How to sell Tea from home
Is it possible to sell Tea from home? Can I sell Tea blends online? Do I need a license to sell Tea online? In this video, I'm going to give you 19 different ways to actually start a business, and I'm going to do it on this board, and we're ready to do that. All right. So how do you sell Tea. Damien in 19 different ways? So as you can see back on the board behind me, I've got my amazing drawing again, with our amazing teacup in 19 different ways. I'm going to go through each one of them and explain exactly how this works, but before we do, if you are not aware of it yet, we have a brand new membership program here on YouTube, specifically here on our channel. You've got to check out the link down below where it says "join." There's a little box. There are three different tiers, and they are different paid levels that you can become a member of.
How to sell Tea from home
And there are perks that are related to each level in each tier. It's definitely something that helps us out too. Please continue to make free content for you guys as well. And plus, it helps you guys reach out to us, depending upon the tier that you can. You can actually work with us directly and you can get advice. You can get tips. You also get access to additional codes and discounts for different types of programs and additional things that we have on, including different types of products and services. And that is something you definitely want to check out. So let's dive right into it. I've got my board up here behind me. I'm going to go through this list of different types of ways to sell teeth. Some of these might be new to you. Some of them might be something that you're already aware of, but it's definitely something I wanted to put together to help you brainstorm and come up with some fantastic ideas on how to start, sell, and grow your tea business.
So, first and foremost, there are bulky, loose teeth.So yes, you could actually sell tea online in bulk. If you were not aware of this, you can purchase it on numerous different channels. It could even be Alibaba. It could be eBay. It could even be on Amazon, believe it or not, in bulk. And you could turn around, put your label on it, flip it, and sell it in bulk. If you have a distributor that's outside the US and you are getting it in massive quantities, that's even better because that gives you an opportunity to also break it down into five-pound, two-pound, or even one-pound bags in bulk bags and sell it in bulk. That's number one, number two, reselling already existing brands, reselling brands that are already in the marketplace. Right now, there are a ton, probably a few hundred different types of tea brands that are already in the marketplace.

How to sell Tea from home
You can simply buy them, flip them, and put them on places like eBay, EtC, or Amazon, or any type of website that you can think of, but you're simply taking the product and you're reselling it now with all of these different concepts in mind. Be aware, though, of the types of permits and licenses that you will need dependent upon the different types of business that you're going to run. If you're going to be storing food and you're going to have a warehouse where there's any type of food product, including tea, make sure you check with the FDA because they actually require a registration of your facility based upon their regulations for any type of facility that stores, ships, manufactures, or handles food products. It has to be registered with the FDA. So keep that in mind too. For almost all of these concepts and ideas, there are legalities and things that you need to make sure you do.
Can I sell Tea blends online
Number two. All right. So number three, tea buns, So what exactly is tea bundling? So if you were to put together a variety of teas, popular varieties of teas, with different flavors, profiles, and different types of teas like green teas, red teas, black teas, and so on, it would be a really unique way to create a listing. It will set you apart when you are online. I know this for a fact because I actually do this with our snack and candy business and our baked goods. We put together a lot of products and bundle them. The same thing goes with tea. If you have a variety of tea products, why not put them together? You actually increase the individual transaction amount. You'll satisfy the customer's love for maybe a variety of different tees, and they don't have to buy them in broken down one-pound bags or a variety of different types of packaging that you may have them in.

So I'm bundling and putting them together on one specific list. A variety of steam produces a great product for your customer.And again, if you're already new to this, or if you're not new to this, if you're already used to this in eCommerce, you might have already been doing bundling and it's working out fantastically because it's going to create a really higher price point. We actually have it. For instance, I'll give you an example. There's a snack product that we have where there are three different flavors of a specific nut. We have these roasted nuts that we do. There are three different flavors, but it's like a 39 or $49 transaction. So instead of the individual bag, which is normally around 12 bucks or so, we actually make that transaction nearly $40. That's huge because I can take that, put it in a box, ship it, and take less time, but I'm making more money than having to do individual bags.
Can I sell Tea blends online
So definitely check out bun number four, bundling tea products with tea. Now, what does that mean, Damien? If you were to be selling tea, there are a lot of other products that go great with it. There are tea pots, there are kettles, there are all kinds of steeps that you steep the tea with. There are a variety of other products that you can actually put together. Don't get me wrong, but just simply selling a variety of teas with other tea products or even tea cups, funny coffee cups, funny coffee mugs, or tea mugs, tea cups. Those are fantastic products that you can combine with your tea, and you will increase that individual transaction price point. And you're going to sell more of a dollar amount than you would if you didn't have additional products with your tea in particular. As a result, combining tea with other products raises the value of that single transaction.

Can I sell Tea blends online
That's another way to sell tea. Next up, number five. This one is my favorite because we have probably three dozen or so four dozen subscription services with snacks, Bri candies, cookies, and a whole bunch of other things, but tea subscriptions. So if you can bring together a variety of teas every single month and ship them out on a regular basis, you can create a tea subscription business. That is something that's lucrative because it brings in money every single month. And as it grows, people offer it and maybe even send it to a family member. It's a great gift idea, and it will allow you to have a constant flow of revenue every single month. And T subscriptions are great too, because if you go to, it's a website called, which is what we use for subscription business.
If you go there and you create a business subscription storefront on their website, the great thing is that as you begin to ship out the products every month, you could put a QR code on that label, and you could send them over to your website, and you could gain additional traffic to your website organically without having to pay for it. By simply putting a QR code with a link to your tea business website, great idea. It's another way to sell tees. So you've got subscriptions and curated tees.Now this is slightly different than Thant bundling, but when you curate tees, there are some people who, and I've actually seen this online. I've seen it a lot on eBay. As a matter of fact, you could take a variety of different teas back and you bring them together in a, almost like a gift box in a sense, but it's a curated variety of different tees that could be Twinings.
Do I need a license to sell Tea online?
They could be different types of store-brand tees as well. Any brand that you can think of, you could bring together a variety of tea bags and you could put them into something like a 25 pack or a 20 pack or even a 50 pack, but it has a variety of tea, so it's another way that you can actually sell tea online. And it's simply curating different flavor profiles, curating tea, number seven. Of course, Now we can start talking about where we are going to sell these. Amazon is, of course, at the top of the list for us, because, of course, the bulk of our business that we do online comes from Amazon. But we have a store on eBay at, at C, and everyone else in between, as I mentioned in some of my other videos, but Amazon is a great place to sell tea, actually, in almost any of these ways.

Do I need a license to sell Tea online?
So, once you go on there and create your Amazon account, you could offer tees in a plethora of different varieties, a plethora of different ways and price points, and even different bundles.Now, keep in mind too, that Amazon does have regulations and rules on how to properly bundle packages and stuff them. I won't get too much into that right now in this video, but I do have a video coming out. That's going to teach you a little bit about how to bundle products for Amazon, but if you want to get on Amazon, you're going to have millions of people looking at your potential tea products, or different tea bundles, or whatever it might be. So get on Amazon as a platform as being the one to go to when you start to sell these tees in these different ways. All right, so number seven, number eight, private label, and co-packing. Did you know that tees can be co-packed and you can get a private label Tea business up and running?
There are actually companies out there that manufacture products with your name and your product in the visual teabag, believe it or not, with your tea blends or a preset of different tea blends that they offer. And the reason why is that they co-pack it. And they will create your brand for you and manufacture it for you. And then you tell them where to ship it. So if you have a fulfillment center or if you actually want them to ship it back to you, you fulfill the orders as they come in, but you don't have to actually make it. So yes, private-label co-packing is another way to sell tea. Next up at number nine is, of course, eBay. Now believe it or not, a lot of people have actually done consulting with a lot of clients that I've spoken with over the past three years. They've mentioned to me that they've thought about eBay, but they hear a lot of negative things about selling food on eBay, and that it's not profitable.
Do I need a license to sell Tea online?
Well, to be honest with you, eBay has millions of customers that go there for snacks, drinks, candies, food, and everything else in between that's edible. And you can actually eat it. So, believe it or not, eBay is a great place to have a store presence. That's why I've been on there for probably about 12 or 13 years now. But you want to make sure that you have a presence there because, believe it or not, not everybody goes to Amazon and not everybody likes to shop on Amazon, nor do they like to shop on Etsy. So you could pick up that additional traffic by having a T store specifically set up on eBay. That is another way that you can sell your tea products. Now, to number 10, Etsy. Yes. Believe it or not, Etsy was, and still is, a fantastic website to sell food products.
