Where are food trucks the most successful?
Welcome to Food Truck Freeks !, in this video in particular, we're going to give you eight amazing locations where you need to park your food truck to be truly successful. And some of these you may not have thought of. Some of them may be common sense, but we're going to give you the eight perfect spots for you to succeed with your food. Food truck freaks has a truck in 2022.Okay, so welcome back, food truck freaks.
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We are YouTube's premier food truck entrepreneur channel. We are a brand new channel, up and running with tons of great resources and information for your food truck business. In this particular video, we're going to give you eight great locations to park your food truck for success in 2022. And if you haven't started a food truck business and you're on the fence about it, you haven't gotten it up and running in 2022, it's going to be an amazing year because there are a lot of restaurants that are now downsizing and transitioning to either a ghost kitchen or a food truck business.

So let's dive right into this list and make sure you subscribe by the way. We've got a lot of great videos in line that are going to be on their channel all about food trucks, not only by state, but giving you marketing tips, tips on equipment, generators, and so much more. So number eight is seasonal events. Keep in mind that during seasonal events, what I mean by that, is holidays like Thanksgiving events, local community events during Christmas, New Year's Eve, or even potentially even some events during summertime. People have a tendency to spend more during the holidays, and kind of, I don't want to say they care less about what they spend, but they're always willing to splurge.
So, if you find seasonal events during the holiday season and such, make sure your food truck can participate in some of those local events.Because people have a tendency to basically spend and spend, and during the holidays it is no different. So find out in your community where they have these types of events and apply for them, normally about two to three months in advance. But be sure to be a part of those holiday events because they can be real moneymakers for your food truck. And the great thing is, if you offer catering, for instance, going to these events and letting people know within the community during those holidays and the new year coming up, they'll keep you in mind for catering events. So, swap meets and flea markets are number seven.
Where are food trucks the most successful?

Believe it or not, yes, there are a ton of them, and I actually lived almost 20 years plus in Florida for quite some time. There are a ton of these flea markets and swap meets, and many of them actually rely on mobile food. They don't have a food court, they don't have a cafeteria, so they set up areas within these swap meets and flea markets and festivals and such dedicated solely to food trucks. And what's great about it is that there are states, like Florida, that have really good sunshine and a lot of great weather. These places can get on a weekend anywhere from 50 to 60,000 people, and that is a huge money-making opportunity for food trucks.

