What equipment is required to open a pizza shop?
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What equipment is required to open a pizza shop
Pizza Shop Equipment List 1. Pizza Ovens
When it comes to purchasing new equipment, pizza ovens are one of the first things that should come to mind. When it comes to the flavor of your pizza, having the appropriate pizza oven is just as crucial as having the right dough or toppings. This is due to the fact that the kind of pizza oven you select will determine the kinds of pizzas that you are able to prepare. Each oven produces pizza with a unique style and flavor, such as deep dish pizza in the Chicago style or thin crust pizza in the New York style.
What equipment is required to open a pizza shop
When it comes to selecting the ideal pizza oven, you should also take into consideration the dimensions of your pizzeria as well as the number of customers who frequent it. Make sure you know how much space you have in your kitchen and approximately how many orders your shop can manage before you make a decision on which oven to purchase.

The following is a rundown of the various pizza ovens available, along with a brief explanation of the benefits each one offers.
a woman placing a pizza into a conveyor oven
Brick pizza oven Although baking pizza in a brick oven is the conventional method, using and maintaining such an oven requires a higher level of expertise. It imparts a flavor similar to pizza cooked in a wood-burning oven.
Pizza parlors that need to produce a large number of pizzas in a short amount of time benefit greatly from the use of conveyor pizza ovens. Several pizzas are transferred through the oven by use of a conveyor belt at the same time.
Pizza deck oven: Deck ovens are what come to mind for the majority of people when they think of a pizza oven.
It is simple to operate and simple to clean, as it cooks pizzas uniformly using heated coils, and it is easy to use.
Convection pizza oven: in contrast to traditional pizza ovens, convection ovens bake pizzas by distributing the heat from the cooking process uniformly around the room. When done in this manner, the cheese will turn golden and become crisp, while the crust will remain soft and doughy.
A deck oven or a convection oven is comparable in size to a countertop pizza oven, however this type of oven is significantly more compact. Its compact size requires less storage space, but it still produces delicious pizza. What equipment is required to open a pizza shop
a man using a planetary mixer to combine a variety of ingredients.
What equipment is required to open a pizza shop
2. Pizza Dough Prep
Because outstanding pizza dough is the foundation upon which even the best pizzas are built, it is essential for a pizzeria's success to be equipped with the necessary equipment to prepare pizza dough. Even if the dough recipe that is used at your pizza shop is one of a kind, the vast majority of pizza shops use common instruments, such as a commercial dough mixer and a proofing cabinet, in order to manufacture and prepare dough. No matter what kind of pizza you create, the most critical instruments for producing pizza dough are commercial dough mixers, dough dividers, dough sheeters, and dough rounders, as well as the proper manner to store dough. This is true regardless of the pizza toppings you choose to use.

There is a bargain on dough mixers.
If you don't mix your pizza dough correctly, you'll wind up with an ineffective mass that won't rise properly. Employing the services of a professional dough mixer will guarantee that your dough is ready to be baked. While you are kneading the dough and mixing the ingredients, the yeast will be distributed uniformly throughout the dough by the mixer. This permits the fermentation process to take place, which results in the production of gluten, the addition of water to the flour, and the mixing of the wheat with other dry components. Additionally, using a commercial dough mixer enables you to produce a large quantity of dough all at once, which removes the stress associated with worrying about running out.
Pizza restaurants often make use of one of two distinct types of commercial dough mixers. Depending on the requirements of your pizza shop, selecting the most appropriate mixer can assist in making your kitchen function more efficiently.
Planetary mixer: This type of mixer is wel
l-known for its adaptability due to the fact that its mixing parts can be detached and replaced with others. It is capable of blending and beating a variety of ingredients, including mashed potatoes, batter, meatballs, and pizza dough. Because of the planetary attachment that wraps around the bowl of this mixer, it may be used for a wide variety of purposes, which is where the mixer's name derives from. Because of its versatility, planetary mixers are the equipment of choice for pizza restaurants that offer a wide variety of toppings and other ingredients.
What equipment is required to open a pizza shop
Mixing dough is the purpose of a device called a spiral mixer, which is used to combine ingredients. It kneads enormous quantities of dough for an extended period of time as it rotates, resulting in dough that is perfectly combined. It is not possible to use a different bowl or dough hook head because both are permanently attached to the machine. In contrast to the planetary mixer, the spiral mixer's bowl kneads the dough by slowly spiraling small pieces of dough into a stationary hook. This is done in a much more gentle manner. By using this procedure, the dough will be more uniform, allowing you to exert greater influence over its flavor.
a device that flattens and rolls out dough
Sheeters, Rounders, and Dough Dividers (Sheeters, Rounders, and Dough Dividers)

After you have created your dough, you may use dough dividers, dough rounders, and dough sheeters to form it into the various pizzas you wish to make by dividing and shaping the dough. The majority of the equipment are also automatic, which means that they will split, stretch, and flatten your dough in the same manner based on the settings that you choose in advance. This will guarantee that each and every one of your pizzas is the same.
You may cut big volumes of dough into equal pieces with a dough divider, which allows you to mold the pieces into pizzas later on.
