Can I sell Homemade Food Online in Florida
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Can I sell Homemade Food Online in Florida
Regulations for Offering and Selling Homemade Food in the State of Florida
If you are looking for Florida Cottage Food Rules and Regulations: How to Market Your Homemade Food in Florida in 2022, you have come to the right place. Follow the links provided if you scroll down this page. In addition, if you bring some fruit or veggies home and wish to preserve them by canning, freezing, making jam, salsa, or pickles, visit this page for straightforward, dependable, and illustrated instructions on how to can, freeze, or preserve food. You can access the additional relevant resources by selecting them from the dropdown menu located above the resources. If you are having trouble obtaining canning lids, I've used these before, and not only are they available at a reasonable price but also arrive within two days.
Laws, rules, and facts pertaining to Florida's cottage food industry
The Florida cottage food law was initially passed into law in June of 2011, and it underwent a round of amendments in May of 2017 that went into effect on July 1 of that same year.
On July 1, 2021, new regulations were implemented as a result of the "Home Sweet Home Act" (House Bill 663).
Can I sell Homemade Food Online in Florida
Changes to be Made in 2021:
Now, gross sales for home-based firms can reach a maximum of $250,000.
Home-based food enterprises are now subject to state control; however, they are excluded from some rules for food and construction permits.
It is not permissible for municipal governments to prohibit or regulate cottage food operations or the goods that are produced by cottage food operations.
Internet sales, sales delivered in person, sales made at venues (such farmer's markets), and sales made via mail are all now legal options.
However, home-based food producers are not permitted to sell their products in wholesale quantities.
What kinds of foods fall under the purview of Florida's cottage food law?
Bakery items such as loaves of bread, buns, and biscuits
baked goods such as cakes, pies, and cookies
Candies and other sweets and confections
Can I sell Homemade Food Online in Florida
Preserves, such as jams, jams, and preserves
Fruit pies
Dried fruits
Dried spices, herbs, and other seasonings and blends
Homemade pasta
Popcorn and balls made of popcorn
You could roast coffee beans and sell them to customers.
Check out this website if you are interested in marketing the honey that comes from your beehives.
Foods that are not allowed
It is possible to use condiments such as salsa, barbeque sauce, ketchup, or mustard.
flavored oils, vegetable butters and jellies, chutneys, hummus, garlic dip, and salsas. canned fruits and vegetables. chutneys. vegetable butters and jellies.
Products made from fish or shellfish.
Products that have been canned and pickled, such as wheat relish, pickles, and sauerkraut,
Sprouts of uncooked seed
Products from the bakery that need to be refrigerated, such as pies filled with cream, custard, or meringue, cakes, or pastries with cream cheese icings or fillings
Eggs, milk, and various cheeses and yogurt are examples of dairy goods. Dairy items also include cottage cheese.
Can I sell Homemade Food Online in Florida
Ice and/or items made from ice
Meat, either fresh or dried, or items made from meat, such as jerky, breads made in the style of focaccia, topped with veggies and/or cheese.
Any food that must be canned under high pressure (also called retort canning)
Any kind of processing done to acidic foods (like pickles)
There may possibly be answers to your inquiries on this page of Florida cottages food frequently asked questions.
If the following criteria are not met by your food product in order to be considered a cottage food: Florida Cottage Food Laws
Try not to give up. It is possible that you will still be able to manufacture and sell it on a commercial scale if you take a startup strategy.
To begin, you should investigate whether or not there is a commercial kitchen in your area that you may rent space in.
Can I sell Homemade Food Online in Florida
A person who manufactures or packages cottage food products at his or her residence and sells such items in conformity with Section 500.80 of the Florida Statutes. Definitions: a person who creates or packages cottage food products at his or her residence.
A "cottage food product" is a non-potentially hazardous food that is sold by a cottage food operation in conformity with Section 500.80 of the Florida Statutes. This definition comes from the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (FDACS) standards.
A principal dwelling that is occupied by an individual who operates a cottage food operation and that comprises a single kitchen with appliances suitable for general domestic usage is considered to be a "cottage." This is the definition of the term "cottage." The home is only allowed to have one stove or oven, however it can be a double oven that is designed specifically for residential usage.

