How do you promote a tea brand on social media
How can I promote my business? How do you promote a tea brand on social media? So these are two questions we got from subscribers on marketing online too. That is our other channel, but I wanted to dive into it on this particular channel. I'm going to upload this podcast. And then what I'm going to do is tell you a few things about the T industry. These are statistics and data that you need to know in order to actually market your tee business online. So, welcome to marketing food online. It is dammed Roberti: As always, if this is your first video, please do hit the subscribe button. Let us know what you think of our video by giving us a big thumbs up as well. We definitely appreciate the support. If you have any questions about marketing your business, after you watch this full video, because what I'm going to do is actually go through a handful of things,
Some data that you really need to know. We did some preliminary research before filming this video.And some of the information you'll have to know in order to do what we're going to do at the end of the video, which is going to go to Facebook. And I'm actually going to walk you through how we can set up a very simple, yet effective Facebook ad that you can use to promote your business, but you need to understand some numbers and data first. So thank you very much, guys, for asking these questions. We always appreciate you guys sending us questions so we can create content and answer your questions because it helps out other people, obviously, who might be in the tea business or any other business for that matter. So how do we also market Tea online, Damien? How do we do that? So, first and foremost, who drinks tea? You must understand your customer base before you can engage in any type of marketing advertising or reach out to any potential consumer of your product.

You need to know who they are. So who drinks tea? How about 80% of the US population? Yes, we actually dug around a little bit and found some really great information about this, and it was quite shocking. I didn't realize so many people actually drank tea, but 80% of the US population drinks some form of tea on any given day. That equates to roughly 150 to 170 million people every day drinking a type of tea, whether it's bottled, loosely brewed tea, steeped tea, green tea, black tea, white tea, we long tea, et cetera, 160 to about 150 to 170 million people drink it on a daily basis. Now that's a lot of people, and obviously the demographic is great because there is a large consumer base. There are a lot of food products, snacks, drinks, and the like, that have a smaller consumer base. So it's a little trickier, and even harder in some cases, to market a product and find those people.
How do you promote a tea brand on social media
But 160 million is a good place to start. So next up, who drinks it the most? What gender is it? Men or women? Surprisingly, it is actually a woman. Women drink 52% of women actually drink some form of tea on a daily basis. 48% of men drink tea on a daily basis in some form. Okay, now this information is going to be very important because I've got a little bit more to go through. So stay with me all the way through the whole video, because then when we start plugging these numbers in, I'm going to show you how to effectively use Facebook without getting technical and getting very involved with huge ads or business ads or getting very involved with it. There is a very simple way to do this. Okay, Next, 87% of millennials drink tea. Now the bulk of the users on Facebook, and actually social media in general, are millennials.

So this is critical because that age group, that age demographic, will be critical.When we sit down at the computer, I'm in a minute, I'm going to show you how we use Facebook ads and we can target specifically millennials, but 87% of millennials drink tea. That is an enormous amount based on a specific demographic. Okay, All right. So next up, this is another super important factor. When you figure out who is drinking the tea, how much of it is actually more important than all of that in terms of geography.In terms of consumption, where is tea consumed in the United States? this is not globally. I'm not going to get into a global discussion.This is specifically what we researched in the United States. So unfortunately, if you're watching this and you're outside the US, a lot of this data and information may not be useful to you, but it is specifically for the US.
How do you promote a tea brand on social media
So tea is consumed geographically in the United States, in the Southern and Northeastern states. Okay, And you might be asking again, dam, why is that important specifically geographically? So, when you go to Facebook or any other platform, any social media platform, and you have the ability to create an ad or market a product tailored to a specific group of people, age is advantageous.Gender is obviously important. How much of a particular product is being consumed? We've covered that, but geographically you could precisely go into states. For instance, we're out of, we're in between, we're in Georgia. So Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina can tell you that living in Georgia, and in parts of Florida, and in deep parts of the south, an enormous amount of tea can be consumed. Every barbecue place we've actually been to. The number one beverage there is is tea, either sweet tea or non-sweet tea.
So tea is consumed on a regular basis, but it's also consumed in great quantities. However, in terms of geography, the Southern states and the Northeast are where tea is brewed.So it's not out west, it's not in the Midwest or the Northwest, it's predominantly in those areas. Now you might also be asking D, where do you get all this information? Well, we did a tremendous amount of research. Believe it or not, We found several websites that have really great statistics, data, and information on T consumption. So if you want to check out even more below the video, we'll obviously upload this onto our podcast, but below this video, we're going to have some links to our blog back on our website. You can check out those links to the websites. Where did we get this data from? How is it consumed? Now?

How do you promote a tea brand on social media
This is another important factor. Tea is something that's really, really different because a lot of times snacks and other things are just grabbed and gone or certain other foods and beverages are consumed in a much simpler way. Tea is one of those things, similar to coffee. There are numerous ways that you can make it. There's cold brew, there's hot tea, there's loose leaf, there's tea that you, that is in tea bags that you simply steep. One tea bag at a time, there's tea that's mass produced. That's bottled, that's canned. I mean, there's an enormous way that that's going to be consumed. So how is it consumed? 70 to 80% of the tea consumed is hot. Believe it or not, That's super important. Why is that so important? Because the type of tea you are going to sell is going to dictate how it's actually prepared and who's going to buy it based on how they're making it.
