What should I write for my product description
What should I write for my product description
How to Create Engaging and Informative Product descriptions
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1. Determine your target audience.
The first thing you need to do when creating product descriptions is to determine who your audience is going to be.
You need to be able to identify the characteristics of your property that would be most appealing to prospective purchasers.
This begins with familiarizing yourself with your buyer persona and compiling a list of the characteristics of your possible clientele. You will be able to determine the characteristics that will be most beneficial to your clients with the assistance of your buyer persona.
When you are writing the description of your product, keep the following questions in mind:
What should I write for my product description
What drew this individual to your page in the first place?
What is it that they normally enjoy doing in their spare time?
Why would someone want to buy something from your Shopify store if you don't even have it stocked?
What kind of description would this individual give to a friend regarding the item?
What aspects or advantages would this person be most interested in taking advantage of?
When you are writing the description of your product, it will be to your advantage to keep these questions in mind so that you can develop a description that sells.
As an illustration, have a look at this product that was created by The Salt Lady.
It's not simply anybody who wants to buy a light when we talk about the buyer persona.
Instead, it's likely that the consumer persona has a stronger interest in natural home treatments, particularly those that treat allergies. In this particular scenario, the prospective purchaser will most likely be interested in reading about these improvements in the product description.
The Salt Lady concentrates on the aspects of the lamp that her buyer persona would be most interested in, as opposed to highlighting the ornamental aspects of the lamp as do the vast majority of other lamp product descriptions.
In order to smoothly transition into the second guideline of writing product descriptions, this is an excellent segue.
What should I write for my product description
2. Discuss the benefits that using the product can bring to you.
If you are the proprietor of a company, you most likely cannot wait to extol the virtues of your wares to potential customers. You want to demonstrate that your product possesses the most desirable and distinctive characteristics and specifications possible.
On the other hand, the buyer isn't necessarily interested in the mundane components of the product all the time. Instead, what interests them is how it can benefit them in some way.

A factual statement that relates some aspect of the product's functionality to you is what we refer to as a "feature." On the other hand, a product benefit explains how the purchaser's life will be improved by using the product in question.
If we take a closer look at the product description of the extremely one-of-a-kind item that was just discussed, we can identify the primary features and advantages of the product.
It is stated that the product is constructed out of Himalayan salt that is one hundred percent pure, that it weighs between four and six pounds, and that it comes with a cord and a light bulb set that has the capability of being turned on and off.
Some of the benefits of using this product include less EMF pollution, improved air quality, and alleviation of allergy, asthma, and headache symptoms.
One further illustration of this may be seen in The Yankee Candle Company's product description of their sample-size votive candle.
What exactly is it that makes this candle so special? The solution, of course, is in the indirect benefits that it will provide to the purchaser.

They make it very apparent what the advantages of owning this small candle are, and the majority of those advantages have to do with how easy it is to use. They are accentuating the positive aspects of this sample-sized candle rather than concentrating on the aroma as a whole or even the function that candles serve in the context of the home.
The following are the primary benefits that one can anticipate receiving from using this candle:
You can get a whiff of this fragrance without shelling out money for a larger or more expensive candle.
It is just the correct size for use in brief pauses throughout the day.
It makes a wonderful accessory for a more substantial point of attention, such as a centerpiece at a dinner party.
It is both simple and risk-free to use. You can very much just leave after lighting the candle and walking away from it.
The manner in which you explain your product to potential customers should make it crystal clear and quantifiable how it would improve people's lives.
Make a list of the things your product can perform and the ways in which it can be of assistance to customers before you begin writing product descriptions. Consider how the product can either improve something or make it worse, and make your decision accordingly.
Determine how each feature will specifically benefit the buyer for each item on your list, and outline those benefits.
The benefit of this aspect is that it will make it less likely for you to be bothered by your allergies if it is 100% Himalayan salt.
If the feature is a 1.75-ounce candle, the benefit is that it may be utilized in small locations like a nightstand, a restroom, or an end table. Other examples of such spaces include the kitchen and the foyer.
You will be able to write product descriptions that are more convincing and that you can complete more quickly if you put features within the context of advantages like this.

What should I write for my product description
3. Give the reader the complete account.
A compelling product description should inform the customer of everything they need to know about the product, persuade them of the benefits of the product, and elicit some sort of emotional response from them.
Because how people feel has an effect on what they purchase, the ideal place to make people feel something is in the description of the product you are selling.
How do you go about doing that?
by addressing any concerns or queries that prospective purchasers may have regarding the goods.
This is something that Sivana Spirit does an excellent job of conveying in the description of their Natural Amethyst Ring.
What should I write for my product description
The amethyst, which is considered the most valuable component of the product, is discussed in further depth throughout the product description.
This is accomplished by concentrating on the spiritual advantages of amethyst that have been recognized for a significant amount of time. It goes into great detail regarding how it can be utilized, which makes it simple for the customer to see how wearing this ring will fit into their daily routines.
