If you have an Etsy shop and you're looking for a way to promote it on Facebook but you're not really familiar with how to boost an actual listing or create an ad for Facebook, I'm gon na show you step-by-step right here on the computer exactly how you can run one. And we're going to hop into that right now. Hi guys, so I'm going to show you how I'm actually going to get into a question that I got on how to actually run a Facebook ad. I'm actually boosting a post.
A very simple method to not get too technical but something you can do on your own and to make a really simple boost to an ad that can make you money without spending a fortune. Now, there's a couple, about three steps to what I'm about to do. And I'm going to explain to you exactly what I mean. As well as what I'm showing you down here on the screen. This is actually a listing of a product in my Etsy store.
I'm going to show you step-by-step how I do this. From copying and pasting the URL, to the link itself, to the actual creation of the advertisement.Now when I say there are three steps, here's what I mean. The one thing about operating a Facebook ad: Let me just scroll down here really quickly. The one thing about these ads is that you need to do it in three different ads, and I'm going to tell you what I mean. Number one, I want you to run an ad and I want you to spend about $5–$10 on it. You don't have to spend 50 or 100.
You don't have to spend a lot. I want you to run the ad after you see how I actually do this here on the computer. Run the ad for five to $10 because what I want you to do is accumulate some data, some information about who it is that's actually clicking on your ad. And from there, you can tweak and fine-tune it so you can do it again.And the second time, I want you to do the exact same thing. Spend between $5 and $10.Okay,
Because what you're really wanting to do, this takes a little bit of time to get some information about who your demographic is and who your customer really is. When it comes to food, it's, I don't want to say, tricky, but it's a little different than if you were just selling some USB drives, right. If you're just selling these USB drives, which I have a bunch of, if you're doing that, finding a customer for that is pretty simple and it's pretty easy to narrow down because there are a lot of people who obviously use computers, but when you're doing something with food and has certain types of flavor profiles, or if it's cookies or barbecue sauce, it's a little different. So, you want to accumulate information. Do it two times. Don't spend more than 20 bucks, $10 to $10, two separate times. And then I'm going to dive in and I'm going to show you right now what I mean. Okay, So what you want to do is pull up your listing on Etsy.
Now, this specific video is going to be about Etsy and promoting on Facebook. Then I'm going to have a second video that I'm going to do on Etsy and Pinterest, actually promoting a pin. We have about 210,000 monthly viewers on our Pinterest page, as you can see right there. So we have a lot of people who come and there's a lot of traffic, but I do have about 15,000 pins and I've been doing it for quite a few years, so it's not something that happened overnight. Can you do the same thing? Of course, you can.
And I'm going to show you in a separate video exactly how you can promote your Etsy shop by promoting a pin and getting traffic. So let's get into this one first. This is going to be Facebook. All right. So here is the listing: this is just a two-pound pretzel bowl we make. We dunk a bunch of pretzels in different shapes. We make two pounds and then ship it to our customer. Okay, I want you to come up here. You need to copy the URL. Now this is something new to you. You don't know, when you search for something in a search box on your computer, the top here is the address. It's kind of like the internet address of the page, and that's called a URL. I want you to copy it.
Now, come over to your Facebook page. This is the Marketing Food Online Facebook page. By the way, if you don't have a specific Facebook page set up for your food business or even your own Etsy shop, you need to create a Facebook page. Sorry about that. I'm talking really quickly. If you don't know how to create a Facebook page specifically for your Etsy shop, I'll actually do another video explaining how you can really, really easily and simplistically set up a page and you can get cracking with this and start promoting your products. Now, the new thing, I've been on Etsy since 2011.
I've sold over $100,000 worth of products. We're actually approaching $150,000 now worth of products on Etsy. The reason why I say that is not to toot my own horn. As you know from my other videos, I'm not about jumping up and down and telling you how much I make, but I'll tell you the amount that we've actually sold because it's taken quite a few years to do that. It has not happened in a year. It has not happened in two years. It's taken time. I don't sell $100,000 on that site every single year. I have sold over $150,000 total. Okay, So keep that in mind. And we have, of course, six other websites because I have a lot of streams of revenue coming in. But Etsy has been really good for us, and we make a little extra money on the side as well.
So what I want you to do is copy and paste the URL right onto your Facebook page. Now give it a second to come up. Now, here is the link. This is the important part. Go up here. When you copy and paste a URL and you have a link to a product on Etsy or eBay or Amazon, whatever it is, okay, you need to understand that it doesn't stop there. You need to add some more information about it in your description. And that's what I'm going to show you now. So here is how I do it. With so many chocolate-dipped pretzels, this is a two-pound party bowl. Okay, Now, here's where the fun comes in.