If you're talking specifically about tea, then yes, you can definitely create another tea store there. Damian, why would I want to be in all these places when I could be on Amazon? And, of course, be in front of more people than Etsy and eBay probably combined. Well, the reason being, like I just mentioned, you don't know for sure that everybody actually goes to Amazon. They don't like to shop there for whatever personal reasons.And why would I miss out on traffic on eBay and Etsy if I'm selling a tea product and I want it to be in as many people's eyes as possible? Because you don't know how many of those sales are potentially going to happen. So be on Etsy, just like you're going to be on other platforms, because it's only going to be beneficial.
It's not going to harm your business. It's only going to make it even better. Number 11 Shopify. So now to Shopify. The reason why I say Shopify is, of course, there's WooCommerce, there's Goad, and there's a ton of others. I personally have a great website that we've developed on Shopify. The marketing food is actually our website for this particular channel on YouTube. Shopify is amazing. It has done a great, considerable amount of business for us, building out a website on Shopify selling. They have a ton of different apps that create great functions and a very easy to use interface for your customers. This is going to make your website even more enjoyable to shop on. It's very simple to use, and it has become a widely used platform to create your own website. Again, you may or may not have heard of this method of selling your number 12.
How to sell Tea from home
And you are, if you're in the food industry. You probably haven't, but food service. So, have you ever wondered where they get all of their food supplies from? Where do they get all of their sauces and seasonings and plates and small wears and everything else that they use as lids for food service containers and cups?That is a form. That's a huge industry, by the way, but it is a form of food distribution. So they actually, if they're anything like you, talk about vacation homes. If you talk about hotels, if you talk about cafeterias, hospitals, universities, colleges, all of them have to get their food products from somewhere. Well, they get it from food service. Well, if you have your own brand of tea, believe it or not.
Food service companies distribute a lot of tea. They are ready to make tea mixes. They have natural tea blends. They have a large selection of loose leaf teas.There's a ton of variety that goes through food service companies that go out to restaurants and everyone else in between. So make sure you double check with food service because if you create your own type of tea or maybe you're importing it in large quantities, they may be interested in distributing a heck of a lot of it because they do number 12. So, number 13, LinkedIn. Now you're probably thinking to yourself, Damian. Linkedin is not exactly an e-commerce website. No, it's not, but I'll tell you right now. There are a ton of tea industry CEOs, tea buyers, tea manufacturers, grocery stores, shops that sell tea, coffee shops, everything that you can imagine on LinkedIn. And yes, you can sell stuff on LinkedIn by putting a link to either your Amazon or eBay store, your Shopify website, or wherever it may be that you are online.
How to sell Tea from home
LinkedIn can be leveraged to draw sales to your business. It is mind-boggling. It's staggering. We actually have developed just for marketing food online, this YouTube channel, and nearly 9,500 industry connections in just the food industry alone with what we do for you with marketing food. Now we are a service, basically a content and service company, but if it's a physical product company, it can still be used the exact same way. So check out LinkedIn, number 14, Facebook. If you don't realize it, you are. If you have Facebook, it is a marketplace. There are a variety of ways to make money. You can sell products on Facebook. If you have a tea business and you have a presence on these other platforms, great. You need to add one more. And that needs to be Facebook because Facebook is a place where you can also run Facebook ads very simply and attract and go to the people who are actually into tea consumption, people who enjoy drinking tea in general, or even just groups of people who talk about different tees, believe it or not.
How to sell Tea from home
Yes, there are groups on Facebook that are geared towards the T industry. And you need to be a part of those groups. That is another way to sell something online. If you have not understood that yet, number 15, this is one of my favorite Twitters. We use Twitter for business purposes often, actually every single day. Believe it or not, From time to time, we will push out several products every day at certain times with certain hashtags. Now, the reason why I say use Twitter to sell tea is, believe it or not, hashtag tea, hashtag coffee, hashtag beverage, hashtag food and beverage. All of those hashtags have a ton of people every day that are engaged in conversation. Why not join Twitter and simply use it on a daily basis to help promote the cell of your tea?