Another company, Teema Teas, includes a narrative in the description of its products on its website.
In the description of the "Immortality Tea," we are informed of the rich history of this particular variety of tea as well as the several advantages it possesses.
The reader will have no trouble visualizing how the tea was grown with care and distributed among the people living in rural China several hundred years ago if a tale is told about how it was utilized in the past.
What should I write for my product description
You are able to imagine what your life would be like if you were to drink this tea. It makes you feel as though you ought to partake of this tea as well.
It is much more probable that you will connect with potential buyers on an emotional level than than a transactional level if you tell a short tale about the product. This is the secret to convincing folks who are considering making a purchase to go ahead and make that purchase.
If you wish to tell a tale in the description of your product, you should try to answer the following questions:
Who is responsible for the production of this item in the first place?
Why did they choose to make this creature in the first place?
How did this product come into being in the first place?
How would the purchaser use this product into their routine activities?
Providing the buyer with a scenario like this can assist them in visualizing the product in a way that the features and specifications alone could never accomplish. They are more likely to forget that they are being sold to if you can get them to view the object as an emotional partner or conquest for themselves.
What should I write for my product description
4. Make it seem as though you are having a conversation by speaking and sounding natural.
Does the way you have described it sound like something you would say to a close friend if you read it out loud?
Or does it have the sound of a string of words that was generated by a computer?
It's time to make your product description more engaging if it's not anything you'd say to a friend about the product if you were asked about it.
It will be easier for your customers to form an emotional connection with your brand if you speak in a casual manner, just like you would in a real discussion.
This is accomplished exceptionally successfully by Nasty Gal, which makes the entirety of its website sound like a "fun-loving girlfriend," right down to the titles of the things it sells.
For instance, rather than selling traditional high-heel shoes, they sell sassy shoes—the kind of shoes that a young lady could suggest to another young woman.
What should I write for my product description
Everything about the website, from the names of the products to the way in which they are portrayed to the color scheme and even the name of the firm, gives off the impression that it was designed with girlfriends in mind.
Another excellent illustration of this is Mrs. Meyer's all-natural dish soap.
The description of the product seems like something you may say to a buddy in real life. There are no meaningless platitudes or too general comments. It's nothing more than a helpful explanation of the product that explains what it can do for you and why you would want to buy it.
The tone is easy to understand and is consistent with the sound of the company as a whole.
The use of a consistent tone that is appropriate for the brand helps to develop trust with clients and makes some e-commerce brands much more memorable than the thousands of other businesses that are already selling things on Shopify.
5. Use compelling selling language.
There are certain words and phrases that, when people hear them, they immediately feel a certain way. The fact that this also increases sales is excellent news for people who run stores on Shopify.
If you have these words and phrases in mind, it will be much simpler for you to convince your clients to go ahead and make a purchase.
According to Jon Morrow of Smart Blogger, these are examples of "power words." He can provide you with a long list of words that you can use in the copy for your product to make it more enticing to potential customers.
The product descriptions provided by Bangs Shoes are chock-full of potent language that distracts the reader from the fact that they are going to pay sixty dollars on a pair of shoes.

The sensation of wearing these shoes is described as being "wonderful," and they will assist you in "rocking" life, in whatever sense that term may apply to you. When you go "exploring," they bring "positivity" with them, which makes the experience a lot more enjoyable overall.
The goal of the individuals who authored the people who wrote this product description was to make it sound as though your best friend were describing these sneakers to you. You can almost hear them chatting. Because who could really refuse when their closest companion advises them to make a purchase?
When you are writing the descriptions of the products you are selling, keep an eye out for any descriptive terms or adjectives that could use some cleaning up.
Instead of saying "good" or "excellent quality," you could use more forceful terms such as "stunning" or "sensational."
What should I write for my product description
You are gradually influencing customers that your items are intriguing, amazing, and worth purchasing when you use these nice phrases to describe them.
Make it as easy to read as possible.
Because people have such limited attention spans, they only read roughly 16 percent of what is written on a page. Therefore, the manner in which you present your offer needs to be capable of luring in those 16% of customers.
You can accomplish this by writing descriptions that are straightforward and can be read in a short amount of time.
That is to say, the buyer is able to locate precisely the information that he or she is looking for without having to spend time sifting through various other pieces of information.
People will find it much simpler to understand your product descriptions if you break them up into small paragraphs, use bullet points, leave a lot of white space, and use fonts of varying sizes.
The chia seed bars page on the Health Warrior website is easily scannable thanks to the excellent work done by the company. They outline the primary advantages of purchasing the bar in a condensed paragraph followed by bullet points, and the paragraph is presented in a variety of font sizes.
When you are writing product descriptions for your Shopify site, look for spots where you can simply employ this structure in other parts of the description.
When listing items like ingredients and specifications, using bullet points is a convenient way to do so. One brief paragraph is sufficient to convey the gist of the narrative and its most salient points. One option for a heading is to write the name of the product there.
