Can I sell charcuterie boards from home in Florida?

Posted by Damian Roberti on

Can I sell charcuterie boards from home in Florida?



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Can I sell charcuterie boards from home in Florida

 As a result of a number of legislative changes, it is now easier than ever in Florida to sell food that has been prepared at home. The first significant shift in the legislation occurred in 2011, when Florida legislators amended the Florida Food Safety Act to remove the requirement for a permit to sell non-perishable food items that had been made in private homes. In 2017, the state legislature revised the laws to permit online sales with the assistance of the Institute for Justice. At the same time, the revenue cap on sales of handmade food was increased to a maximum of $50,000 per year.



Can I sell charcuterie boards from home in Florida


Even while the improvements were positive, the law did not protect home cooking companies against meddling from local governments. As a direct consequence of this, a hodgepodge of rules emerged, some of which imposed severe limitations in areas such as Jacksonville and Miami-Dade County. The Home Sweet Home Act and other amendments that were passed by state lawmakers in 2021 and went into effect in July put a stop to the misunderstanding. The new guidelines not only created standardization across the entire state but also preempted municipal regulations, lifted the revenue maximum on sales of handmade food to $250,000, permitted mail delivery, and allowed homemade food entrepreneurs to have business partners.

Typical sorts of Florida cottage foods

Food Types Available in Florida

What Types of Foods That Can Be Stored for a Long Time Can I Sell in Florida?

There are no limitations.
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Can I sell charcuterie boards from home in Florida
The term "cottage food" refers to meals that are prepared and sold from private households and is subject to regulation in several places. Cottage food producers in Florida are allowed to sell "not potentially hazardous" foods, which are defined as foods with a minimal likelihood of causing foodborne illness to consumers. Products such as breads, rolls, biscuits, cakes, pastries and cookies, candies and confections, honey, jams, jellies and preserves, fruit pies and dried fruits, dry herbs, seasonings and mixtures, homemade pasta, cereals, trail mixes and granola, nuts, vinegar, popcorn and popcorn balls are all examples of cottage food products that are acceptable in Florida. Additional advice and direction can be obtained from the Florida Department of Agriculture...

Restaurants serving cottage foods in Florida

Sales and Venue Restrictions Florida

Annual Sales Cap $250,000
Where in Florida Can I Sell My Homemade Food to Individual Customers Directly?
There are no limitations.
Do retail outlets, such as restaurants and grocery stores, buy home-prepared meals?
Online Orders Yes
Delivery of Mail Affirmative
Cottage food manufacturers in Florida are permitted to offer their wares to end users face-to-face in a wide variety of retail locations and social gatherings, such as weddings and birthday celebrations. They are also permitted to sell their items on the internet, and beginning in 2021, they are permitted to distribute their wares to customers via mail order. The sale of wholesale quantities of Florida cottage food in retail establishments is prohibited.

Can I sell charcuterie boards from home in Florida

Beginning in the Sunshine State of Florida

Florida's Burdensome Regulatory Requirements
Before Beginning Work, There Must Be Inspections No
Are state laws superior to or do they preempt local ordinances?

There is no requirement for a license, permit, or registration.
No need for approval of recipes or testing in the lab.
No mandatory training for food handlers is required

It is simple to launch a cottage food enterprise in the state of Florida. Producing and selling food that has been manufactured at home does not require a license or permit, and the state does not conduct mandatory inspections. In addition, the state makes it clear that municipalities are not allowed to develop their own set of supplementary regulations. A person who wants to establish their own business can do so with nothing more than an entrepreneurial drive and a kitchen in their home.




Labeling requ

Can I sell charcuterie boards from home in Florida

irements for Florida's homemade foods

Cottage foods sold in the state of Florida are required to have a label that contains the following information: the name of the product, the name of the cottage food operation, the ingredients listed in descending order of predominance by weight, the net weight or net volume of the cottage food product, and information regarding allergens. In the event that any nutritional claims are made, the label is required to further include the pertinent nutritional information. It is required that the following disclaimer be printed in a typeface that is at least ten points in size: "Made in a cottage food operation that is not subject to Florida's food safety rules.""

The truth about Florida's cottage foods

There are a lot of misconceptions about cottage cuisine. Here are the pertinent details:

Can I sell charcuterie boards from home in Florida

The cuisine at the cottage is risk-free. Because actual occurrences of food-borne sickness are extremely rare or nonexistent, those who argue about the possibility of food-borne illness present hypothetical examples of what could go wrong.

Cottage food is food produced locally. When people in the same community engage in commerce with one another, more money is kept inside that community's economy.

Food prepared in a cottage setting is open. Customers of a cottage food producer are aware of exactly what they are purchasing. They are free to inquire about the ingredients, where the food came from, or if it is safe to consume.

Jobs are created by the cottage food industry. Many people who make their own food do so in order to support their family with the money they earn. Others are looking for a supplementary or additional source of income.

Cottage food gives women more independence. The majority of cottage food producers are women, according to research conducted by the IJ, and many of them reside in remote locations with few opportunities for economic advancement.

Consumers have more options when it comes to cottage food. There are certain stores that do not have the items that you are looking for. This is especially important to keep in mind if you follow a diet that excludes gluten or peanuts, is halal, kosher, or vegan. The production of cottage food addresses holes in the market and provides customers with other possibilities.

Florida's homemade artisanal foods and their suppliers

The Food Freedom Initiative of the Institute for Justice offers a wide range of resources to home bakers and other food entrepreneurs. These materials can be found on their website. These are the following:

Can I sell charcuterie boards from home in Florida

Share with us your experience in Florida.

Is the government making an effort to regulate your food company's operations?

Do you own a company that deals with food or drink that is having trouble making ends meet or is perhaps in danger of closing down due to the excessive amount of rules and regulations that must be followed?

 Can I sell charcuterie boards from home in Florida