If I were to tell you, hey, you know what? The majority of tea is actually consumed in bottles and cans. Then you need to maybe arrange your tea business and you might want to go after those consumers. If that's what you want to do, If you're reselling large bulk loose leaf tea or tea bags, or if you want to start your own private label tea company and make your own tea bags that can be steeped one cup at a time in hot tea, well, you're going to be targeting 70 to 80% of the people drinking it. Do you understand what I'm saying? So, understanding how it's consumed and who's consuming it. And then how's it being prepared can help you understand when we start to set up our ads and why you need to target them? Over the next five to 10 years, there will be a big growth rate in bottled tea and tea.
And that's because canned goods, as I just mentioned, are expected to grow at about 5% to 7%. In the next five to 10 years, that's a pretty decent growth rate. So if you wanted to incorporate a private label, for instance, tea, bottled business, or canned canning business, canning tees along with selling loose leaf tea and the tees you already have, if you're buying it in bulk and simply breaking it down and putting your own label on it, maybe you should think about that. So I threw that extra statistic in there, that little bit of data about bottled in cants, because you need to also think of multiple sources of income, different ways and methods to sell your tea. Don't get so narrow-minded and focused on specifically selling loose leaf tea or teas in a bag or whatever it may be that you're looking to sell.

How do you promote a tea brand on social media
However you want to package it, think outside the box and try to incorporate that because you're going to have growth for that. So which tea is actually consumed the most? So we've gone through how much of the population, we've also gone through how much on a daily basis, gender, okay. Specifically, men and women break it up. How, how, how, what's the percentage of the consumers, the age group demographic, which is millennials, and then geographically, where in the US specifically, is it being consumed? So you can target your ad specifically there now, which tea is actually consumed the most, because, obviously, you know, there's a multitude of different teas. There's black tea, white tea, and green tea, which are hugely popular, especially in bottled and canned production. And then there's dark tea there, Ang, which is a red tea, Roy Bo tea, as well.
How do you promote a tea brand on social media
I actually drink a lot of tea here myself. I drink a lot of black tea, green tea, and red tea. But which one is going to be the most popular?So number one, believe it or not, 80% is actually black tea. Black tea, in some shape or form, in the US is consumed by 80% of the consumption demographic. Okay, Next up is 20%, which is the remaining green tea, white and dark tea in Ang tea. Those are the ones that rank second, and they make up the 20%, Damien. Why is that important? Again, when you start to create your ads, you can begin to also target people who are interested in black tea or even green tea. Believe it or not, There's a lot of demo data and information within Facebook and within other avenues, of course, even Pinterest, and otherwise, you can dig deep in there and find out what those Ts are and specifically target people for those Ts.
How do you promote a tea brand on social media
Okay, So now that we have this information, let's head on over to my laptop and let's walk you through step-by-step how to plug these particular numbers in. So you can precisely market your business to the people who are drinking. Now, before we do that, there are three things that you need to know. The three things that I do when I run ads on Facebook are what I've learned through my canyon snack business, running Facebook ads. Number one, you need to run it three separate times. When you first run this, you're going to get some preliminary data, some preliminary information about some people that are hitting that are obviously clicking on the ad. People who have viewed the ad and all of this other information. So you can refine it two more times.
This is kind of like the methodology that I have used to help us sell our cookies more efficiently by running Facebook ads and our candies and snacks more efficiently. So the first time you do it, you're just kind of gathering general information. You want to get some information to see how the numbers you just plugged in all this stuff that we just talked about are actually clicking on the app. You're going to run the end the second time, and you're going to refine it based on the information the first time. By the time you do it the third time, and then moving forward after that, the fourth and fifth, and however many times you want, but around the third time, you'll be much more precise as to where and who you place those ads in front of, because you understand the information we just talked about.
We plugged it in twice. You gather that data. And the third time, that's going to be probably the most. It should be your most effective ad. So those are the three things, the three steps, the three times that you're going to run the ads. So let's take a look at this. Let's head on over to the laptop and let's plug in some of this information. Okay? So I've got my laptop open here and I'm getting ready to run a Facebook ad. It's a very simple ad for four T products. As I mentioned in the text, you saw me going down all the data and statistics and information that we're now going to plug in to our Facebook ad. And remember, you're going to do this three times. So the first time is going to be a really simple one to gather as much information as you can in general about the people who are clicking on the ad, what the ad's performance is, is it men or women, what the age group that you specified?
Are they clicking on it, and you'll refine it and you'll run it twice? And then a third time. So let's get started. I have it up here. I have just a generic one where this is the marketing of food online Facebook page. So I want to have a generic link to just a tea product. That's on Amazon, some random tea item. I don't necessarily sell tea. So this is a tea item that you can put up here as an example to explain what I'm going to do. Now, you're going to have a little bit of ad copy. If you will, right here at the beginning, you can put a little bit about the tea that you're selling. If it's your private label, maybe a little description about the product, the flavor profile, how it tastes. You don't want to get too wordy with it because you want to rely on the link and the images to really capture people's attention and get them to click.