Food that has the potential to be harmful must be subjected to time and temperature control for safety (TCS) in order to restrict the growth of pathogenic microorganisms or the production of toxins.
a plant food that is heat-treated or consists of raw seed sprouts, cut melons, cut leafy greens, cut tomatoes or mixtures of cut tomatoes that have not been modified in such a way that they are unable to support the growth of pathogenic microorganisms or the formation of toxins; or garlic-in-oil mixtures that have not been modified in such a way that they are unable to support the growth of pathogenic microorganisms or the formation of toxins.
In the state of Florida, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) does not issue licenses or permits for cottage food operations, and these businesses are not subject to inspection by any state government agency. On the other hand, municipal governments have the ability to pass ordinances that place restrictions on the operation of cottage food businesses in private homes. Always make sure to check in with the zoning authorities in your city or county to find out what criteria they have for home businesses.
Labeling requirements
Products made in a cottage food operation have to have labels that comply with the provisions of the Act.
Please refer to this website for detailed information regarding the labeling laws, a sample label, and a free label template that you may use and download without cost.
Where are some of the possible locations for Cottage Food Production Operations to market their food products?
Can I sell Homemade Food Online in Florida
You are able to sell the goods of your cottage food business directly to customers from the comfort of your own home.
If you run a stand at a farmer's market, a flea market, or on the side of the road, you can make sales as long as you do not sell any other food items at your location that require a food licence.
Cottage food goods have to be sold and delivered directly to the consumer or to a private event venue that the consumer has hired, such as a wedding or birthday celebration.
There will be no wholesale sales: It is illegal to engage in wholesale sales of products produced in a cottage food operation.
Only in the state of Florida:
Cottage food producers in Florida are only allowed to sell their wares within the borders of the state; they are prohibited from taking their products out of the state.
Selling food From Home in Florida
It is not allowed for cottage food operators to promote for sale, offer for sale, or receive payment for cottage food items on their website. Additionally, it is not allowed for cottage food goods to be supplied via mail order.
Internet sales:
Because they come from an unregulated source, foods produced in private kitchens are not allowed to be sold in commercial eateries. You are not permitted, for instance, to sell homemade dishes to or within a restaurant.
Additional necessities
An annual cap of $250,000 must be adhered to when calculating gross sales for a cottage food operation.
On-site well Only drinkable water that comes from an on-site well that has been built correctly or from a municipal water system can be used.
Cottage food does not include pet snacks because they are not considered to be human food.
Non-profits do not qualified.
Can I sell Homemade Food Online in Florida
Because they lack a domestic single-family dwelling, non-profit organizations do not meet the requirements to operate as a cottage food company.
Local governments such as cities, counties, and even homeowners associations are able to impose stricter regulations. When it comes to the preparation, processing, storage, and sale of cottage food products, a cottage food enterprise is required to comply with all rules and ordinances that are applicable at the county and municipal levels. As an illustration, the county of Miami-Dade mandates that you obtain a business license. You are required to open a Lee County Local Business Tax account in order to do business in Lee County. When it comes to the preparation, processing, storage, and sale of cottage food products, a cottage food enterprise is required to comply with all rules and ordinances that are applicable at the county and municipal levels.
It is against the law for you to hire any kind of employee in the state of Florida if you run a cottage food operation; this includes temp workers, full-time workers, part-time workers, and even volunteers. This indicates that you are responsible for doing all of the work and delivering it on your own.
Samples: Operators of cottage food operations are permitted to provide free samples to customers for the purpose of tasting, provided that the samples are prepackaged.
Florida Cottage Food law
Two changes were made to the rules with the new version that went into effect on July 1, 2017 (both of which are already reflected in the guidelines presented above):
increasing the gross annual sales of cottage food products allowed under the law from $15,000 to $50,000, and allowing the producer to sell, offer for sale and accept payment via the Internet PROVIDED THAT the product is delivered in person to the consumer or a specific event venue. Currently, the law only allows for a maximum of $15,000 in annual gross sales of cottage food products.
You should consider doing the following in addition to what is required since it is sensible, it is the right thing to do, and it will reduce your liability.
Can I sell Homemade Food Online in Florida
Evaluation of pH levels
Utilizing a pH meter that has been accurately calibrated on the same day as it will be used is recommended. This is the one I use because it is dependable and affordable. Additionally, this pH meter is excellent; but, it is not always accessible.
If the product typically has a pH of 4.0 or lower and the range of the paper includes a pH of 4.6, you can use short-range paper pH test strips instead of litmus paper. Litmus paper is another name for this type of testing paper.
It is recommended that records be kept.
Maintain a complete account of each batch of the product that is produced for sale, including the following information: