Ice Bucket Challenge? One of these more recent trends is known as "The Photo," and all it entails is showcasing your very best photographs and videos.