What foods can I sell from home in Texas [ List of APPROVED FOODS TO SELL ]

Posted by Damian Roberti on

What foods can I sell from home in Texas [ List of APPROVED FOODS TO SELL ]

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In September 2013, Texas passed an update to their cottage food law known as HB 970, which significantly removed the restrictions that were imposed by their initial cottage food statute (SB 81). In 2019, they passed yet another amendment (SB 572), which significantly widened its scope once more.

The state of Texas finally has a good cottage food law after many people worked to get the law improved. The state does not restrict where producers can sell their wares, therefore this includes internet sales that can be delivered anywhere in the state. The majority of states don't allow as many items as Texas does, and it's the only state that allows frozen produce, which is a first for classic cottage food laws. What foods can I sell from home in Texas [ List of APPROVED FOODS TO SELL ]

This law is subject to the following two primary exemptions: 1) The annual sales are capped at $50,000, and 2) Indirect sales channels, such as selling through grocery stores or retail shops, are not allowed.



What foods can I sell from home in Texas [ List of APPROVED FOODS TO SELL ]

Despite the fact that producers are not needed to obtain licenses from the health department, they (and their staff) are obliged to complete a food handler's training course. As a result, most people in Texas should have no trouble getting their home-cooked food businesses off the ground.

2015 saw the introduction of House Bill 2600, and 2017 saw the introduction of House Bill 1926; however, both of these bills were ultimately unsuccessful. Both pieces of legislation would have established a new category of home food business, which would have been referred to as "house food processors." There would have been no impact on the existing law governing cottage food. In-home food processors would have been allowed to sell their products in any setting (including indirect sales), ship their products inside the state of Texas, and produce a greater variety of foods (like perishable baked goods).What foods can I sell from home in Texas [ List of APPROVED FOODS TO SELL ]

Listing of Contents (Table of) Restrictions on the Kinds of Foods That Can Be Sold Business Labeling Resources Forum\sSelling Where can you sell the food that you've cooked at home?
Allowed Locations for Events Venues Farmers' markets, HomeOnlineRoadside stands
Services That Are Allowed
Delivery Home Pickup
Locations That Are Not Allowed
Restaurants Retail stores
Services That Are Not Allowed
You can sell things over the internet, but you have to hand deliver the items to each individual buyer. When a consumer buys for an item online, you are obligated to provide them with the most up-to-date labeling information. You are not permitted to give a retail store or business permission to sell on your behalf; but, you are permitted to set up a table or stand inside of a store and sell there.

What foods can I sell from home in Texas [ List of APPROVED FOODS TO SELL ]

Foods That Are Allowed What kinds of edible items can you sell from the comfort of your own home? Bread Bagels Bread made with bis bread Brownies Cakes Cookies Donuts Muffins Pizzelles Sweet bread Sweet bread Tortillas Candy Brittles
Candies that include alcoholic beverages Cotton saturated in alcohol Candied cotton candy Fudge Truffles Condimen
Nut butters OilPickles rds Nut butters OilPickles
Sauces S Dry sas Sauces
Arabica Coffee Beans Dried fruit Dried als Arabica Coffee Beans DriPasta noodle Ingredients for flavors and spices Leaves of tea and various other extracts






The foods that have been fermented. Frozen produce Complete extracts The foods that have been fermented. Frozen
Additional ce Whole eggs Pastrie
Acidified Cones OtFruit butters from Denmark As well as jams and serves Foods that are acidic
Caramel corn confections enrobed in chocolate The snack foods crackers and pretzels Fruit tanned in leather Products with a Granola Kettle coating Seeds and nuts both. Popcorn Chips made from vegetables
Foods That Are Not Allowed

 What foods can I sell from home in Texas [ List of APPROVED FOODS TO SELL ]

cooked items that expire quickly canned rn that is low in acidity Vegetable foods with a carbonated bite Meat jerkies Pet food
There is a good chance that there are even more foods that are off limits, but the ones listed above have been verified.
If you sell foods that have been acidified (pickled) or fermented, you are required to adhere to certain additional guidelines. When it comes to fermented foods, you are only permitted to consume fermented vegetables like sauerkraut and kimchi.


What foods can I sell from home in Texas [ List of APPROVED FOODS TO SELL ]

Fruit butters are only permitted if they are highly acidic or have been acidified, and their ultimate pH must be 4.6 or lower. If you are in the business of selling frozen produce, you are required to store it at a temperature of 32 degrees or lower at all times. As of 2019, the regulations governing the sale of products containing alcohol (such as confections, extracts, and so on) have been relaxed, and it is no longer necessary to obtain a special license to sell these products.

 You are permitted to sell entire eggs at farmer's markets; however, the legislation stipulates that you must comply with the following additional regulations before doing so: You cannot sell eggs elsewhere. It is required that all foods be "non-potentially hazardous," yet there are some non-PHFs that may not be permitted. The majority of foods that do not require refrigeration (items that do not contain meat, dairy, etc.) are not thought to pose any significant health risks. Find out more.
Limitations How will your home-based food business be evaluated other than in terms of its potential?
It is against the rules to use commercial equipment. Kitchens used for commercial purposes are not allowed. Only retails via direct contact. It is illegal to make sales over state lines. Home base or primary house Sales limit
It's possible that there are further restrictions, but the ones listed above have been verified.

What foods can I sell from home in Texas [ List of APPROVED FOODS TO SELL ]

There is a yearly cap of $50,000 placed on sales.
What steps are required to start a food business from your own home?

A training program for those who handle food

You (and your workers) are required to participate in a food handler training program that has been officially recognized. There is a wide variety of options available to select from, including online courses that typically range in price from $10 to $15 and can be finished in a few hours' time.

Prerequisites for foods that have been pickled, acidified, or fermented

If you sell foods that have been acidified (pickled) or fermented, you are required to adhere to certain additional guidelines.

The first thing you have to do is check that all of your goods have a pH of 4.6 or lower. There are two different approaches to take here:

You are free to utilize a tried-and-true recipe. On its website, the Department of Health has provided a list of recipe sources that have been approved. If you want to use your own recipe, you may get it approved by having it tested in a laboratory or by having it approved by a process authority. Both of these options are available to you if you want to use your own recipe.
Using a pH meter that has been properly calibrated, you are able to determine the final pH of each batch.


What foods can I sell from home in Texas [ List of APPROVED FOODS TO SELL ]

Second, you are required to also add a batch number to each of these goods, and you need to keep records for a period of one year that include the following information:

The number of the batch
Recipe that was put to use
The original recipe, as well as the results of any testing
The date on which the batch was manufactured.

Cucumbers that have been pickled do not have to adhere to any of these guidelines.

A home cooking business cannot be prohibited by zoning regulations. If the local government tells you that you are not allowed to conduct business from your home, you should contest this decision.
How should items involving cottage food be labelled?
The label prohibits you from doing things
Location of the business
Business name
Title of the product
Cookies with Chocolate Chips Bearing a Sample Label

This food is prepared in a private residence and is not subject to inspection by either the Department of State Health Services or a municipal health department.

What foods can I sell from home in Texas [ List of APPROVED FOODS TO SELL ]

Bills Cake Company 

527 blue street anywhere Tx, 25104

dairy products, eggs, wheat, and soy products

If you conduct business over the internet, you are obligated to provide the consumer with all labeling information (with the exception of your residential address) before you accept payment from them. Although it is not required that you post your home address online, you must still include it on the actual label(s) that come with your order. This is the case even if it is not required that you post your address online.

If you sell products that have been acidified (pickled) or fermented, you are required to affix a batch number to each individual item and preserve records of batches for a period of one year.

If you are going to sell frozen produce, you are required to include the following information on the label: "SAFE HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS: To prevent disease from bacteria, keep this product frozen until it is prepared for eating." (12-point kind)