Do you need a license to sell baked goods from home in New York

Do you need a license to sell baked goods from home in New York
The NY Cottage Food Law
Most states have cottage food laws so that entrepreneurs can start a food business without having to spend a lot of money on a commercial kitchen right away. The goal of the NY cottage food law is to boost the economy and give people who cook at home a chance to try out their ideas before moving to a larger scale.
There are many different kinds of cottage food businesses that can be started in New York. Even though New York is neither the easiest nor the hardest state to get a permit to sell food from home, people who are interested can get started pretty easily. There are some rules to follow in New York, but they are not too hard to understand.
Do you need a license to sell baked goods from home in New York
If you want to sell food from your home legally in New York, you can do so with certain non-hazardous foods. Legal foods are ones that don't need to be kept cold or at a certain temperature. Read on to find out how you can get a license to sell food in New York.
With the cottage food laws, people who want to start a catering business out of their homes in New York are out of luck. Most catering products need to be kept at a certain temperature, so it is against the law to sell them from anywhere but a commercial kitchen.

Do you need a license to sell baked goods from home in New York
Cottage Food Law in New York
The New York cottage food law says that there is no way to sell food without a permit. The Department of Agriculture and Marketplaces needs to be told about every type of business. But it is free to sign up! Most states don't do this often. Better still, your enrollment never expires unless you move. Also, there is no need for an inspection. The only duration your kitchen will be checked is if someone gets sick and a complaint is made.
Now that we've talked about how to get a permit to sell things from home, let's talk about some other rules you need to know. People who run food businesses out of their homes can have a website and advertise online. They can even sell their homemade foods on the internet. The answer to the question, "Do I need a license to sell home-cooked food in New York?" is no. Just registering will be enough. Even better, cottage food products can be sold to people who live in New York. Most other states don't even allow shipping within the state, let alone online sales. But you can't sell cottage food products outside of the state of New York.
Most food products that aren't dangerous and don't need to be kept at a certain temperature can be sold. If you want to know if you need a license to sell baked goods from residence, the answer is no. Cottage food laws cover baked goods. The New York Department of Agriculture and Markets says that these foods can be sold:
Do you need a license to sell baked goods from home in New York

Breads (fruit and/or vegetable-filled breads are not allowed)
Cinnamon rolls and/or rolls
Biscotti (No chocolate or candy melts allowed for topping) (No chocolate or candy melts allowed for topping)
Cake pops (No chocolate or candy melts allowed for topping)
Double-crust fruit pies
High acid/low pH fruits are used to make jams, jellies, and marmalades (i.e. Apple, apricot, blackberry, blueberry, cherry, clementine, cranberry, currants, elderberry, grape, grapefruit, lemon, lime, nectarine, orange, peach, pear, pineapple, plum, raspberry and strawberry)
Commercially dried spices or herbs that are repackaged or mixed
Repackaging dried or dehydrated vegetables.
Putting dry soup mixes in new boxes
Repackaging dried fruit
Putting dry pasta in new packages (The manufacturing and drying of pasta is prohibited)
Repackaging dry baking mixes
Seasoning salt

Popcorn/caramel corn
Peanut candy
Rice Krispies treats
Trail mix and granola (using commercially roasted nuts)
Granola Bars (using commercially roasted nuts)
Candies can be repackaged, except for chocolate, which can't be melted or repackaged once they've been exposed.
Waffle cones and Pizzelle
Caramel or toffee apples (Candy melts are not allowed)
Confections (Includes toffees, caramels, hard candies) (Includes toffees, caramels, hard candies)
Potato chips (There are also potato chips)
Custom pastries or foods made in a home kitchen are not allowed. These can only be made in a professional kitchen. For example, you can't sell wedding cakes or cookies that have been decorated and are made to order from your home. But you can sell regular wedding cakes and cookies that are decorated. This is because when you sign up, you will have to give a full list of everything you will sell. You can only buy these things. You can't sell custom goods because you can't describe them on your registration form until you get them.

Food License from New York State
People who want to sell things that don't fit under the cottage food law will have to get a food processor license NY, also called a New York state food license. There isn't any such thing as a NY license for a home bakery. The NYS Department of Agriculture is in charge of food licenses for both baked goods and ready-made meals.
The process to get this license is quick and easy, which is good news. The paperwork can be taken care of in just six days. The following must be shown in order to get the license:
Information about the owners, officers, etc.
Advice on how to make food
Foods on the
a certificate from a Food Safety Course, if needed.
EIN or SSN Fees for Workers' Compensation ($400)
Form FSI-303 must have all of the above information attached to it. The license is good for two years after it has been approved. At the end of two years, you have to send in the form, the above information, and the fee to the date. Those who are wondering, "Do you need a permit to sell food on the side of the road?" and "How do I get a permit to sell food on the street?" must also get a "food vendor license."

Food safety is the job of the NYS Health Department.
When it comes to cottage food businesses, the NYS health department's food safety rules say that these businesses don't need a food permit from the Department of Health. The NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets Division of Food Safety, which is also known as the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets license and the NYS food safety certification, may be needed by anyone who wants to sell homemade food at farmer's markets.
Local governments will have different rules about farm stands NY. Aside from the rules for farmers' markets in New York state, each farmers' market can require food vendors to have a license from the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. People who only want to sell at one farmer's market may find that the temporary food permit from the state of New York works better for them.
Cottage food laws in New York state mean that a home-based business that sells food does not need to apply for a food service establishment permit. But they will have to meet strict rules about how they are labeled. This is to let people know that the food they are eating comes from a home kitchen that hasn't been inspected. Along with the fact that it was made in a home kitchen, the label must also say:
Do you need a license to sell baked goods from home in New York
Common name of the product, list of ingredients in order of most weight, allergens, if any, net amount of contents, and name and full address of the manufacturer.
Even though there are no inspections or safety rules required by the cottage food laws, it is important to use common sense. The most important thing should be safety. If you wouldn't feed it to your own family, you shouldn't serve it to your customers. If a customer makes a complaint, the state will check out a cottage food business. If things aren't clean, the place can be closed for a while.
Some of the best things that New York home-based cottage food businesses do are:
Do you need a license to sell baked goods from home in New York
Between batches, clean and sanitize the equipment.
Clean everything between each recipe.
Keep ingredients in containers with clear labels.
Don't use ingredients that are too old.
Don't let kids or pets into the kitchen.
Wash your hands often.
Luckily, it's easier to start a cottage food business in New York than in most other states. Since there are no limits on how much a person can sell, they could (in theory) run their cottage food business for many years. But if you want to start selling to other states, you might want to think about opening your own commercial kitchen when that becomes a good idea.

The Newyork Cottage Food Law
The Cottage Food industry gives you the chance to work for yourself, do what you love, be your own boss, and make people happy. What could you want more of? Well, there are some barriers to entry that you should know about, such as the best ways to market, how to set up a workable home kitchen, how to deal with customers and partners, and how to put your ideas into action after coming up with and building your own home-based food business.
Modern psychology and neuroscience tell us that it takes two different kinds of brains to come up with a business idea and to run a business. The letter needs a creative mind, while the first one needs a careful mind. That means that going from an idea to an actual business is a big leap of faith. But that's a different story. In the meantime, we'll be learning as much as we can about cottage food law, especially NY cottage food law.
State laws about cottage food will vary a lot. Some states have a lot of rules, while others don't. Because we are worried about the cottage food laws in New York, we will have to deal with some of the strictest laws you are likely to find. The good news is that if you can sell food from your home in New York City, you probably can do it anywhere else in the country. So get ready to draw from the never-ending supply of New York pride!
In this article, we'll try to answer some of the most common questions we get about this topic, such as:
Do you need a license to sell baked goods from home in New York
Do I need a license to sell food that I made myself?
2. How do I get a license to make food at home?
3. How can I get around the laws about cottage food?
The answer to question 1 is yes, you do need a license, even if it's just your business license, to sell homemade food in New York. But there's more to it than that, and we'll talk about that later.
The answer to question 2 is that you can find your state's food laws on the website of the state government and follow them exactly. Be careful, because a harsh response could happen if you don't follow the rules, instructions, and demands exactly.
The answer to the third question is that you shouldn't try to get around the laws about cottage food. It's not worth getting caught, because of what will happen. You could get hit with huge fines, go to jail, or even lose your right to run your own business in New York.
Do you need a license to sell baked goods from home in New York
Residents of New York should follow the law if they want to get a home bakery license and keep it. They aren't just there to take your money; they are also there to protect you from people who try to sell cheap products that could be dangerous. So, there is a bright side to your bad news.
The New York Cottage Food Law of 2022
In the past few years, New York's cottage laws have gone through many changes. Some may make doing business easier, while others may make it harder. In either case, you'll need to know what foods you can and cannot legally sell from a home bakery. Let's take care of that right away.
Cottage foods can be sold in New York City.
baked goods that don't need to be kept cold
Jam, jelly, and marmalade are traditional ways to preserve fruit.
Candies besides chocolate
Herbs and spices that were dried for sale and then repackaged
Popcorn, caramel corn, and peanut brittle are examples of snacks.
Cottage foods CANNOT be sold in New York City.

Fruit or vegetable-filled bread products
Foods that are pickled or fermented
Cheesecake, pastries with cream filling, and cakes that need to be kept cold.
We eat meat, fish, and birds.
Vegetable oils and blended oils
Products with nuts that have not been cooked
Oil with garlic or herbs
Wine jellies, vegetable jellies, chutney, and fruit butter
Fruits and vegetables that have been cooked or put in jars
Cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products with a lot of liquid
Sauces, salsas, and marinades
As you might guess, New York City's cottage food laws have changed a lot over the years. Regulators and people who want to share, sell, and eat home-cooked food made nearby are always pulling and pushing each other. People can't get a license to sell food from home or keep their New York state food license because there are so many rules and regulations.
One of these confusing and confusingly written laws is the one that says you can't sell chocolate but you can sell other kinds of candy. A law that is so contradictory is sure to make people mad. Since this is the case, New Yorkers often send letters to their local politicians, and politicians often base their campaign promises on popular issues like cottage food licenses. People spend a lot of time at City Hall trying to find out if they can sell food from their home in New York. Most of the time, the answers they get aren't good enough.
Even so, New York's cottage food laws have become less strict since 2018. In 2020, they became more lenient again, but there are still some things to watch out for. As always, change is the only real normal. Our opening paragraphs were harsh because things can always go back and get stricter, and you will have to deal with those changes if and when they happen. If we had to pick one top tip, it would be to stay flexible and expect regulatory changes in this industry.
Most states will change their cottage food laws by passing bills. Instead of making new laws, New York changed the ones that were already in place. When it comes to breaking the rules, New York seems to be the best.
Changes to New York's Cottage Food Law for 2020 and 2021
Anywhere in New York State, you can now make and sell your own food. It could be sold to stores and restaurants. Food can be sold and shipped within the state if it is done online. That doesn't mean you can't send food out of state, though. Many New Yorkers who are fed up think that's what it means, and we can see why. But if you sell to people in another state, make sure you know what the rules are for that type of food in that state. If you don't, you could lose the sale to the police.
Home chefs in New York City need to sign up with the state Department of Agriculture. But signing up is now free and much easier than it used to be. Some dry ingredients, like spices, nut and soup mixes, and more, have to be made by a business. This is because of the COVID-19 measure of 2020, which says that a NYC home processor must be used. Here is a link to the full list of the more than 8,000 registered processors.
Exemption for Home Processors in NY
You will need a home processor exemption, NY, if you want to make and sell certain kinds of baked goods, snack mixes, or jams. This means you are not an official registered processor, but you have an exception that lets you process restricted cottage foods at home anyway. To get the exception, you must follow two rules, which are explained below;

Rule 1
"All items must be used to sell products at wholesale or retail, including at farms, stands, farmers markets, green markets, craft fairs, flea markets, home delivery, or over the internet.
Rule 2
"All items must be sold in New York State and must be pre-packaged and labeled as needed. It is against the rules to package food at an agricultural event (like a craft fair, farmers market.
The site goes on to tell people, "Before you start a home-based business, check with your local zoning officials for approval."
Most people have good sense. They think, "If I can get an exemption to process at home, then it can't be that important." Maybe these people are right. But the law will usually be used against you if there are fines, fees, and prosecutorial wins to be had. In short, if you are serious about selling food from your home, you should get your NY home processor exemption. People always ask us if the time and money it takes to get a New York cottage food license is worth it. How serious you are about selling food from home will determine the answer.
The rules only say where you can sell certain kinds of food. Other rules that you have to follow to get your NY cottage food license will tell you how to make the food that you sell. But the answer to the question of whether or not it's worth it to get a home processor license in NY depends on how seriously you take cottage food cooking as a business.
Do you want to spread the word about a serious or well-known restaurant, farm, bakery, or other business? Do you want to be a "cottage chef" and sell food from your home under your own label? If you said yes to either of these questions, you should follow New York's cottage food law and do whatever you need to do to sell food legally from your home. If you want to sell baked goods from home in New York, you need a license and a permit.
In short, you should get your license, permits, and processor exemption if you want to build a legal business and keep it going, and if you care about your own and your family's safety. It will be very hard. But there is a huge demand for fresh and interesting cottage foods in New York City. If you work hard, jump through hoops, and give buyers what they want, it will be worth it.
Do you need a license to sell baked goods from home in New York