Florida Cottage Food Law 2022
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Florida Cottage Food Law 2022
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) does not issue licenses or permits for cottage food operations, and these businesses are not subject to inspection by any agency or department of the state government.
Florida Cottage Food Law 2022
An annual cap of $250,000 must be adhered to when calculating gross sales for a cottage food operation. On their website or through mail order, a cottage food enterprise is permitted to advertise their products for sale, offer those items for sale, and collect payments for those products. Products made in a cottage can be purchased and sent to the customer either directly, at the customer's private event venue (such a wedding or birthday party), or by mail. It is not possible to buy food products in large quantities.
Products made in cottage food establishments are required to have labels that comply with the requirements specified in Section 500.80 (3) of the Florida Statutes as well as Title 21, Part 101 of the United States Code of Federal Regulations.
Labeling stating that the product was "made in a cottage food business that is not subject to Florida's food safety rules" is required for any and all cottage food items that are offered for sale to the general public.
For Your Convenience Definitions:
A natural person or an entity that produces or packages cottage food products at the residence of a natural person or at the residence of a natural person who has an ownership interest in the entity and sells such products in accordance with Section 500.80 of the Florida Statutes is considered to be operating a Cottage Food Operation. This definition applies whether the person or entity is a natural person or an entity.
Florida cottage food law 2022: Do I need a permit to sell food from home in Florida?
Products Prepared in a Cottage Food Kitchen May Not Be Considered Time- or Temperature-Controlled for Safety (TCS) Food (formerly "potentially hazardous" food). This indicates that the final product cannot be a food item that requires time and temperature control for its safety in order to limit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms or the formation of toxins; an animal food that is raw or has been heat-treated; a plant food that has been heat-treated or consists of raw seed sprouts, cut melons, cut leafy greens, cut tomatoes, or mixtures of cut tomatoes that have not been modified in such a way that they are unable to support pathogenic micro
Florida cottage food law 2022: Do I need a permit to sell food from home in Florida
Specific labeling standards must be met in order for products made in a home kitchen to be sold legally under the cottage food law.
The following information must be printed in English on the label of each cottage food product that is sold by a cottage food enterprise, and the label must be fastened to packed goods before they are sold.
• The name and address of the home food preparation enterprise;
• The name of the artisanal food item in question;
• Listed below, in descending order, are the ingredients for the cottage food product:
preponderance in terms of mass;
Florida cottage food law 2022: Do I need a permit to sell food from home in Florida
• The net weight of the cottage food product or the net volume of the product;
• Information about allergens, as required by federal regulations concerning packaging;
• Appropriate nutritional information in accordance with the requirements of if any nutritional claims are made.
federal labeling regulations; and
• The following sentence should be printed in a color and a type size that clearly contrasts with the other text. the type should be at least 10 points.
background label stating that the product was "Made in a cottage food operation that is not subject to Florida's food safety rules.""

Can I sell homemade food under the guise of an approved or licensed vendor at a temporary event such as a farmer's market or another similar occasion, such as a mobile unit?
No. Under the guidelines of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services or the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, homemade food products cannot be sold alongside or in conjunction with commercially produced foods in the state of Florida. All cottage food items have to be sold apart from other types of food, even if they come from the same category.
You have the option of selling your homemade food products made in your cottage straight to customers from your home. Mail-order sales, sales at farmers' markets and flea markets, and sales at roadside stands are all permitted as long as the seller does not have any other things in their space that require a food permit.
Can I sell my homemade cottage foods if I already have a roadside stand that has been inspected and given a permit?
No. Because they come from an unregulated source, items made in a home kitchen are not allowed to be sold in commercial food establishments.
The law in Florida does indeed permit consumers to place purchases and make payments via the internet.
Can I sell the foods that I make in my cottage food business to restaurants?
No. It is against the law to sell food produced in a cottage industry to local restaurants or grocery stores. These are the kinds of transactions that fall under the category of "wholesale," and the law does not permit them.
No. Consignment sales are not an option for products offered by cottage food producers. Person-to-person transactions are required, with sales going directly from the manufacturer to the end user of the product.