The power of a hashtag Let me move this over a little bit so that the lights are not in your face. So the power of a hashtag is immense. Do not underestimate how powerful they are. Every social media platform has a hashtag, a hashtag, a hashtag, but keep in mind that you don't want to overdo it. So after I do a little brief description, watch what I do here.
So, chocolate-covered pretzel, two-pound party bowl.Okay, It's great for wedding events and corporate. We also do a lot of corporate business with a lot of corporations where they send out gifts every year, but if you hashtag certain catchphrases or hashtag certain groups of words, you'll get a lot of exposure as well. Let me show you. Corporate gifts Okay, It's delicious and it's made to order. Right now, I don't want to overdo the hashtags. I'm just trying to show you. You want to throw a few of 'em in there, but you want to make them sound like part of your description. This is how I do it, and it's worked really well. Okay, And hold on for one second. Let's make sure that's correct. All right. Good ole Grammarly. All right, now we scroll down.
Now watch. I want to share it now. Give it a second and let it come up here. And now I'm going to show you what I do. Now, I've already mentioned on my Marketing Food Facebook page, which is actually where we promote all of our food products. Okay, When I do any promotions, if I do any Facebook ads, they're actually on there. So here it is, let me go down. There we go. Here is our page. I'm sorry for our link. So now you can see it's on Etsy, right? So y'all want to boost it? So hold on for one second. Here we go. Now, the information that's already here is actually information I used for my other ads. It's actually already stored in this. So every time I want to promote or boost an actual URL, getting people to go to my other stores, it's going to have the same information, the same data. But you can actually change it. Now this is what I mentioned in the opening information. Listen to this.
So basically, send people to your website. Okay, And I'm going to scroll down a little bit and apologize for that. All right, here we go. So this is the information, the people you choose through targeting. So you want to target a specific group of people. That's when I said in the beginning, "You want to do this twice?" This information is going to be the information that's stored there after you run your two separate campaigns and your two ads. Now, let me edit this and I'll show you exactly what I mean. All right. Here is the information that's in there right now. These are the four states. Now, this is really important. If you begin to sell products online, be aware that you are aware of the states that you sell to the most. Now, the reason why I say that is we make over 400 items.
I actually have the most chocolate pretzel rods sold in New Jersey. Believe it or not, I have no idea why.But they do. And I've paid attention to where those sales are. Now, you see right here, New Jersey right here. I target them specifically with everything that's related to chocolate pretzel rods. Because I just do. This age group, 22 to 49, on my other ads is the age group where most people interact with, engage with, and buy products from me. So that's already in there. When you start your first and second ad, you need to target a pretty broad range of people because you don't know who is going to be the one to click on your link. So, from age 22 to 50 or 60, keep it open, run the ad, and then you'll see exactly where it is and I'll give you some more information about that. You can see exactly what age group, what age group, is clicking on and engaging with your ad.Because when you run another ad similar to the product that you're selling, you need to target those people. Now, I specifically target women. Why? Because most of all my clicks and engagement come from female shoppers, Men don't really click on a lot of the links, so I'm not going to waste my time trying to target men for certain food products.
Okay, so let's go down here. California, Florida, New Jersey, and New York are the four states that I get the most business from. I've sold products to every single state in the US and 15 countries, but I don't want to target every single state. I want to target those people who are in those states who have engaged and bought products from my other websites the most. That's going to use your money more efficiently and most accurately. Okay, All right. Scroll down. Now, here are the people who match. What does that mean? Well, you could create specific demographics, interests, or behaviors. So people who are interested in chocolate, there's a very good likelihood they're going to be interested in chocolate-covered pretzels. People who are interested in snacks People who are interested in chocolate pretzels people who are going to have a wedding. People who are going to have So here's how we do it.
Right now, I have a size of 20 million people. Guess what? That sounds amazing. I could potentially reach 20 million people. Sorry, but that's not good. That's way too many. The more precise you are about who you're targeting, the more chances are you're going to get engagement and then sell product. You don't want to try to reach 100 million people with your advertising.That doesn't make sense. Because 100 million people aren't interested in chocolate pretzel rods. So how do we narrow that down? Watch. Okay, I could go to Foodie, Health Awareness, or Parenting. Or watch this. Chocolate Give it a second. And let's take this up here. Sorry about that.
Now let me pull it back up. There we go. Now you have all chocolate brownies, chocolate cakes, chocolate bars, hot chocolate, et cetera, et cetera. So you want to find people who are obviously interested in the product that you're selling, and if you don't find an exact match within the interests, you find people who are close to it. So chocolate. Obviously, people who like chocolate probably like chocolate pretzels. Weddings These are interests, so maybe weddings, because why not? Because we sell a lot of these products geared towards wedding favors and dessert tables that are associated with weddings, Again, that's something that we have because I've done this for so many years, I've accumulated that information, but if you're just starting, you need to run a few ads to get that information.
