Can I sell BBQ from my home in NC?
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North Carolina Homemade Foods for Sale

Can I sell BBQ from my home in NC?
People all over the United States make food at home to sell in their neighborhoods. Together, they make up the homemade or "cottage food" industry, which is small but growing. People are becoming more interested in where their food comes from and who makes it, which is part of a larger trend toward healthy eating and responsible sourcing. There are no rules about selling homemade food in North Carolina, but the Food and Drug Protection Division of the state lets home-based food businesses run. The Food and Drug Protection Division of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services gives rules based on
North Carolina cottage foods
Different Foods in North Carolina
What Foods Can I Sell in North Carolina That Don't Go Bad?
There are no limits.
Can I sell baked goods that need to be kept cold in my store?
In North Carolina, can I sell meat?
Can I sell foods that have been sour or pickled in North Carolina?
Can I sell canned goods with low acidity in North Carolina?
Can I sell food that has been fermented in North Carolina?
Many states have rules about "cottage food," which is food made and sold from a home kitchen. "Low-risk packaged foods" can be sold by people who make their own food in North Carolina. Things like baked goods, jams, jellies, candies, dry mixes, and spices are some examples. Home food producers in North Carolina may also sell pickles, acidified foods, sauces, and some liquids that can be kept on the shelf, but these foods need to be tested in a lab first. Contact the Food Science Department at North Carolina State University to find out about testing. Cottage food makers in North Carolina can't sell "high-risk" foods like refrigerated or frozen foods, canned foods with low acid, dairy products, seafood, and bottled water. To find out if canned goods are low-acid or have been made more acidic, call a food compliance officer at (984) 236-4820.
Cottage food places in North Carolina
Can I sell BBQ from my home in NC?
North Carolina has limits on sales and venues
Annual Sales Limit No limit
Where can I sell my home-cooked food directly to people?
There are no limits.
Can I sell food I made myself to places like grocery stores and restaurants?
Online Orders Yes
Cottage food makers in North Carolina can sell their food almost anywhere, including online to people inside the state. Homes, farmers' markets, roadside stands, special events, and retail stores like grocery stores and restaurants are also allowed places to sell.
But cottage food producers in North Carolina can't have pets or animals that come into the house at any time. Can I sell BBQ from my home in NC?
How to begin in North Carolina
North Carolina's Rules and Regulations
Before starting, there must be inspections.
Are state or federal laws more important than local ones?
License, Permit, or Registration Required No
Either the recipe has to be approved or it has to be tested in a lab.
only for foods that are acidic or have been pickled, dressings, sauces, and "moist" cakes and breads.
Training to handle food is required No
Can I sell BBQ from my home in NC?
In North Carolina, people who want to make their own food must go through a long application process that includes an inspection of their home. Before an inspection, cottage food producers in North Carolina must make a detailed business plan, check local information about permits and zoning, make labels, and give a copy of a recent water bill. Before an inspection, the water used by a North Carolina cottage food producer who uses well water must be tested for coliform bacteria. Some local governments require people to take a course on food safety.
North Carolina food labels for cottage foods
Cottage foods must be packaged in North Carolina so that they don't get contaminated. On the package, there must be a label with the name of the product, the name and address of the manufacturer, the net weight of the product in ounces or pounds, and the equivalent weight in grams. Labels must also list all of the ingredients in order of how much of the total weight they make up.
Facts about cottage food in North Carolina:
There are many myths about cottage food. Here's what happened:

Food from a cottage is safe. When critics talk about the risk of food-borne illness, they give examples of what could go wrong that don't happen in real life.
Local food is cottage food. When people in the same area trade with each other, money stays in the area.
Food from a cottage is clear. When someone buys from a small-scale food producer, they know what they're getting. They can ask about ingredients, where the food comes from, or how safe it is.
Jobs are made by cottage food.
Many people who make food at home use the money they make to take care of their families. Others want a second or extra source of income.
Cottage food gives women more power.
IJ's research on cottage food shows that most of the people who make it are women, and many of them live in rural areas with few ways to make money.
Cottage food gives people more options.
Some stores don't carry the things you want. This is especially true if you follow a vegan, halal, kosher, or gluten-free diet. Cottage food fills in the gaps in the market, giving people more choices.
Cottage food sources in North Carolina
As part of its Food Freedom Initiative, the Institute for Justice gives home bakers and other food entrepreneurs access to a number of tools. These things are:
The Institute for Justice's Model Food Freedom Act is used to guide activism in state capitols all over the country.
Flour Power: How Cottage Food Entrepreneurs Are Using Their Home Kitchens to Become Their Own Bosses talks to 775 cottage food producers in 22 states about what their businesses mean to them.
Ready to Roll talks about nine lessons that can be learned from the Institute for Justice's victory in Wisconsin over cottage food.
The Attack on Food Freedom looks at how rules affect farmers, chefs, artists, restaurant owners, food truck owners, and other business owners.
Can I sell BBQ from my home in NC?
Tell about your time in North Carolina.
Is the government in North Carolina taking away your right to make your own food? Do you think you might have a case for IJ? Here's where to start:
Help pass laws in North Carolina
Work with the Institute for Justice to help North Carolina's cottage food laws grow. Send an email with your name, some information about yourself, and when you can get started.
Defending the freedom to cook at home across the country
People have the right to make an honest living without the government getting in the way too much. As part of its Food Freedom Initiative, the Institute for Justice has stood up for home bakers and chefs since 2013. Read about IJ's fight for food freedom all over the country...
All of the information, content, and materials on this site are for general information only and are not meant to be taken as legal advice. Laws, rules, and procedures can change at any time, and different facts and situations can change how they are used. If you have questions about how cottage foods are regulated in your area, you should talk to a lawyer who can help you through the process. Can I sell BBQ from my home in NC?