So let's scroll down here to the button destination. You want people to obviously go to your website. So websites clicked on the audience. Now you want to choose the people yourself. So you want to come over here? You want to specify this? Now, as I mentioned before, the demographic, as far as gender is concerned, is almost split down the middle for consumption, right? So we're going to do everything.We're not going to specifically choose just men or just women. We want to do it all. Now, The age group of millennials is 26 to 41 years of age. So let's go from 26 to 41. Now I am Damian. Am I missing out on a lot of other things? Well, you could go all the way up to 60 or higher. Of course, people drink tea at that age as well, but we want to kind of focus on people who frequent Facebook. Not as many people in the 60+, late fifties, seventies, or mid seventies age groups are actually on Facebook. The predominant users are millennials. So, if you have a very high consumption among millennials, and millennials are the demographic age group that is primarily on Facebook, stick with that, just to get some basic ideas, and some information from your ads.So let's go up here and let's go to 41.
And that's, that's good right there. All right. Now, location type. Remember what I mentioned before? We wanted to find out where the tea is consumed most in the Southern states and the Northeast predominantly. That doesn't mean that everyone else in other states obviously drinks it, but the majority of it is consumed in those regions. So let's do this. I'm going to actually, I'm going to get Texas off here, Florida and California. I'm going to do Georgia. Yep, We're going to Georgia in the United States. Then we're going to do it in the Northeast. Let's go with New Jersey. And again, we'll pick a few different states because this is the first of three ads. So we want to kind of just get a rough idea of what states may be performing well. And maybe in the second ad, we can choose a variety of other states. I'm going to also South Carolina
All right, that's on there too. Let's do New York. I'm sure there's a huge portion of New Yorkers who drink tea as well. So we'll do New York as well. And let's just do one more state. You don't want to make it too broad. You don't want to do like the entire eastern seaboard, I mean, or even the east coast, because there are just too many people. You're not going to get any generalized information from that. Okay, And lastly, let's do We have South Carolina. Let's do North Carolina. There we go. Perfect. For now, That's a good start. Wait until that happens, and there you have it.This was actually set up here from a different ad, people of interest.I did. So let me clear this out really quickly. These are going to be people who have certain interests. Now, Obviously, people who drink tea are probably into health, right? And nutrition. It's safe to say health and beauty sound good to me. So we'll put health and beauty in there. Let's have a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyles. That's another group that we want to target. Target. In terms of personal interests,Food and restaurants for demographics would make sense too, because obviously, people who enjoy gourmet teas or drinking tea specifically are probably into food as well. So we got healthy food. Let's put tea drinkers on the list.
Let's just do tea and let's see if we get any interest. Perfect. Even green tea. There you go.
Now that's some that's even better. So let's do tea and let's get a couple of other interesting teas. Perfect. Okay, So you get the gist of it, right? So you've got the demographics, you have the geographic geographic area. You've got the demographic based on the age of millennials. You've got a few interests, so this is a good place to start. Okay, So we're going to go ahead and scroll down. Let's see how big our audience is. Let's wrap that up, and we're going to save. So we have the potential to reach about four and a half million people. Now, based on your budget, obviously that's going to be another big factor now. How do I do that? Damian, What I recommend when you run the first of your three ads is a minimum of seven days. Some people do five days. Some people even do less. I did seven because a week gives you a good span of time because people go on Facebook at different times.
If you only did three days, you could be missing out on the people that could have been there on the fourth or fifth day. Right? And they could click on your app. Seven days is an entire week. So it's Saturday to Sunday. So you cover a full variety of timeframes in the full week. So it gives you an opportunity to really gain some information. That makes sense. If you did it in a shorter period of time, you could be missing out on some other demographics and other information because you went too short. So I go for seven days now. The budget you can set at $40 or $50. You can honestly do one, really honestly, for about 25 to 30 bucks. So you really get a good, basic bit of information and refine that for the second set of ads at a higher dollar amount.
Okay, You could do 30. The more you go, obviously the more people you're going to reach. You see now, this estimates how many clicks you're going to get based on that every day. Okay, This is how many people you'll reach in a day. This is estimated daily information, right? Okay, So that is how many you reach every day. So you're going to spend 60 bucks, period. You're going to run it for seven days. This is the end date, and you're ready to boost. Okay, So if you're looking to figure out how to market tea specifically, start with the demographic. Start with the data first. Don't just randomly go out there and start putting tea ads up. Understand who drinks it, understand how much they drink, the kind they drink, and more and more, et cetera, as we discussed. So if this is helpful, please give us a big thumbs up.
If this will help you understand, if you have any questions about running a tee marketing campaign or understanding how to market tea, stay tuned, because this is only for Facebook. I'm actually going to show you some other ways that are free using LinkedIn, Instagram, and other social media, including Pinterest. We actually use Pinterest. We have over 450,000 monthly viewers on our Pinterest account. We use Pinterest for free and we promote products through it. So there's going to be a series of videos dedicated to promoting T and marketing online. And I'm going to show you how we do that for free.