Now, of course, if you're not in Florida, a lot of other states, of course, California, Texas, Arizona, have these as well. But there are huge opportunities because they rely a lot of time solely on food trucks and mobile food businesses. So our number seven is flea markets and swap meets. Sixth, corporate catering eventsYes, as I briefly mentioned back in number eight, if you are into catering, corporate events specifically, companies love to throw money at the caterers and those businesses that are doing the catering for the food aspects for their employees because they want to make sure they keep their employees happy. And many times, their budgets are pretty high for these types of events.
So, if you want to customize a menu item for those corporate events, offer your food truck with truly unique menu items.That is a way to make a lot of money at a single event, by the way. You don't have to be there the whole weekend. You may not have to be there the whole week. You know, like you normally do with a food truck event, or maybe on a weekend you're going to be at three, you know, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Where are food trucks the most successful?
These are single events. Many of them are actual events that you can bring in 1000s upon 1000s of dollars for one drop of an event. So keep that in mind; it's a great place to succeed with food truck corporate catering events.Number five, community sporting events. Now, this is something that a lot of food truck entrepreneurs overlook. It's not necessarily sporting events at a professional level, like an NFL game. Tailgating is different because it's just a local guy dropping a barbecue grill and cooking some stuff for his friends, which is normally not allowed at most of those events because they have food concessions inside the stadiums and won't allow food trucks and such on the outside.But when it comes to local community events like soccer, baseball, football, and basketball, I have a son who actually played locally here in several sports, and there was actually a line of food trucks at his local park.
He was actually at a park and there were two or three food trucks there, and they were selling a lot of products, and they were making a lot of money. So definitely think about something on the community level. Many times, those parks and local events, and within the cities and counties, love to have food trucks and local mom and pop businesses show up.
They're big supporters of that. So local community sporting events are listed at number five, and on any given weekend, you can make a couple grand or a few thousand dollars. With the number of parents and kids, Keep in mind that many of these are going to be potential young kids who play soccer and basketball.So your menu, if you're flexible enough, needs to kind of acclimate itself and change a little bit to accommodate some of the kids that are there too. So keep that in mind. If you adjust your menu just slightly, maybe you're not doing hot dogs.
Where are food trucks the most successful?
Normally, hamburgers are just simple tacos or french fries, and even those are nacho cheese.If you can alter your menu slightly and accommodate that, you can easily make a few thousand on the weekend. Yes, the number four local breweries. believe it or not, the microbrewed concept is all over the entire country. But the funny thing is, and actually there's one right here in Atlanta where I live, that we're actually getting ready to go to that doesn't have a food cafeteria or have a food kitchen. They just do beer, no food.
So when we go, there is literally a line of food trucks lined up outside, always catching the overflow of revenue for the food business. Of course, the brewery has got to get permission from them to do this. But the brewery doesn't mind. They just sell the beer, but the food trucks rake in a ton of money with the food, and it's pretty crazy. So local breweries are brewing hot brew pubs, brewing hops, whatever they call them. You want to definitely go and check them out. See if you can work out something with the owner. You pull your truck up, maybe give them 10% of your proceeds.
Where are food trucks the most successful?
Or maybe they just charge you a flat fee, or maybe they just let you do it for free. But check out local breweries; they come in at number four on our list. Number three, where food trucks have the most success, is universities and colleges. Yes, believe it or not, universities and colleges have a lot of food trucks that are outside of their campuses and areas in the parking lot where the students come and go. And it's a constant flow.
Obviously, our students know that there's a huge opportunity for universities and colleges for food trucks to just park and start selling their products right outside their windows. Colleges and universities don't mind this. I actually grew up in Florida. I went to a local community college, and we actually have these outside of there in the parking lot. But I can remember students lining up to grab something to go as long as it was simple and easy to make fast. Many of these students don't have a lot of time to wait in line for a food truck.
Where are food trucks the most successful?
So if you have a menu or menu item, you need to focus on something that's quick and easy and can be portable; it's very simple to grab in your hand, eat it, and go. Okay, nothing with plates and utensils and I wouldn't recommend that, but then, of course, if that's what you want to do, do it. But try to keep in mind the convenience factor. You want to make it simple, make it easy for these university and college students to grab your food and go. Okay, number two, now this is going to be a little restrictive because you have to be on the coastline. But there are beaches in Florida, on the East Coast, the West Coast, and even the Gulf Coast.Beaches are a goldmine, especially when Daytona Beach is mainly in Florida and on the east coast of the Northeast. If you have a food truck, you need to be on the beaches.
So definitely do that. There are a ton of not only locals, but tourists during the summer and springtime. It is crazy busy. They are gold mines for food trucks. So check out that, but also keep in mind the local areas in which you can park on the beaches when it comes to those local permits and local licenses to be specifically in a certain area. Make sure you have the right permit and license to do that. Many states and local cities and counties have that. Okay, number one, so where are our food trucks most successful?
Number one on our list is tourist spots. Now this can apply anywhere in the country at any time of the year because they are just dedicated to tourism, and you're probably thinking, well, that's a no brainer, Damian. What I'm talking about is that literally every state has some type of tourist spot. And if it's a hot spot, no matter if it's on the beaches, or if it's in the mountains, or if it's in the desert, it doesn't matter if you've got a place that's a hot spot, it's got tons of tourist food trucks that will make money there. So, any tourist attraction in the United States, I would strongly advise you to park it, set up your shop, and just start rocking and rolling.You can make a lot of money.
If it's a specific town, check and see what the needs are for the city and county as far as permits and licenses are concerned, and get there. If it happens to be on the beaches again, in a tourist area, Do it if it happens to be a historical area that has tourism. Check out what you need to do but park your truck and just sell it. So these are eight of the best spots for you to make money with your food truck and be the most successful in 2022. If you have any comments or questions about this, let us know. If you know a better spot, let us know. If we missed an area, let us know down below. If you have actually utilized one of these areas, let us know as well. And I'll see you guys in the next video. Thanks for watching food truck free.