Am I able to sell the products I make in my cottage food business to a wholesaler, broker, or distributor?
Florida cottage food law 2022: Do I need a permit to sell food from home in Florida
According to the cottage food advice paper, it is against the law for a producer to sell their wares to a wholesaler, broker, or distributor who would then turn around and resell them.
Are charitable organizations allowed to make and sell products made in a home kitchen?
Because they do not have a domestic single-family dwelling, nonprofit organizations do not meet the requirements to operate as a cottage food company.
Am I allowed to sell the products of my cottage food business at special occasions like weddings and birthday parties?
Yes, as long as the cottage food products are manufactured and sold by the cottage food operator themselves, as well as transported to the specific event venue by the cottage food operator.
Florida cottage food law 2022: Do I need a permit to sell food from home in Florida
A license could be necessary to operate in this market.
Yes. Even if an organization is able to fulfill all of the criteria for a cottage food operation, certain farmer's markets and other direct marketing venues may demand that vendors hold a food establishment license or fulfill additional criteria before they are allowed to sell their wares there. In most cases, the local ordinances that are implemented by farmer's market boards and other local governing bodies are not covered by the regulations that pertain to cottage food.
Can products made in a cottage food operation be picked up or delivered by an outside party?
No. Products sold by cottage food operators are required to be delivered and distributed directly to the consumer or the private event location where the consumer will be holding the event.
Florida cottage food law 2022: Do I need a permit to sell food from home in Florida
No. The state has the authority to regulate home-based food businesses known as "cottage food enterprises." A cottage food operation cannot be prohibited by a local law, ordinance, or regulation, nor can the preparation, processing, storage, or sale of cottage food products by a cottage food operation be regulated. On the other hand, a cottage food operation is required to comply with all applicable county and municipal laws and ordinances regulating traffic, parking, noise, signage, and hours of retail operation.
under the most recent Cottage Food Guideline, if they come from my store?
You wouldn't be able to sell your cottage food items from this kind of site because your little antique store does not qualify as a cottage food operation according to the definition.
Can I use the kitchen in my mobile home to create and sell my own homemade cottage food products?
Florida cottage food law 2022: Do I need a permit to sell food from home in Florida
Can I use a rented kitchen to create cottage food products and then sell them if I comply with the regulations for selling cottage food?
Only in one's own kitchen is cottage cuisine capable of being cooked.
Are there any particular specifications that need to be met for my home on-sitewell?
Only drinkable water that comes from an on-site well that has been built correctly or from a municipal water system can be used.
Do I need to be concerned about anything in relation to the septic system in my house?
There may be negative impacts on the system that currently provides service to the home if the food products you intend to create for sale are of a certain type and will be made in sufficient quantity. The home's capacity to process increased loads of wastewater can be tested by the community's health department to determine whether or not it is sufficient. The health department is in the best position to advise you on whether or not the current system requires any adjustments.
What exactly does it mean for a product to be labeled with allergens, as required by federal regulations?
It means that you are required to identify whether or not any of your ingredients are derived from one of the food groups listed below: milk, eggs, wheat, peanuts, soybeans, fish (including shellfish, crab, lobster, or shrimp), and tree nuts (such as almonds, pecans, or walnuts). You are free to include the allergen in the product's ingredient list if it contains a component that was manufactured using a wheat-based product.
Florida cottage food law 2022: Do I need a permit to sell food from home in Florida
Take, for instance, a loaf of white bread that contains the following items on its ingredient list: yeast, water, salt, and whole wheat flour. The criteria of the federal law are satisfied by the expression "whole wheat flour" in this particular scenario. After the list of ingredients, there should be a statement that reads "Contains: (ingredients that are found in the product)". For instance, the label on a loaf of white bread that contains whole wheat flour, water, sodium caseinate, salt, and yeast will bear the warning "Contains: wheat and milk." The declaration labeled "Contains" is required to include all of the allergens that are present in the product. In this particular illustration, milk is the source of the sodium caseinate.
Labeling tree nuts for allergens: are there any specific requirements that need to be met?