If hashtags, Twitter is amazing. You have to definitely look into it. Number 16, we've got three more to go, cottage food. So now, if you're not familiar with what cottage food law is, it's actually laws that every state has established to allow you to create a home-based food business, but the bulk and the majority of them do allow you to actually sell teas that you can blend or tease that you make. You can't necessarily sell the maid tea itself in a bottle to be drank in order for you to drink it. It's ready to make drinks that are normally not allowed, but the tea leaves themselves. You can definitely sell it. So farmer's markets, festivals, local events, they are a great way to start a home-based food business with minimal investment, but it gives you the opportunity to, if you've never been an entrepreneur before, and you want to sell tea, you could start selling it on a small scale and then grow it from there.
How to sell Tea from home
So definitely look at cottage food laws. Every single state is slightly different, but the bulk of the ones that I'm aware of actually allow you to sell tees. Number 17: You can sell tea without ever purchasing it in stock.Now, this is a unique concept. It's kind of unique in the sense that there are quite a few people on eBay that I've noticed who do this, but here's the concept. Let's just say it happens to be Walmart. And Walmart has a huge T section. Believe it or not, Now they stock all that tea and they have it on their shelves. You create a store on eBay or Etsy or one of these other forms. And what you do is, you actually take a picture of it. You take a picture of an image of it. You upload it. You set a price point for yourself.
However, you want to sell it. Maybe you want to do it in bulk, or maybe you want to sell 10 boxes at a time, or five boxes, whatever it may be. But from there, you actually go to the store and fulfill the order only as you sell it. As a result, you never have inventory on hand.Now, what I recommend doing is this: some of the challenges are that sometimes the store might be out of a certain flavor of tea, and that might pose a problem for you. Most of these platforms do recommend that you carry an inventory of the product. So I would say, you might want to do that, but this is a concept. And if you want to do it, that's up to you. But the idea is to actually never have inventory; you simply buy it and then flip it. Number 18, create a comparison site.
This is actually really cool. You're not ever going to sell the tee. What you're going to do is go to Amazon Associates, which is an affiliate program, and you're going to build out either a blog or a website, and you're going to compare and contrast the different types of tees that are in the marketplace. And then you're going to create a link because you're an Amazon associate and you get a percentage of every bit of tea that's ever sold through your links. And you're going to compare all these different types of tees and show images of them. And there's a link on there that you're going to create. That takes some to Amazon. The customer will check out, and when they buy that product, what will happen is that you will get a portion of the proceeds. Pretty cool, huh? You actually don't ever even buy it. You don't inventory it.
How to sell Tea from home
Now, the percentage is low, but if you drive a lot of traffic to your website or even your blog and have a really well-designed website, you can make a lot of money without ever having to ship the tee product itself.Lastly, number 19, all right, we're at number 19. Guess what? Youtube? Yes. Right here on YouTube, making videos that compare, in a sense, similar to number 18. But if you did a video and you compared a variety of teas, or better yet, you talked about the health benefits of tea consumption and drinking tea. And you did a 10, 12, minute little video and you created a website or created a website. You created a channel on YouTube dedicated to different types of beverages or the health benefits of tea, coffee, and other things. Then in the description section below the video, you have your affiliate links so people can buy the product.
But the great thing about this is that when you make a video on YouTube, it is there forever. So you're going to create a passive stream of income by generating videos because of the tees that you're going to review. And then every single time that link is clicked and someone buys something, you're going to get paid a portion of that amount. So basically, you could generate a passive income from selling it without actually selling tea. So those are 19 different ways. You may have thought of some of them. Maybe you haven't. You can actually sell tea online and create a tee business. Some of them you don't even have to have inventory for, and then some of them you can make your own. So if you have any questions about tee business, let us know down below, and we will definitely get back to you as soon as possible. If this video is helpful, give us a big thumbs up and again, check out our membership program with the different perks. We do appreciate everybody. We've had quite a few people already join, and you can join from month to month, or even just one month at a time, or you can join and stay on there for as long as you want. And I'll see you guys in our next video.