After you have divided the dough into equal portions, you can use something called a dough rounder to prevent the gas from escaping. This machine stretches the gluten on the outside of the dough, which in turn makes the outside of the dough smooth.
When you cook pizza, using a dough sheeter will save you time since it will flatten and roll out the dough to make it the same thickness. This is of utmost significance in pizza restaurants that produce a large number of pizzas in a relatively short period of time.
a human being stuffing dough into a dough box.
Money Placed Aside
You will save time in the kitchen and money on materials if you know how to store dough correctly. Because of this, it is an essential component of the operation of your pizza store. This innovative equipment provides the optimal atmosphere for dough to rise and rest until you're ready to utilize it. That way, you won't have to constantly worry about creating dough and can instead concentrate on producing pizzas.
What equipment is required to open a pizza shop
Dough box: If you have a lot of dough that needs to be moved from the proofing cabinets to the preparation table, you can use dough boxes to store and transport the dough. In addition, the boxes are constructed in such a way that the dough can rise inside of them.
Racks specifically designed to hold dough boxes allow you to stack and store both empty and used dough boxes out of the way.
Cabinet for proofing: If you want your pizza dough to rise to its full potential, a cabinet for proofing is the way to go. You have complete control over the environment, and can adjust not just the temperature but also the humidity to meet your requirements.
A pizza scale allows you to make sure that you use the same quantity of each ingredient no matter what size pizza you prepare. This is because the pizza scale measures in grams rather than pounds.
3. Pizza Ingredients
Ingredients for pizza can vary widely depending not just on the type of pie, but also on the toppings that are available. However, there are certain toppings that are standard on pizzas served in every state in the country. Flour, yeast, sauce, and cheese are the four essential ingredients in virtually every pizza; deli meats and veggies are popular toppings. Check out our rundown of the most important pizza toppings and sauces to ensure that you have everything you need to build amazing pizzas with enticing topping combinations.

A bowl that is white and contains pizza sauce.
Cheese: Regardless of the other toppings you choose, practically every one of them will have cheese. Because of their ability to brown evenly, melt smoothly, and provide their own distinctive flavors, mozzarella, provolone, cheddar, parmesan, and gouda are the cheeses that work best on pizza.
Pizza sauce: Good pizza sauce is also crucial to your pizzeria's success. The consistency of pasta sauce is thinner than that of pizza sauce, which is produced from tomato paste and several spices. It undergoes the same cooking process as the pizza.
Flour Since flour is the most important component of pizza dough, you should probably purchase it in large quantities if you don't want to risk running out of it.
Yeast: Just like bread dough, pizza dough needs to rest and rise before it can be baked successfully. Yeast is a type of chemical that aids in the process of dough rising.
Meats from the deli are often offered as topping options at pizza restaurants. Common deli meats include pepperoni, sausage, ham, bacon, chicken, and prosciutto.
Spices: If you want a pizza that has a lot of flavor, you could include Italian spices in the sauce and on top of the pizza. This is something you might do if you want a pizza with a lot of flavor. On pizza, herbs and seasonings such as oregano, basil, onion flakes, and garlic salt are frequently added.
Peppers, tomatoes, onions, spinach, and broccoli are just few of the veggies that are frequently used as toppings on pizza. Other common vegetables include broccoli, spinach, and onions. Additionally, people enjoy toppings that come from other food groups, such as black olives.
What equipment is required to open a pizza shop
Toppings of a Specialty: If you want to offer premium toppings, you can spice up your other toppings by adding things like buffalo sauce, barbecue sauce, anchovies, or pineapple. Also, if you want to give premium toppings, you should offer premium toppings.
4. Pizza Making Tools
From the preparation of the dough to the actual act of serving the pizza, there are a variety of instruments that can assist you in producing the highest quality pizza for your devoted clientele. These gadgets guarantee that every pizza will have the same consistency. For instance, you may use a ladle to measure out sauce uniformly, or you can use a cutting guide to make pizza slices that are all the same size. Both of these tools are available at most kitchen supply stores. The equipment that you use to prepare pizza also helps you save time in the kitchen, which allows you to fulfill customer requests more rapidly.
a pizza cutter separating a pepperoni pizza
Pizza cutters, which can be anything from wheel cutters to pizza knives, are used to cut pizzas in a manner that does not alter the shape of the pizza.
Ladles: When putting sauce on your pizza and spreading it out, use a ladle to do so. Because of this, it is simple to put in the appropriate amount of sauce.
Cutting surfaces and guides comprised of boards: By making use of cutting boards and dedicated pizza cutters, you will be able to cut pizza to perfection without marring any of your kitchen surfaces.
Pizza dough dockers: If you roll a dough docker over the pizza dough just before you bake it, you can get rid of air bubbles and pockets that could cause blisters and over-rising. This is accomplished by rolling the dough docker over the pizza dough.
Meat slicers, graters, and shredders that are powered by electricity: With an electric cheese grater, meat slicer, or shredder, you may quickly and easily prepare any toppings you provide for your customers, regardless of what they are.