Yes. You are required to indicate the type of tree nut that you are working with if your homemade food contains tree nuts as a component. For instance, if you were to make nutbread, the following items would be appropriate on the list of ingredients: The following are the ingredients: wheat flour, water, salted almonds, and yeast. It is not acceptable to do any of the following: Ingredients:flour,water,nuts,salt,yeast.
Should I send my products to a laboratory in order to receive an official ingredient list, or is this something that I should be able to put together on my own?
In order to receive an official ingredient list, it is not necessary for you to have a laboratory do an analysis on your product. If your recipe calls for a prepared ingredient, you are required to mention any necessary sub-ingredients. For instance, merely naming soy sauce as an ingredient is unacceptable. On the label, you would have to write "soy sauce (wheat, soybeans, salt)," as the ingredient. Labeling for allergens, as required by federal regulations, must also be included in the product in question.
Florida cottage food law 2022: Do I need a permit to sell food from home in Florida
I am afraid that certain of the components of my product that do not cause allergic reactions are considered "trade secrets" trade secrets," and that disclosing all of my components will result in unfair competition.
Should I be selling my ingredients, or should I try to keep my trade secrets to myself?
According to federal regulations(Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 21CFR 101.100g(1)(2)), exceptions to labeling can be made. In particular, an exemption may be granted if the Commissioner of Food and Drugs determines that the putative secretingredients in question are safe to consume. You need to get in touch with the FDA in order to discuss and submit an exemption from the labeling requirements.
Should I include my home address on the labeling of my product, or will a simple post office box suffice?
Florida cottage food law 2022: Do I need a permit to sell food from home in Florida
You are required to provide the street address of your home kitchen rather than a post office box when creating the product label. When creating product labels, it is important to include an address in case the product needs to be recalled or traced back in connection with a complaint or outbreak of foodborne disease.
How do I meet the labeling requirements if I manufacture and sell customized cakes such as wedding or birthday cakes when I can't attach a label on the cake itself?
You are required to include all labeling requirements on the invoice for cakes that may be easily packaged, and you are also required to provide the invoice along with the cake. The label is required to be attached to the box if it is boxed.
Florida cottage food law 2022: Do I need a permit to sell food from home in Florida
No. Any food that contains CBD, TH, or another component derived from the hemp plant must be prepared, permitted, and regulated. Is it possible for me to manufacture my own icings and frostings using cream cheeses derived from dairy products and/or buttercream (made with real butter)?
No Icings made with cream cheese or butter are not permitted to be created under the cottage food statute. Because they include a significant proportion of water and are derived from cow's milk, these products are classified as TCS foods and must be refrigerated. The use of shortening (solidified fat), margarine (produced with vegetable oils), and vegan butter or margarine (also created with vegetable oils) are all acceptable alternatives to animal fats in cooking.
Can I manufacture my own nut butters at home using ground nuts that have been shelled (such as peanuts, almonds, and cashews)?
Yes. Since ground nuts are not considered TCS, they can be sold in a cottage setting without fear of violating TCS regulations. On the product's label, you should be able to find information on any and all allergens that apply (see page 2).
Florida cottage food law 2022: Do I need a permit to sell food from home in Florida
Are treats for pets the same as food for cats?
No Only human food is covered under the guidance document for cottage food producers.
As a cottage food, may I make and sell cooked vegetable goods such as salsas, tomato sauces, spaghetti sauces, or focaccia bread with roasted vegetables?
No According to the cottage food guidance document, cooked vegetable products cannot be used in the production of qualifying food products.
Is it possible for me to make "wet" products like salsa, barbecue sauce, mustard, and other condiments?
No These food products have to comply with a number of stringent state and federal regulations.
Can I roast coffee beans in my home kitchen and sell them to customers?
Yes. You are allowed to roast the coffee and sell either the whole beans or the ground product, but you are not allowed to sell already prepared coffee or wholesale the product.
Do wood-fired ovens allow for the baking of bread?
If the oven is located in your own kitchen, then the answer is yes.
Do you think I could create cake pops and sell them?