Okay, So let's type in pretzels. There it is, right there, pretzels. So people who have a shared interest or expressed an interest in pretzels, which is what I'm selling, they're going to be the ones who see the ad. They're going to target those people. It makes sense. Okay, Now it narrows it down to about 12 million. A little bit better, but kind of still high. Now, I don't want to create too many of these interests or too many of these suggestions because I don't want the ad to go in so many directions that it's not associated with what I'm selling. Foodies and food in general is a very broad category, but I don't want to necessarily reach out to 40 million people.
Because it doesn't mean they're going to sell. I mean, they're going to buy it. So let me go up here. I'm actually going to go ahead and eliminate some of these. So let me take out California. Okay. So what's gonna happen now, Damian? Well, you're gonna have three states, three states that they're gonna specific, there they are. Okay. And those three states are gonna be the ones who will get the ads. And I've really focused, really honestly more on New Jersey than anything. But we get a good amount of business from New York and Florida in regards to this product. So I'm gonna scroll down. So all of these three interest, food, chocolate, weddings, pretzels are going to be associated. So let's save this. Right. And then now there it is. Right here's all of the information I put in. These are other types of audience but I'm not going to click on them. Because I'm not going to gear my ad of chocolate pretzels to people who like Brazil nuts and snacks that we sell Brazil nuts but I'm not really trying to find those people.
They're not gonna be something of interest. So as you scroll down here that's the gist of it. I'm not gonna go all the way to the bottom because my account number is on there. So I don't wanna do that. But here we go, right there. Here's how it works. So the duration, how long do you want to do it for? Now, if you're doing this for the first and second, the first two times, five to seven days is good. You can accumulate some really good useful information in five to seven days. You don't need to do it for 10 days, two weeks, or 30 days. Don't do that. This one here, I'm actually going to go to five days. How much do you want? What's your budget? Okay, let's do $25. Just to start with. How many people is that actually reaching? Well, look at this, 1200 to 3500 people a day. Now, another quick tip that's gonna save you money and make the use of this more efficient. If you have a product that's $29, let's just say 30, round it off, you have a $30 product, I always try to find a product that if I sell just one, which I normally sell more than that but if I sell just one, I can recoup my ad spent on it.
Okay. If I sell you a $30 product and I spend $30 on the actual ad then I want to at least break even and do that. When I first started that's my method. I know now that obviously I'll sell more than that but when I first started like for you guys if doing a five or $10, or 10 or $15, try to find a product that maybes $25 or $30. Why? Because if someone buys one of those you've already recouped your entire budget. So everything moving forward is just profit, even more profit, okay. So that's my thinking, that's how I do it and it's always worked fine for me. Now, obviously I know I'm gonna sell more than one unit so $25 is perfect. This item in particular I think is 20.
I forgot the price. 29.99, 24.99. So if I sell two of them, you're already good to go, which I'll sell more of 'em of course. But six days, $25 total, that's not $25 a day, that's $25 total, I'm gonna reach 3500 people. If I sell a thousand of these and I'm reaching 3500 people a day for six days and I sell a thousand of these, I just made $29,000, 29 grand and I spent $25 to get those people, right. On a low end if I don't do that and I get 500 of those people then let's see that's 1500, that's about yeah, 15 grand, I guess that would be. So long story short, maybe I did that wrong. Anyways so yeah, I'm gonna make several thousand dollars at least or more on an investment of only $25. So that's how it works, very simple, and then just hit boost.
And I have to do some payment stuff here really quick but that is how we basically run an ad very simple, very, very simple. You wanna run a couple before you do anything. Don't be in a rush to do it. Make sure you do it, take some time, do it right, accumulate your information and then tweak it and play with it so you can get it directed to the people who really make sense. So that is how you can promote your Etsy shop on Facebook for just a fraction of what you could spend anywhere else. Now, Etsy does have other ways, they have Google ads you can do. Since they went public and they had IPO they have a lot of great features that open on Etsy. I don't use them, they're not that effective in my opinion for what I do.
I reach more people specifically here on Facebook by doing these types of ads and it just makes more sense. So I hope that helps you out. If you had any questions let me know down in the comment section. And give me a big thumbs up if this helps you out and is gonna make you some money. Please do. And if you do this, by the way, get back to me and let me know how your ad went. I always love to hear you guys feedback on my videos because it encourages me obviously to continue doing this. But I want to know if this really works for you. So that is it and I appreciate the time and I will see you guys on the next video.