Pizza servers: When you're serving pizza, you won't have to worry about burning your fingers or spreading germs if you use pizza servers.
To recap, these are the top five. Pizza Bakeware
Pizza bakeware is used when it is time to place the assembled pizza into the oven. This ensures that the pizza cooks evenly, allowing the cheese to melt and the crust to become crisp. Other devices, such pizza peels and pizza pan separators, prevent you from getting scorched by the oven or the pans. These things save you from getting burned. Utilizing the items on our list of tools for baking pizza will guarantee that you have everything necessary to create the ideal pizza.
Pizza stone: A pizza stone is an easy-to-use pizza accessory built from a porous material, such as ceramic or stone. It does this by soaking up moisture while the pie is in the oven, which helps to ensure that the crust bakes evenly and stays crisp.
What equipment is required to open a pizza shop
Whether you want to make a Chicago deep dish pizza or a New York thin crust pizza, pizza pans are a helpful tool for giving the pizza the desired shape as it bakes. There is a wide variety of pizza pans available; therefore, it is important to select one that is suitable for the kind of pizza you intend to prepare.
Pizza peels: A pizza peel has the appearance of a flat shovel and is used to protect your hands when adding pizzas to, spinning them in, and removing them from a hot oven.
Pizza trays and disks: screens and disks Pizza screens, sometimes known as pizza disks, are a form of pizza pan that prevent the pizza's crust from becoming soggy while it is being baked or shown. The pans, on the other hand, have holes in them so that more air can pass through them and remove any excess moisture.
Pizza pan separators allow you to stack pizzas that have already been made in pizza pans until they are ready to bake. This is useful if your kitchen is limited in space.
On a table that also contains a refrigerator, a woman can be seen putting together a pizza.
6. Pizza Refrigeration
Pizza refrigeration is a critical component in running a pizza shop. The temperature of several pizza ingredients, including the dough, cheese, deli meats, and pizza sauce, must be maintained at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit until they are put into use. When it comes to preparing food and ensuring that you can fulfill customers' requests in a timely manner, having access to a reliable refrigerator and freezer is essential.
Refrigerators and Freezers
You will typically be required to make a decision between a walk-in unit and a reach-in unit when purchasing a refrigerator and freezer combination. Both methods maintain a food's temperature at a safe level, but each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Check out our shopping guide for additional information about the several kinds of commercial refrigeration that are available, and choose which one could be the most suitable for your pizza shop.
What equipment is required to open a pizza shop
A walk-in refrigerator or freezer does not use any of your important kitchen space, but it does require a room that is quite large and is located in a different location. It is commonly used by pizza shops to store huge quantities of ingredients, making it a suitable option for establishments with more space.
Both the refrigerator and the freezer in a reach-in unit are compact and located in their own distinct compartments. They do not have the capacity to keep as much food, but they do not take up as much space in your kitchen and they make it simple to get components that have already been measured out. Because they come in a wider range of sizes and have more customization possibilities, they are an excellent alternative for pizzerias that are on the smaller side.
Pizza Prep Tables
Pizza prep tables are more than just standard tables. They facilitate a quicker production of pizza by accumulating all of the necessary components and preparatory labor in a single location, which in turn helps save time. It contains a level surface for putting together pizzas, as well as drawers and holders for your ingredients that are kept cool. Additionally, it has a ventilation system. This not only maintains everything that is required to make pizza tidy and fresh but also makes it simple for your personnel to access as they work to fulfill orders, which saves both time and space in the kitchen.
7. Items for ordering and delivering pizza
Pizza has consistently been one of the most popular takeout cuisines in the United States, where the trend toward ordering food to be picked up or delivered is ever-increasing in popularity. According to the findings of our study on the latest trends in pizza consumption, takeout and delivery accounted for a staggering $25.3 billion in sales in 2015, which is over three times as much as sales generated by dine-in customers.
It is just as vital to provide your clients with options for takeaway and delivery as it is to provide them with a pleasant dining experience in your establishment. The following is a list of items that your pizza shop ought to constantly have on hand in order to accommodate takeout and delivery orders.
a red pizza delivery bag
Pizza boxes are an indispensable part of the pizza delivery process because they are ideal for carrying finished pizzas to the homes of your clients.
Pizza bags: Although there are many various types of delivery bags, pizza bags are in a class all by themselves. Pizza bags are designed to hold more than one pizza inside of a container that is simple to transport. Typically, they are insulated so that pizzas may be kept at a warm temperature.
Disposable pizza pans and portion cups: If you want to offer your customers a more upmarket delivery alternative, disposable pizza pans typically have clear lids so that they can see the pie inside. Portion cups are also typically disposable. Additionally, you are allowed to bring messy dipping sauces with you if you use portion cups that are disposable.
Customers who order pizza for takeout or delivery benefit from having disposable napkins, plates, and utensils available to them. This ensures that they have everything they need to enjoy your great pizza no matter where they are.
Cups, lids, and straws: In the event that you provide fountain drinks for delivery or takeaway, be sure to stock up on disposable cups, lids, and straws.
Here are more resources: Starting a Pizza Shop