Is a Food Truck a Good Business
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I'm going to give you 5 reasons why food trucks are actually a great business to start we're going to dive into those 5 from #5 all the way down to #1 right now alright guys so welcome back to food truck freaks it is Damian Roberti founder and CEO of food truck freaks and marketing food online we have tons of great food entrepreneur channels here on YouTube you definitely want to check them out so I want to dive into the five reasons why a food truck actually is a great business A question on marketing food online came from a subscriber who emailed me and asked if a food truck was a good business. Damian, should I start one? I'm going to give you five reasons, and they're very simple reasons. They only have to be simple because they can be.
Is a Food Truck a Good Business
You don't have to make it very complicated. Getting a food truck up and running can be a challenge, but it's definitely something you can do and for a lot less money. If you love to cook, there's a lot less of an investment, and so on and so forth. # 5 You have lower start-up costs. OK, now believe it or not, you don't need hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a food truck up and running and you could potentially spend that much. Yes, if you buy a brand new truck, get it customized, and get a whole bunch of additional things that you potentially don't need. There are ways to get used trucks, there are ways to retrofit them, and there are ways to make them work for you and you don't need new equipment. You can even get used food truck equipment, but definitely something to think about is the fact that you can get a food truck up and running for a lot less than a potential restaurant, brick and mortar restaurant. Is a Food Truck a Good Business

I know this for my own fact when I opened my Italian bakery. I know that it costs a lot of money for you to get started. You can definitely do it for a lot less than 100 plus $1000. You can definitely get it going and get it up and running. As you profit and you make more money, the potential to buy maybe a new new truck or something larger or expand on your menu is a possibility. You don't need a lot of money for the start up costs are much less. OK #4 mobility now one of the benefits of having a food truck is obviously it's a truck it has wheels and you can go from A to B anytime you wish mobility in having the ability to go to different types of events you can attract a much broader audience when you have a brick and mortar restaurant or food eatery of some kind that actually is going to limit you in a lot of ways because you rely on the foot traffic or if you're at a certain area of the town that you rely on foot tracking track cars to go by and you've got a lot of things that you're looking to sell that has the potential to dwindle down or it cost a lot to advertise and promote your restaurant so when it comes time for you to actually get up and running the mobility factor of a food truck there's a huge benefit in plus because like
Is a Food Truck a Good Business
I mentioned there's a variety of different events you can go from music events to art events you can do go festivals to farmers markets even there's a big variety way for you to attract a lot of customers so mobility is number 4 #3 lower monthly overhead so of course operating a restaurant requires a lot of employees which is a lot of payroll and a lot of paychecks You also have a larger amount of insurance. You're also going to have a lot more items that you need as far as utilities, water, electricity, and everything else that goes along with it. I know this first hand when I had my time in a bakery. How much money can you make on a food truck
It is definitely something that you're going to have to pay much more for every single month as opposed to a food truck. OK so the monthly overhead is going to be a lot less and maintaining the food truck considering comparing it to something that's a brick and mortar is going to be considerably cheaper and that's gonna be at #3 number two flexible menu that you can change and adapt to the seasons and the ability to go to different events so even potentially offering catering if you have a menu that you normally do at farmers markets or festivals or different events that mean you can change easily and you as the owner can change that and you can cater events with a food truck now that offers a big opportunity changing it up because if you have a

restaurant one thing you got to keep in mind is that if you have a main menu that you use at your restaurant it basically stays stagnant it's pretty much the same of course you can change it but a lot of times customers who come to restaurants expect a certain menu or they may lack a certain item you can adapt the inflexible menu for your food truck depending upon if you're catering depending upon if you're going to a farmers market there might be certain demographic a certain interest in certain foods but the flexibility of a menu is huge because of the ability to go to different places keep that in mind too so as we mentioned before #4 having the mobility is one thing but also having the opportunity for you to expand on your menu or change it up based on seasons that's going to be even more of a benefit so let's get to
Is a Food Truck a Good Business
#1 and of course before we do if you were not a subscriber definitely subscribe button give us a thumbs up if this information is helpful gives you some brainstorming ideas on your food truck and your food truck business so #1 you can always rent your food truck if you decide it's not for you so let's say you have invested in it and as we mentioned in #5 smaller startup costs but you've bought the food truck and maybe you own it but you're like you know what I don't necessarily want to sell it because I'll probably lose money you can actually rent your truck out because you are already fitted out with equipment you've got everything needed to operate the food trucks so don't sell it you can rent it to another business you may want to take it over re wrap the outside of the food truck and get it up and running and there you go you actually can create a passive income from it there's actually a lot of companies who end up buying trucks and creating rental food truck businesses where they've got five or six units and they rent them out to businesses who want to just get started but maybe they're not in a position to invest a lot of money to mobile food truck OK, so the idea of having the food truck doesn't necessarily get rid of it. If it's obviously something that's an asset, you can create a passive income from that by renting it out to other food truck businesses. So these are five really quick and simple things to understand.
Is a Food Truck a Good Business
Of course, not understating or overstating that food trucks are simple to run, they are a challenge like any business, but keep in mind that you don't need to overthink it when it comes to food trucks and you can truly make them profitable and yes, they are a good business idea OK, so if you have any more food truck questions, let us know down below and check out these videos here. These are additional resources to help you either grow start or even expand your existing food truck business. And check out our brand new videos every week. We're uploading, so definitely subscribe button and the bell notification so you can get notified about our brand new uploads and we'll see you on our next video. Are food trucks a good business? style="color: #000000;">How much money can you make on a food truck