Do I need a tax ID to sell on Amazon
Interview Questions about the United States Tax System
The U.S. Tax Identity Information Interview is a mandatory step that all sellers on Amazon are required to take. Do I need a tax ID to sell on Amazon?
This process will walk you through the steps of entering your taxpayer information and validating your W-9 or W-8BEN form. During the interview, it is important to respond to all questions and submit all information that is needed by the IRS in order to complete their needs as quickly and effectively as possible. Avoid making any spelling mistakes and inputting inaccurate tax identification numbers, as doing either of these things can result in the tax form being invalidated.
Depending on how you respond to the questions asked during the tax interview, the Internal Revenue Service will assign you to either the W-8BEN or the W-9 form. So if your still wandering if Do I need a tax ID to sell on Amazon? keep reading.
Please take note that the principal user associated with your Selling on Amazon payment account is the only one who can access this interview.
Do I need a tax ID to sell on Amazon
Please go to the page labeled "Update your tax information" if you need instructions on how to complete the tax interview.
Can Amazon assist me with preparing my tax return or provide assistance so that I can finish the tax interview?
Although we are dedicated to assisting sellers in comprehending what is required of them according to these tax legislation, we do not offer tax guidance. Please get in touch with an experienced tax agent.
To speak with a tax consultant about your financial situation, go to the Service Provider Network website.
Do I need a tax ID to sell on Amazon
I pay taxes in the United States. What kind of information does Amazon require me to send them?
You will be able to provide Amazon with the necessary tax identity in the form of a W-9 or a W-8BEN form if you complete the Tax Interview that is located within your seller account. Do I need a tax ID to sell on Amazon?
A taxpayer identification number (TIN) is required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in order to facilitate the administration of tax laws. Your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) will almost always be either your Employer Identification Number (EIN) or your Social Security Number (SSN).
I am not a taxpayer in the United States because I am a foreign vendor. Do you require any information from me to process your order, Amazon?
Yes, even though you are not a taxpayer in the United States, you are still required to furnish us with the requested information, and the answers you provide to the questions posed during the tax interview will be used to generate the proper tax form on your behalf.
During the tax interview, would I be able to offer my value-added tax or goods and services tax number?
No, information about VAT or GST will not be gathered through the interview process. On the Account Info page of Seller Central, we will proceed to collect any information you have regarding your country's VAT or GST.
What steps should I take to identify who the true owner of my selling account is?
Do I need a tax ID to sell on Amazon
Visit the website of the Internal Revenue Service for further information on beneficial ownership.
Will Amazon give me a copy of either my W-8BEN or my W-9 Form?
You will not get physical copies of the W-8BEN or W-9 Forms from Amazon; but, at the conclusion of the tax interview, you will be given the opportunity to download an electronic copy of your forms. Amazon requests that you keep a copy of any and all tax information that you send to the company.

When I attempted to finish the tax interview, I was presented with an error message. What action should I take?
During the tax interview, the information that is supplied must be consistent with the records kept by the IRS.
Use the information that is listed on your Social Security card if you are filling out the U.S. Tax Identity Information Interview as an individual.
Use the name that appears on the first line of the address on the CP575A notification that the IRS sent to your business if you are filling out the information as a business.
It is possible for the validation of your form to fail if your name is misspelled, if you do not include your middle initial or middle name, or if you input an inaccurate Tax Identification Number (TIN).
Do I need a tax ID to sell on Amazon?
U.S. Person:
Use the name that appears on your Social Security card if you are an individual.
If you are a company, you must use the same name and taxpayer identification number (TIN) that are shown on the tax return for your firm.
If you chose a federal tax classification other than "Individual/sole proprietor," you should use one of the following, according to the type of federal tax classification you chose:
If you are a C Corporation and need to verify the sort of federal tax categorization you get, please refer to the CP575 notification or get in touch with the IRS.
Do I need a tax ID to sell on Amazon
For more information regarding the federal tax classification type that applies to your S Corporation, review the CP575 notice or get in touch with the IRS.
When forming a partnership, the name should be used exactly as it is written in the partnership agreement.
Use the name exactly as it is printed on the trust deed when referring to the trust.
Please see the CP575 notice or get in touch with the IRS to determine the sort of federal tax classification that applies to your limited liability company (LLC).
If you are a non-profit organization that falls under the Internal Revenue Code sections 501(c) or 501(d), choose "Other" as your federal tax classification. Next, choose the first option under the "Other type" drop-down menu, which is "An organization exempt from tax under section 501 (a), any IRA, or a custodial account under section 403(b)(7) if the account satisfies the requirements of section 401(f
Please refer to the part of the tax code that says "An organization defined in subsection (c) or (d) shall be exempt from taxation." This can be found in section 501(a) of the code. Therefore, if you claim to be exempt under (a), you are also claiming exemption under either (c) or (d), depending on which you choose (d). so hopefully this info answers your question Do I need a tax ID to sell on Amazon?
Do I need a tax ID to sell on Amazon
People from other countries:
It is important for individuals and corporations to identify themselves using the name that is listed on their tax returns.
I was informed via email that the information I provided for my tax identification is not legitimate. I was under the impression that I had submitted all of the necessary information. Could you please explain why it was rejected as invalid?
We are unable to pinpoint the reason why your tax identity information was deemed invalid, but the following are some factors to take into consideration:
Do I need a tax ID to sell on Amazon

In the case of a person, this normally entails entering the name and Social Security Number (SSN) in exactly the same format as they appear on the individual's Social Security card.
In the case of a company, this normally entails entering your Employer Identification Number (EIN) as well as the name that is printed on the notice that you received along with your EIN number.
You will be able to provide the Social Security number and name of the business owner if your company is a single-member LLC. You also have the option of entering the EIN along with the business name. Do not enter the EIN for the entity that will be disregarded.
You may find the more in-depth information you need to ensure that you have submitted appropriate tax information in the FAQ that was provided earlier in this article.
If you provided tax identification information and it was found to be invalid, you have thirty calendar days from the date an email from Amazon was sent to you to rectify the tax identification information. Your ability to sell items on Amazon will be restricted if you do not supply updated information regarding your tax identification during the next 30 days.