How do I get Walmart to carry my product?

Posted by Damian Roberti on

How do I get Walmart to carry my product?



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How do I get Walmart to carry my product

Are You Qualified to Sell Your Goods at Walmart?
You don't have to have a business that makes a lot of money to sell at Walmart. Walmart does business with big companies like Coca-Cola and Proctor & Gamble, as well as with smaller companies that only want to be in a few hundred stores. Suppliers of all sizes must meet certain requirements, which are all explained on Walmart's website as you apply.

But as a small or medium-sized supplier, you should think about a few things before starting the application process. For example, you shouldn't talk to Walmart unless you already have a good reputation and a strong customer base. Your Walmart buyer does not want you to do all of your business with Walmart. Only about 30% of your company's income should come from sales at Walmart.

How do I get Walmart to carry my product
So, make sure that your items are well-known outside of Walmart. This will show Walmart that you are a supplier, whether it's in other brick-and-mortar stores or a good track record of sales online.

How do I get Walmart to carry my product

You could also test your product with people who buy things online at Walmart. Walmart Marketplace is a good place for smaller suppliers to start before they try to sell in stores.

How to Sell Something at Walmart
Step 1: Choose what kind of vendor you want to be.
How do I get my product into Walmart? The first thing you need to do is decide what kind of vendor you want to be. You can do business with Walmart in six different ways:

How do I get Walmart to carry my product

National Product Supplier (Store and Online): If you were a National Product Supplier to Walmart, you would sell your products in stores all over the country and online. So, this could be a good choice if your product is good for a wide range of people. This is also a great way to get started as a private label supplier for Walmart.
Local Product Supplier: Local Product Suppliers provide products that are relevant to a specific area and fit with Walmart's "Store of the Community" initiative.
Direct Imports: As a Direct Imports Supplier, a company outside of the U.S. can sell a product to Walmart U.S. Everything that is sold in a real store will also be available online. Suppliers only sell their products online. Check out our blog, Walmart Tax Code: How Sales Tax Works on, for more information.



How do I get Walmart to carry my product

Walmart Marketplace Seller: By putting their products on the Walmart Marketplace, third-party sellers can take advantage of Walmart's growing e-commerce audience. If this is the right way for your business, check out our blog How Walmart Marketplace Reviews Work (+ How to Get More) for some great tips.
Service and Non-Resale Supplier: Service and Non-Resale Suppliers give Walmart services like construction, mechanical, professional, real estate procurement, energy, and maintenance.
Today, we'll focus on the first five, which all have to do with selling things to Walmart customers, either online or in a store.

Step 2: Apply online to be a supplier for Walmart.
After you decide what kind of supplier you are, click the "Register" link in the description of that type of supplier. To finish your registration, you will be sent to the Global Supplier Management (GSM) platform.
How do I get Walmart to carry my product
Apply to be a Walmart Supplier

To start the application process, you will need your DUNS Number. If you don't have a DUNS Number already, you can get one for free. You can get help by calling 866-815-2749.

To finish signing up, you will also need to read the Retail Link® agreement and agree to it. This is a legal contract for your business, so make sure you read it carefully.

After you sign up, you'll get an email telling you how to activate your account. To move on, just click the "Activate Email" button.

Next, you will get an email with a User ID and Password for the Global Supplier Management (GSM) system in Retail Link®.

How do I get Walmart to carry my product

Important: Your User ID and password will expire after 90 days if you don't log in. If that happens, you will have to start the Registration process over, so make sure to log in right away!

Step 3: Finish the process of getting certified.
Registration is the first step. Certification is the next step. This process is meant to do two things:

Show that you have at least the minimum qualifications to be a vendor.
Tell people more about your company and its products.
Walmart buyers will be able to look at your Supplier Profile and get in touch with you if they want to work together based on the information you give here.

Since this information goes into a pool that buyers can look through to find products, not to a specific person, it's important to write detailed, compelling copy that really shows what your product is worth.

How do I get Walmart to carry my product

Sign into Retail Link® with the email address and password you used to sign up. This will start the certification process.

Minimum Requirements
Federal Tax ID Number: (TIN) for US suppliers or a current W08 Tax Certificate for non-US suppliers.
Dun & Bradstreet Registration: Suppliers must have a score of 6 or less, and Retail Link must be used to update them every year.
Expectations and requirements for responsible sourcing: Depending on your category and product, this can be different. All suppliers, factories, subcontractors, and packaging facilities must follow the rules.
Insurance Certificate: How much and what kind of insurance you get depends on which Walmart department your item is in. How do I get Walmart to carry my product
GTIN/UPC: GS1 is in charge of a group of barcodes called GTIN (a nonprofit organization that governs the use of barcodes). If you want to do business with Walmart, your UPC must come from GS1.
Global Data Sync Network stands for GDSN. To create and set up items, all suppliers must have a Data Sync provider.
After you've covered the basics, like who you are and how much money you have, it's time to talk about your business.