Yes, on the condition that the cakepops do not contain a filling that is either forbidden or inedible (e.g.discodust).
Can I manufacture and sell caramel and candy apples?
Do you allow commercial production of apple butter and other fruit butters?
Yes. Products that fall into the category of "cottage food" include butters produced from fresh fruits. Fruit butters are typically lower in sugar content than their classic jam and jelly counterparts. The food safety of jams and jellies is ensured by the use of acid, sugar, pectin, and heat in the preparation process.
I want to make vegetable butters like pumpkin butter, but I'm not sure if I can sell them.
No There is a ban on butters made with vegetable ingredients.
Can I sell raw honey?
However, this is only possible if you remove the honey from the hives yourself, then package it and sell it on your own.
Can I buy honey in large quantities, then repackage it in bottles and sell them separately?
No Because this is regarded to be a manufacturing procedure, you will need to obtain a food permit from the FDACS.
Is it okay if I create and sell pies made with pumpkin and sweet potato?
No It is forbidden to use these vegetables in any baked goods.
Can I produce vanilla extract?
Yes. For further information regarding alcoholic beverages and tobacco, please get in touch with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation's Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco.
Do you allow me to manufacture tinctures?
Yes. For further information regarding alcoholic beverages and tobacco, please get in touch with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation's Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco.
Is it possible for Ijuice to manufacture and bottle these for sale?
No. A food authorization from FDACS is necessary in order to perform activities such as bottling and juicing.
I want to manufacture flour, but I'm not sure if I can grind wheat and other grains together.
Yes. As long as the requirements for packing and labeling are satisfied, flour can be ground from any variety of grain.
Under the Cottage Food Law, is I allowed to manufacture and sell meats that have been dehydrated?
No. Jerky and other forms of dehydrated meat are not permitted.
Am I allowed to make and sell dishes such as empanadas that have meat fillings?
No Products made with meat or foods that contain meat fillings are not permitted.
Can I produce my own hard candy and sell it? What about lollipops?
Yes. Candies of a more solid consistency, like lollipops or peppermint candies, are permitted.
Can I use fresh fruits and veggies like zucchini, pumpkin, and strawberries to make baked products like sweet breads, muffins, or other baked goods, and then sell them?
Yes, but only if the fruits or vegetables are correctly baked into the batter and branded, packaged, and labelled with the correct ingredients before being sold. The baked items are not allowed to have any fresh fruits or vegetables used to decorate or garnish them.
Can I use the fruits and veggies that I've grown in my own garden in baked goods?
Yes. You should take care to wash the homegrown produce in a thorough manner, and then the fruits or vegetables should be combined into the batter and cooked, labeled, and packaged in the appropriate manner. The baked items are not allowed to have any fresh fruits or vegetables used to decorate or garnish them.
Can produce that was grown in one's own garden be preserved in a jar for later use in the preparation of baked goods, such as sweet breads?
No Products that have been canned at home cannot be utilized in the preparation of cottage food. Fillings that have been canned and sold commercially, such as canned pumpkin, cherry pie filling, and others, may be used.
Is it possible to store fresh food in the refrigerator and then utilize it in the preparation of baked goods such as sweet breads?
Yes, so long as the frozen fruits or veggies are properly cooked, labeled, and packaged after being added into the batter as directed above. The baked goods are not allowed to have any fresh or frozen fruits or vegetables used to decorate or garnish them in any way.
Can I produce my own bread mixes, either the dry kind or the instant kind, and sell them?
Yes. Producing and selling dry baking mixes of any kind, including dry bread mix, is considered to be an acceptable product.
I'm thinking about starting a cottage food business, but I'm not sure if a chocolate fountain counts.
This food service business would not be eligible to operate under the cottage food guidance document if your company was involved in any processing, preparation, or storage of food items, including offsite storage. Instead, your business would be required to obtain a food license from the Department of Business and Professional Regulation in order to legally sell food products. It would be called a cottage food business if your service was contracted to supply the fountain equipment to the event, but the food product was purchased, delivered, and assembled at the event itself for each individual occasion.