You will decrease the likelihood of losing a potential buyer if you make the product description simpler and easier to read.
7. SEO (search engine optimization)
In practically everything you do, you should work to improve the content of your Shopify store so that it is more visible in search results.
The quickest approach to drive new customers to your page, which is the first step in persuading someone to buy your products, is to optimize your website for search engines using the abbreviation SEO.
The process of optimization begins with the selection of appropriate keywords, which are the terms that consumers type into a search engine to locate the services or goods that they require. What should I write for my product description
If you conduct some research on keywords, you will be able to determine very fast which keywords are most effective for your Shopify store.
For instance, "women's black dress pants" is a term that might be easily optimized for by your online store.
If you perform a quick search for "women's black dress pants," some of the top results that you will see include phrases such as "black dress pants for ladies" and "women's casual and dress pants."
You can see what Google values most at the moment by looking at the terms that are bolded in the descriptions.
If we click on one of the entries that appears on the first page, we will be able to observe how the website in question incorporates the term into its content in order to appear in the search results.
At the very beginning of the page, as well as in the name of the product itself, they incorporate the keyword or a variant of it.
Shopify suggests including your target phrase in the title of your online store as a precaution and because doing so is the most effective method of search engine optimization (SEO).
The titles of the pages
Meta Descriptions
Image tags (called ALT tags)
Product descriptions
What should I write for my product description
You may acquire a list of related keywords that you could utilize for your product by running your term through the LSIGraph tool. This will provide you with a clearer picture of the possible keywords that you can utilize. This tool "crawls" the internet in order to identify the pages on the internet that are ranked the highest by search engines for your particular term. After that, it provides a list of the words that are utilized on that page the majority of the time.
This will show you what is currently performing well on search engines, which you can then use as inspiration for the names or descriptions of your products.
With the help of this list of related keywords, we are able to determine that the word "cheap" is a common search phrase and that it is an excellent candidate for inclusion in the title or description of your product.
Keep in mind that the greatest spot for your core keyword to be is in the title of your product. This is where search engines give it the most weight.
Will placing the keywords in the titles and descriptions of your products help you reach to the top of the search results page?
Most likely not.
But it will undoubtedly make it easier for folks who are actively looking for your goods to find it.
Use beautiful photographs.
Even if you are good at writing product descriptions, you still need good photographs to go with it.
Because 63% of customers think that a picture of a product is more significant than the description or even the reviews.
So a major part of how you explain your product is really in the photo.
If your images are good, they will display the consumer all of the most significant qualities about your goods. They will also let the buyer think about what it would be like to utilize this product.
For example, Vitamix, a firm that provides high-end blenders for professionals, uses high-quality photos and videos on its product pages to help sell its products.
Instead of telling you about the blender's engine or how much it can hold, they show you an image of a blender full of food and a movie on the motor.
You'll also notice that they employ powerful terms and outline the product's benefits in a very short, easy-to-read description.
By displaying both what the blender can do technically and what it can do in real life, the customer can quickly visualize having this blender at home.
Canon performs the same thing by showing off the features of their PowerShot camera with both video and high-quality images.
The way the camera's functions are shown makes you feel like you're poking and prodding it yourself. If you were testing this camera, you would probably pull on the screen, extend the lens, and utilize the flash.
But since you can't hold the camera in your hands, the photographs do all the poking and prodding for you.
How come it works?
Because research suggests that people are significantly more likely to desire to buy a product if they can hold it in their hands. The same is true for photographs or films that make you desire to touch them.
It's probable that you don't have a professional video provider that can generate anything such spectacular. But at the very least, you can make sure to have decent images of your product that explain how it works.
What should I write for my product description
Make and test your own template for describing a product.
Even if you follow these eight principles for writing product descriptions that sell, you may still want to utilize a product description template.
There is no product copy that will work for everyone.
Instead, you should try to develop your own template for a description. Take the time to think about what your audience is looking for in terms of quality, and be sure to incorporate that in your descriptions.
Some questions that might help you write are
How does your product tackle a problem?
Which strong terms did you use?
Did you tell the complete tale?
Would you tell a friend this?
Does your image reflect its essential features and benefits in a clear way?
Once you've found a nice approach to describe your products, try it out. Use these guidelines on a set of your products and keep a watch on what occurs. Pay attention to whether or not it helps you make more money or draws more people to your site on their own.
If the new product descriptions do enhance sales, you can modify the rest of the product descriptions in your Shopify store in the same way. If not, look at your adjustments and see if there are methods to make them better.
Product descriptions are more than just sales pitches.
These eight criteria are based on research regarding what people desire and have been shown to improve sales. The essential thing to remember is that your product descriptions shouldn't push too hard to market your goods. Instead, they should get right to the primary reasons why your product will make your customer's life better. And if you can show that to your customers, your sales will go up.