In the Products section, you will be asked a number of Yes/No questions about your product.

For instance:

Do you sell any items that were made in the United States?
Do you sell licensed or royalties-based products?
You want to sell something. Are you a broker for any of the things you want to sell?
"Finally, the good stuff" is the title of the next part. A lot of this information is not required, but it does make it more likely that you will be considered. We really want you to fill out every field. Because, just like with your regular customers, you need to get the buyer's attention and explain why your product is worth buying.

How to Get a Certificate
Use a descriptive product name.
Walmart wants to know the "Best per unit cost for your product to Walmart" when it comes to the price of the product. Make sure you do research on both AUR and other products.
Your description of the product needs to be interesting and written with the customer in mind. How much is your product worth to people?
Step 4: Accept the Supplier Agreement's terms.
After Registration and Certification are done, you will be put in a line where Walmart buyers can see your products and shop for them. The timing varies, but if a buyer in your category likes what they see, they will send you an email inviting you to start the Acceptance process in GSM. This is usually when you talk about the terms.

How do I get Walmart to carry my product

When you deal with Walmart, remember to be patient, patient, and patient! The merchants might not get back to you for at least four weeks.

After the waiting period (and if you get an invitation! ), the last step to becoming a Walmart vendor is to accept the terms of the Supplier Agreement in GSM. It's a good idea to talk to your buyer about the terms of the agreement so you know what Walmart wants in terms of payment terms, shipping terms, conditions of sale, product chemical information, return policy, and so on.

Here's where all the fun starts! When your buyer says "yes," it's time to hit the ground running.
How do I get Walmart to carry my product
These 8th & Walton classes will show you everything you need to do between getting accepted and setting up your items with Walmart.

Advice on how to sell to Walmart
1. Fit in with Walmart's main goals
Walmart's main goals right now are to invest in American jobs, help businesses owned by women and people of color, and reduce pollution. Walmart thinks these key projects are important because their customers care about them.

If your business fits in with any of these plans, it might be easier to get your product into Walmart. The story of your company is part of what you have to offer Walmart as a whole.

It also helps to know what Walmart wants suppliers to do to help with these projects by reading their supply chain guidelines (On Time In Full, shipping options, etc.).

How do I get Walmart to carry my product

2. Get your business going on other sites.
Before going to Walmart, it's a good idea for businesses that don't naturally fit into one of these programs to "prove" their product in other stores and on the web.

Walmart doesn't have any minimum requirements for sales or years in business, but it doesn't want to get all of your business. They want to know if you can take care of yourself.

3. Apply When Walmart held its Open Call,
Walmart holds the Made in USA Open Call once a year. This is a chance for current and potential vendors who make things in the U.S. to meet with a Walmart Buyer one-on-one. This is a great chance to tell a person who makes decisions about your story without going through the normal application process.

Understand Walmart Merchant Roles
There are 8 key roles at Walmart that suppliers will work with, either directly or indirectly. Working at Walmart can be hard to figure out quickly because there are so many roles and responsibilities. It's important to know who does what.

Buyer: at the center of everything. Even though the other merchant roles do not report to the Buyer, they do look to this person for leadership, strategy, and making important decisions.
Planner: Helps the Buyer set up and manage budgets. They are also in charge of meeting financial goals for each category.
Replenishment Manager: works with the Buyer to implement the merchandise strategy from a supply chain and inventory point of view.
Modular Development is in charge of planning where products will go on the shelf.


Pricing: Sets price points and margins for assortment to make Walmart the leader in EDLP and meet financial goals for the category. How do I get Walmart to carry my product
Marketing: Getting the word out about a product in every way possible.
Sourcing and Product Development: works with the core team to take advantage of the relationships with suppliers and the range of products.
Merchandise Execution acts as a bridge between Merchandising and Operations to improve planning, communication, and the way programs are put into action.
New Supplier FAQ
How does Retail Link® work?

Retail Link is the system that Walmart and its supplier partners use to get and share important information like sales, inventory, etc.

Who should be in charge of my Retail Link®?

This person is in charge of managing the company's profile with Walmart and agreeing to the terms and conditions. So this should be a trusted member of your team.

How do I log in to GSM? What browser should I use?

Google Chrome is a good choice. You can also use Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, and Internet Explorer (version 11).

How are "New" suppliers different from "Existing" suppliers?

How do I get Walmart to carry my product

Suppliers who already work with Walmart Stores,, or Sam's Club have a 6-digit supplier number. None of the new ones do.

Are you ready to start shopping at Walmart?
After figuring out what kind of supplier you are, what you can offer the Walmart buying team, and filling out some paperwork, you're well on your way. Not every business should be a Walmart supplier, but if your products are a good fit for Walmart's customers, working with them will be very profitable.